Between Classes [MF]

A Race and Gender Politics freshman level class at a large university in the Midwest. Spring semester.
Dennis Tominsky, a freshman nineteen years of age, comes in to class late, as usual. He sits at his regular seat while the teacher glares at him. The teacher continues. Dennis has a smirk on his face and glazed eyes. Yup, he’s fucking high. He’s been baked pretty much since midnight last night, when he had a pot brownie left over from his pal’s party, plus a joint, plus a bowl. He didn’t get much sleep that night. He was engaged in certain other, er…recreational activities.

Dennis doesn’t take out his notebook or anything. He takes his backpack off, but he has an agenda in this class other than studying. He stares straight ahead, still with that smirk, his mind elsewhere, and turns to his right. He looks down his row at—

A fairly attractive girl in a white silk blouse. She wears a brown skirt and leggings. She does take notes. But something happens to her positioning once Dennis walks in. She doesn’t have to look at him to know he’s there. It’s only when she feels his eyes on her that she returns the gaze. She smiles only faintly. There’s a tinge of nervousness in the smile. A tinge of regret even? She goes back to taking notes. Dennis turns away from her.

The guy who sits beside Dennis, Jim, is intimidated by Dennis. Dennis has this worldly, hyper-experienced look to him. Once he mistakenly brushed against Dennis in the hall and Dennis immediately, as if on cue, stomped on his foot. Jim cried out. Dennis flashed him a quick grin. Then he changed expression immediately. He asked if Jim was okay. He looked sincere.

It freaked Jim out.

The other thing that Jim has noticed about Dennis is his odor. Aside from the times when he smells of pot, Jim sometimes smells something else coming from Dennis. Something bodily. It is only recently, since he finally got a girlfriend, since he finally got laid and got to try things out with her, that he’s realized what the smell is:

Pussy. Dennis frequently arrives at class smelling like pussy.

At the end of class, Dennis leaves pretty quickly. The girl in the white blouse lags behind. She asks the professor a question. She’s quite pleasant. Even the professor seems lecherously attracted to her, at some level. She leaves.

Oh by the way: the girl’s name is Courtney.

She goes out of the building and meets up with Dennis, who is lagging outside, staring in to space, as if surveying a kingdom. They exchange a couple words and move on.
Jim sees it all and thinks, Oh.

In the shower of her bathroom, under running water, Courtney’s cheek presses against the tiles and from her wide open mouth she yelps, Oh!
Yeah, Dennis is behind her, gripping her waist, fucking her against the shower wall. He isn’t even wearing a condom. He’s constantly dipping his fingers under the streams of water and delving them back between her legs, curving his hand in an arch and causing a mucking, squelching sound to emit from Courtney’s vag, which she responds to by moaning Oh! And other variations.
So there’s the sound of that, plus Dennis’ cock sliding in and out of her and the slapping sound of his nuts against her upper thighs. It’s good that his hands are stabilizing her waist because after a few more minutes of all this, Courtney has started to tremble. She claws the tiles.
Outside the door, Donna, Courtney’s roommate approaches. She needs to pee. She just got back from jogging. She needs her roommate to get out.
She’s raising her fist to knock on the door when she hears—
That plus the shower running. A slapping sound. Then—
Ah ah ah ah
With the slapping speeding up.
Donna groans. She is not into this shit. She thinks about how she would never fuck someone in a shared shower. She would never even give a blowjob. It’s gross. It’s a shared space.
Courtney goes, FUCK!
And Donna thinks about how she’s never this loud either. Courtney’s either exaggerating for the guy (unlike her) or the sex is pretty terrific (unlikely).
Donna gets bold and bangs on the door.
“You guys better finish up pretty fucking soon, I’ve got a fountain in my bladder out here.”
A male voice, from the shower—
“Shut the fuck up!”
Donna knows that voice. She knows it from…when.
Oh God. From September. That guy she met the second week, who she did jello shots with, who she blew—in her bedroom—while wasted and had sex with three times afterward.
Who she broke things off with after he told her he’d been released from juvenile prison a year ago. And because he was fucking scary.
Slap slap slap muck (squelch) muck (squelch) aaaahhhhmmmm aaaaahhhmmmmm Ah!
Oh God. But the way he fucked…
Ah! Dennis! Ah!
Yes. Dennis.
The shower water went off. Suddenly, the sound of their bodies. Courtney’s O sounds muffled—
Mmmm mmmmm hmmmm aaaoohhhmmmmm
Few guys lasted this long. At least in Donna’s experience. But Dennis was one of them.
She felt a chill run up her spine. She felt afraid for Courtney. She didn’t want anything to happen to her. She wanted her to see through Dennis.
Donna walked down the hall to her room.
Aaaahhhhhhh…. (Inhales_ (Exhales).

Most young men would be content with some hot chick lubing up their junk between classes, but Dennis is not most young men. He isn’t even going to his afternoon class.
He walks across campus, dick stuck to boxers, gets into his dorm and notices a breeze and a bunch of clouds as he walks in. What a perfect time for a post-pot/post pussy nap.
In his dorm room, for two hours, he naps. He has to toss a pair of black silk panties to the floor to get a good nap in.
As he naps, his phone buzzes. A text message that he will later read lights up the screen.
It says, Hey Jim’s studying for some exam later 2night. I can come.
And she does.


1 comment

  1. I really don’t understand the premise; how is Jim related to any of this? Is he Courtney’s boyfriend? Also, which character is you? Are you actually Dennis and just a massive narcissist who write abt himself in the 3rd person?

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