Summer Weekend Turns into Something More [MF] [TAME]

This is a true story and I am sorry if it’s a little long. This takes places back in 1990, long before many of the technologies we take for granted today even existed. While the dialogue and all of the details may not be exact, I hope it captures the mood and how I was feeling at the time. Read on…


**My Story:**
I was working at a decent job and living at home so all of my money went in the bank. It was not long before I had bought myself a new car (a black Jeep) and planned to take two months off of work to backpack around Europe (that is another story). This story takes place in the spring leading up to my European Adventure. It was spring, I was 22 and had just lost a lot of weight. through diet and exercise so I was feeling pretty good about myself. Being overweight all through high school meant that I did not have much of a social life outside of my gang of geeky friends and Dungeons & Dragons. Working, earning and loosing weight really boosted my confidence but I was still shy as hell around girls. Even at work, I was the sweet guy. The friend who all the girls talked to and confided in knowing I would never try anything with them. Being the safe one and having lots of girls **for** friends also made me see all girls **as** friends first and made me oblivious to any advances, hence, when this story starts I was still a virgin. I had never gone to a major university so, when my sister went away I kind of went away to college with her. Having the weekends to myself, I had no issues driving the 2 hours up to hangout with her and her roommates. Her friends became mine and I found myself spending more and more time up there with them. Her one roommate, Dan (who we all knew had the hots for her but she was clueless about) had a friend in another class who lived up in Petosky. He made plans with his friend to go up during the summer recess and asked me if I wanted to go too. “Sure” I said “sounds like a blast”.


Fast forward a couple of months and I have the a long weekend (Friday and Monday) off work. Dan, myself, Dan’s best friend Pete and Pete’s girl Cindy all meet at Dan’s place and park our cars in his driveway. We all hand our keys to his dad as we have made plans to take his dad’s conversion van up for the ride. We all pile in and off we go. No sooner are we on I-75 then Pete lights up a Djarum. Dan gets all panicky because those things pop like crazy and he doesn’t want to make a mess of his dad’s van. No sooner had he begun panicking then sure enough. Pop. Burn. “SHIT” shouts Dan. “Cool off” Pete barks back as he flips the cigarette out the window. “Party pooper”. With that Pete and Cindy move further back in the van and begin giggling. “If you’re going to fuck at least use a towel” Dan yells. “I don’t want my dad finding spoog all over his van too”. “What the fuck did I get myself into” I think “Only 4 more hours until we get there”


Well, we arrive with no more incidents. Thankfully, Pete and Cindy are both aglow from their van session so no more arguments occur. We drive in and Dan hands me a hand-drawn map. “Here’s her directions” he says. I look at the directions, drawn on the back of a bar napkin (hey kids, this was before phones and GPS) and think to myself “WTF?”. Luckily, I have a great sense of direction and as soon as I see one landmark, then the next, I know exactly where we are and direct Dan to where we need to be.


We pull into this little subdivision and it really is like pulling into another world. Cute old houses, all well maintained, row after row. We find the house on the map and Dan pulls into the driveway. We get out and we all stretch our legs and I’m helping take bags out when Dan’s friend comes running out “Leave the bags in the van, we’re staying on the boat”. Now, up until this point we had just referred to Dan’s friend in the third person like “My friend asked me if we would like to come up for a week this summer” and “we’ll be staying at my friend’s house in Petosky” and me, my mind being what it was, had just assumed that Dan’s friend would be a guy. Nope. Upon hearing the voice I turn around and I see her. She is the cutest little thing. Maybe 5’ 2” tall, 110 lbs, short brown hair with deep green eyes. She gives Dan a big hug smiling at him and I think to myself “Is there something going on between them?” She releases Dan and asks him to introduce us all so he does. “This is Pete and his girlfriend Cindy” Dan says motioning toward the pair. “I’ve told you about them and…” She cuts him off “and who is this?” she asks, smiling at me. “Sorry” He says. “This is Robert, errrr, Bob. Katie’s brother” At the mention of my sisters name her smile turns to a frown. “Oh. Hey there then. I’m Rebecca” she says as she turns back to Dan. “Come on now, let’s get to the boat”. We all climb in, me giving up the front seat as she is now the co-pilot directing us to the pier, to the boat where we will be staying. “Oy” I think, “This is going to be a fun weekend… Not.”


We arrive at the pier, park and all get out. I grab my luggage and Dan’s while he and Rebecca walk to the boat. We hurriedly follow behind trying to guess which one is her family’s. We finally arrive and she says, “Here, this is us”. “Maybe this’ll be alright after all” I think. We walk aboard and she shows us around. The boat is probably a 50 footer. We take our bags below. “There is a private bedroom at the aft of the boat” she says motioning to her left. “Pete and Cindy will get that since, well…” she trails off. “We’ll be at the bow, here”. We step down into a compartment down below and it opens up to a half-circle bench seat with a table in the middle. She explains that the table moves down and there are cushions that we can use to make this one big where Dan, myself and Rebecca will sleep. We all get our gear stashed and she asks us what we want to do. “Let’s drink” Pete says as he cracks open the first of many beers.


The party is just getting started when a few more of Rebecca’s friends show up. Truth be told, being so long ago, I can’t remember their names but, for the point of the story lets call them Amy and Steve. Rebecca does the introductions and makes it a point to mention that Amy and Steve are not a couple (but she’ll later describe them to me as FWB). “Let’s go up top” Rebecca squeals, grabbing Amy’s hand. Pete follows, holding Cindy’s hand. I look at Dan and give him the radio as I grab the cooler. We make our way to the bow, taking care not to fall into the water. We are not drunk yet but it is still a delicate task, walking along the side while holding gear in your hands. Dan sits down next to Rebecca and plunks the radio down then tries his best to find a station with some decent music on it. “You won’t find anything up here” Rebecca says. Dan, ever the music snob sighs aloud. “I have some John Denver down below” says Rebecca. Dan squishes his nose up and sulks off to the van to retrieve some music. I take Dan’s empty spot next to Rebecca and plop the cooler down in the middle of us. Being shy, and needing something to do, I crack open a beer to keep my hands  and mouth busy. I slowly nurse the beer sipping it little by little so as not to get sucked into an awkward situation. Hard as I try it doesn’t work. “You’re pretty quiet there” says Steve. “What’s your story”. “Um, nothing” I say, “I’m pretty average. Nothing much to tell.” Just then I hear Dan’s voice. “Nothing much to tell. Shit. You’re about to take off for a 2 month adventure in Europe in September. I wouldn’t call that nothing”. I blush as he sits down opposite me and starts leafing thru his CD case. “Really!” pipes up Rebecca, speaking to me directly for the first time all day. “Tell us more”. Dan pops in Pretty Hate Machine and I begin to tell them of the plans I had made. “Well, it’s really nothing” I start. “Nothing” Dan interjects “I wish I had the balls”. I blush when he says this. I hate being the center of attention but continue. “I fly into Dublin and from there I go to Belfast followed by London. A few days in London and then Brussels, Amsterdam and Berlin. From there I go to Budapest, Vienna, Salzburg, Venice, Rome, Florence, then off to Nice to visit friends and lastly Paris.” Rebecca’s eyes widen at the mention of Paris but I take no real notice of it. The drinking continues as does the talking. With the mention of my trip, all of the talking seems to have taken on a European flavor. People are talking about their favorite countries, favorite beers, favorite wines, cheeses and foods. With the mention of sausage Pete pulls out a 3 foot beef jerky stick he had picked up in town. “This is my favorite food” he shouts. He takes one end and begins to eat it. Everyone begins laughing as Dan grabs the other end and begins to eat toward Pete. They get close to finishing and meet somewhere in the middle and stop short of kissing as they both burst out laughing, spilling beers all over the deck. “Shit” shouts Rebecca as she runs down below to grab some towels. She begins mopping up and I offer to help. She looks over at Dan who offers a sheepish “Sorry”. “Where should we put these”? I ask. “Just hang them on the rails here. No use the cabin smelling any more like beer than it already does”. I finish placing my towels on the rails and say “I’m gonna hit the head” and pop down to the berth below. I finish up, wash my hands and exit only to find Rebecca there, sitting on what was the couch but has now been turned into the bed. “It’s getting late” she says. “I figured I turn these into beds before we don’t feel like it or can’t actually do it”. “Do you mind giving me a hand with the sheets”? “Not at all” I say. She hands me a corner and our hands touch, she lets her fingers linger but, oblivious, I go about making what will be our bed. “All done” she says. “I’m kinda light headed. I’m just going to lay down. Will you keep me company”. Sure” I say as she lays down on the bed and I lay down at the other end. Now, clearly frustrated enough that even I can notice she moves over closer to me. I nervously squirm, not really knowing what to make of the situation I have found myself in. “Are you nervous” she asks me. “Umm, a little” I say. “You’re, ummm, really pretty and. Umm. I am getting the feeling that. Umm. That”. And with that she leaned in, brushed my cheek and kissed me tenderly on the lips. “That I wanted you to kiss me?” she says. “Yeah. That.” I whisper back. With that we fall back on the bed. We embrace as I run my fingers through her hair. She rolls over and pulls me atop her, her hands moving up and down my back and our tongues exploring each others mouths. This goes on for what seems like forever and I did not want it to end. I could have honestly kissed her for hours but just then we both hear a noise in the galley. “Hey, Rebecca, Bob, you guys in here”? “Shit, it’s Dan.” I say. “Yeah” shouts Rebecca “Just making the bed for us”. “Awesome” he says. “I’m beat” And with that, he passed out right between us. I covered him up and then we went back up to join the party. It lasted another hour before we all called it a night. Pete and Cindy retired to the  aft cabin (where I can only imagine that they fucked like bunnies) while Rebecca and I fell asleep on either side of Dan, looking at each other as we drifted off to sleep, smiling.


Morning came and Rebecca and I were the first to wake. “Come on” she said. “Lets go get coffee”. We grabbed Dan’s keys as he was still passed out and pulled out of the marina. “Turn left” she said and we drove for a couple of miles. “Turn in here” she said so I did and we came up to a light house. She gets out and takes her shoes off so I follow suit. We start walking out to the rock pier and I am still replaying all that went on last night. I thought it was a dream but when she grabs my hand and entwines her fingers in mine I know it was real. We walk along the rocks, soaking in the atmosphere when she breaks the silence. “I really did not want to like you” she says. “Everything that Dan has told me about your sister”. I cut her off “I am not my sister but she is not a bad per…”. “Well, regardless” she interjects “the more I got to know you last night the more I wanted to get to know you. You know” she says looking at me, crooking her head. This is all new territory for me. I am truly racking my brain, trying to process all of my emotions and thoughts and my mouth does not to cooperate with my brain and my tongue is feeling all dry and I’m horse as well. We get to a rocky surf break and sit down. She shivers and I hand her my sweat jacket, placing it over her shoulders, putting my arm around her and pulling her close. “Yeah” I say, kind of quietly and unsure. “I would really like to get to know you more as well and I would love for you to get to know me. I’m not used to that though so… well… I hope you’ll bear with me while I figure this all out. Plus, we need to tell Dan” I say. ”I think HE likes YOU”. She smiles and cuddles up against me to get warm and sigh. “We’ll figure it out”. We sit there for a few more minutes (but it was actually more like closer to an hour) just enjoying the quiet and the warmth of each other before I say, “Now, let’s get that coffee”.


We arrive back at the boat with coffee and donuts to find everyone up already. “Where were you guys” asks Dan. “We went to get coffee and got lost” I say. Rebecca has to save me “I forgot there was construction on the main road and we made a few wrong turns. Just took a little longer than we planned”. Phew, I thought. I need to tell Dan just to make sure he’s cool but no use ruining the weekend. We eat and drink as we make plans for the day. Rebecca knows of this place that the local kids go to so we plan on hitting that and relaxing before coming back to the boat for the night. We pack up and go to the party store to grab some provisions for the day and head out to the beach. She takes us to this little parking lot where we kind of walk thru this trail to a lagoon. When I see it my jaw drops. It is the most crystal clear blue water I have ever seen. I thought we were in the Caribbean it was so blue. We setup our blankets, the radio, the cooler and just kind of hang out. We race around the lagoon acting crazy and having fun. I really do not remember all that happens. I only have a few black and white photos of that day. Pete sitting on the ground with a big sand-penis he had made. Dan and Pete deep-throating another 3 foot-long beef jerky stick. Pete shoving sand down the bikini top of Cindy and one picture of Rebecca, looking wistfully off into the distance, that I took when she was not looking. I will always remember her at that moment and still have that photo safely tucked away. The rest of the day carried on like this and soon, it was time to get back to the boat. We all piled into the van and grabbed a few pizzas on the ride back. As it was beginning to look like rain, we ate the pizzas inside the cabin that doubled as our bedroom. After several hours and some more beer we all began yawning and all agreed sleep was needed. Since I had helped the night before, Rebecca asked me to help with the bed again as Pete and Cindy retired to the aft bedroom. Once in position Dan jumped in the middle just as he had done the night before and was fast asleep before either Rebecca and I. She rolled over on her side and propped her head up on her bent arm. She looked at me and smiled. “I’m not tired” she said, “Are you”? “No” I said trying to hide my yawn. She stood up, grabbed a blanket, and walked to the cabin door and placed a finger in front of her lips. I got the signal and crawled out making sure not to wake a sleeping Dan. She silently opened the door, took my hand and led me to the bow of the boat. She threw the blanket down and we laid down next to each other looking at the stars. It had been the first time since this morning that we had been alone but the morning seemed so long ago. She entwined her fingers in mine and nestled her head below mine, on my chest. “This feels so good” she cooed “so right”. I sighed, silently assenting. She rolled over and placed her arms on my chest, resting her chin there, looking me in the eyes. Her eyes said all there needed to be said. “My friends and I always joked around about guys” she whispered. “About the right guy and how you would know them when you found them”. “Oh, you did, did you”. She let out a chuckle “Silly… all girls do. We called our perfect me Monet Men”. Sensitive, inquisitive, artistic, and, of course, handsome.” With a gleam in her eye she continued “I had all about forgotten about those childhood days until you mentioned Paris” she said. “I think you are my Monet Man”. With that she leaned forward and we kissed, uninterrupted. The first kiss of ours, last night, was tender, the second and third were exploring. This one was entirely different. We both knew how we felt and, more importantly, how the other felt. With this kiss all the tension, all the worries, the whole world melted away. It was just the two of us and the night. It lasted for what seemed an eternity and, at the same time, just a split second. When our lips parted and the sigh escaped her mouth I stopped, not know what would come next. What she would expect. What she would want. Luckily, she was content to place her head on my chest as the first yawn escaped her lips. She stretched her arms up and around my neck as I held her tight to me. Another yawn found us both and I grabbed the blanket to cover us as sleep took us.


I awoke to birds cawing as they flew overhead. I looked down at Rebecca, still on my chest and in my arms and it all came back. I did not want to move but we needed to. We should not have fallen asleep up here. I raised my head and woke her with a kiss. Even thru morning breath she smiled at me. “We need to get below” I said. “Before the others wake up”. She looked at me with a pout on her face “What if I don’t want to” she said as she gripped me tighter. “No excuses” I said sitting up. “Scoot”. With that we walked back, dragging our blanket behind. Entering the cabin we were greeted by snores. “She” she whispered turning to leave. “Nope” I hushed and pulled her back inside. “Lets at least lay down next to each other” she whispered. “What are you two doing up again” a groggy Dan croaked. “Shit, it’s like…” he said looking at his watch “it’s like 7 o’clock”. “I woke early, you know, body is used to getting up early for work” I said as an excuse. “Not like you, you slacker” I said throwing the blanket at him. He ducked it but still hit his head on the cabin wall and fell over. “You owe me for waking me up” Dan replied, rubbing his head and getting up. “Let’s get breakfast and let Pete and Cindy fuck” he said exiting the cabin into the bright morning light. Rebecca just looked at me as she bit her lip. Squeezing my hand as we followed Dan outside. We found a diner and all got a nice breakfast and lots of coffee, soaking up all of last nights libations. “So, what is on the agenda for today” asked Dan”. “Up to you sleepy-head” Rebecca teased. “I dunno” he said. “I’ve probably drunk two cases in just as many days. I’m not sure I can drink anymore. Let’s just kinda hang out today. Relax before we need to head back. It’s our last night here”. Rebecca squeezed my hand when Dan said that and we looked at each other sideways. “How about just hanging out at my house” she said. “We could barbecue”. “That’s perfect” Dan said, “but no drinking… at least not until noon. We picked up food and went back to the boat where we found Pete and Cindy in various states of dress. We told them our plans and drove back to Rebecca’s house. We walked in and Rebecca showed me where to put everything. She made the introductions that were never made when we arrived. Mom, Dad, little brother Bryan and older sister Laura. She told us to make ourselves comfortable in the front room as she grabbed her mothers hand. We all sat down in typical guys sitting with a Dad they just met we just kinda sat there until someone  asked if the Tigers were on. Saved by baseball. The TV went on and we did not have to try hard to make any uncomfortable conversation. Rebecca’s dad cracked a beer and looked at us. Rebecca was upstairs for what seemed like hours. By the time she came down, the game was already in the 8th inning and we had downed at least three beers apiece all in awkward silence. Taking a seat next to Don, followed by her mom who stops and asks me, “Can I get your help in the kitchen, I understand you are a good cook”. Puzzled, I look over at Dan then Rebecca. Rebecca smiles as I get up. “Sure, what do you need Mrs. Connor”? With that, she took my hand and we walked to the kitchen. She handed me a baking sheet and we loaded up the hamburgers and hot dogs we had bought that afternoon, along with some pineapple we planned on barbecuing. She led me outside to the grill and we fired it up. “So, Rebecca and I had quite a talk upstairs” she said. I gulped “Yes Mam”. “Oh… don’t worry… you seem like a really sweet boy… you are fine… I… uh… I just want to make sure you no one gets hurt” she said. “Mam” I interjected “I’m not sure what you mean. Rebecca and I… we… we…”. She cut me off “I’m not worried about my daughter”. Not letting her finish like I should have, I pronounced “I mean to tell Dan as soon as I can”. “I’m not sure you get my point but you seem determined. OK, then lets just get cooking then”. Grilling did not take long and soon we were calling for the table to be set. Rebecca’s mom made sure to seat Rebecca and I next to one another and Dan across from us. Pulling Rebecca’s chair out to let her sit then taking my seat I surveyed the table. “Dig in” her dad said and plates began to get passed. I waited patiently as people took what they wanted. When it was my turn, I leaned forward to get a hamburger and in the process knocked my glass of water over, drenching Rebecca’s lap. She jumped causing her chair to fly and tipping an additional glass over on herself and the floor. “Shit” I exclaimed grabbing a napkin and wiping the floor “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. Damn! That to!” Her dad just sat back and laughed watching me clean the floor. Rebecca knelt down and whispered “If you wanted to get me out of my pants there are easier ways” Hearing this I blushed and got up quickly, hitting my head on the table causing another glass to fall and soak my shirt. “Where are the towels I asked turning around to see her Mom standing there. “Here dear, try these”. “Thank you Mam” I said as I cleaned up the rest. Rebecca grabbed my hand and pulled me away form the table. “Lets toss those in the drier and get some dry clothes on”. She led me to the laundry room where she tossed the towels in the drier. Digging thru a laundry basket she found a shirt of her brothers. “Here, try this, it looks like it will fit”. I took the shirt and, self-consciously took mine own off. As I was pulling it over my head I felt Rebecca’s fingertips trail over my chest and down my abs. I shivered at her touch causing goosebumps to ripple over my bare torso. She took the shirt and tossed that too in the dryer. Rummaging again, she found some shorts and another of Bryan’s shirts and handed it to me. “Here” she said as she began to take her shirt and pants off. I spun around to face the bare wall. “Hey silly” she squealed, sounding hurt “You why did you do that”? “I’m sorry” I started “It’s just that… I’ve… I’ve…” Sensing my embarrassment she came over still not fully dressed and hugged me from behind. “It’s OK; I understand, you don’t have to say anything. I’m not going to rush you”. Looking at the floor I whispered “Thank you” and handed her the tee. Pulling it over she said “OK, safe to turn around”. We exited the laundry room and returned to the dinner that was almost gone. “Took you long enough” Dan scoffed. Her mom nuked the burgers and we finished up what was left. Dinner over we said our good-byes, thanks yous and I added an I’m sorry for good measure and returned to the boat. We did not stay up late as we planned to hit the road early to return home. We all got into what had become our accustomed positions in the respective beds. Dan, as usual was the first to fall asleep. Rebecca and I lay awake on either side of Dan smiling at each other. “So” she said looking at Dan. “We can try” I responded. I rose from the bed and tickled Dan’s nose with his sock. He swatted at it but stayed where he was. I tried this a few more times, unsuccessfully. Rebecca, frustrated and tired just gave him a big shove which had the desired result. He moaned “what, huh” then rolled to his right and fell fast asleep again. With the bed freed up now, I climbed in and took my place next to Rebecca. I took her in my arms and held her close to me, feeling her hot breath against my neck. She looked up at me and nestled her head against me, nibbling my neck and sighing. Not knowing what to do, I just did what felt right and began to run my fingers through her hair and down her back. Her hands soon moved under my shirt as she began to run them up and down my pecs and abs. MY nipples hardened which brought a giggle to her as she circled them lightly, bringing her fingers to her lips, wetting them and repeating the tease. I, in turn began to kiss her neck when I felt her free hand begin to drift southward. It got to my belt buckle and I tensed, grabbing her hand. Stunned, she stopped and looked at me. “What? Isn’t this what you want” she whispered. “Uh, it is… I think” I tried to reply, as best I could. “You think”? she said, obviously hurt. I pulled her close and nuzzled myself to her ear “Something you need to know… I have never actually… uh… done this before”.



  1. Well written! Look forward to reading part two :) I’m also curious what her mom meant by that.

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