Sleeping Beauty Awakes [Mf][BDSM][nc][anal insertion]

Maybe it was her adrenaline, maybe the discomfort of her body’s unnatural position, but Jenna emerged from unconsciousness to a drugged haze to see herself in a brick room filled with wine racks. Her jaw hurt from the rubber ball shoved in her mouth, held by leather straps across her tangled in her hair. Her hands yanked against the hard zip ties binding her wrists to rough iron table legs. Her stomach and breasts were squashed against cold glass and she moved her head from side to side to see that she was naked and splayed out spread eagle over a glass coffee table with wrought iron legs. Her tears smeared the glass beneath her face as she yanked at her bound ankles. They too were bound to table legs. Where was she? Given the dankness, the earthy smell, and bottles of wine, she could tell she was underground in a wine cellar with no idea if it was night or day or even what day it was.

“Sleeping beauty awakes.”

The drugged blonde looked up at the direction of a man’s voice to see Dustin sitting on a chair staring at her. Her host, a man in his fifties, was smoking a vaporizer, sucking from a hookah hose attached to a blue box. He lazily exhaled before putting down the pipe before raising his camera. He started photographing her naked body. She screamed into the gag as she strained against the ties. He got up from his chair and strolled behind her, leering at her perfection.

“You have a great ass.”

She heard the camera whine with every shot, could feel the hot flashes on her skin and she closed her eyes and cried as he photographed her most private areas luridly displayed by her spread open position on the squat four foot table. He walked back to her face and leaned to brush her hair from her wet face. Her frightened eyes pleaded with him to let her go but she could tell, by the look of his transfixed eyes and slack jaw face, the sight of caught meat had fulfilled his deepest fantasies which had just begun.

He laid down on the ground and scooted beneath the table to look up at her body mashed against the glass.

He muttered, “Beautiful.”

She could hear his breathing, feel the heat from the flashes as he took photographs of every part of her body mashed above him on the glass. The zip tie plastic cut into her skin as she strained against them. He finally climbed from beneath the table and stood before her. She lifted her head to face him.

“Are you going to behave?”

She screamed against the gag, fighting her bonds. He whipped off his belt and hit her shoulders before he walked over to hit her ass. She screamed and bucked against the hard smacks of the leather belt on her scratched as he struck her again and again and again. And when she stopped moving, her mind detached from the pain, he finished by leaning down and biting her butt cheek. She sobbed against the slobbery ball gag as she watched him walk to a counter.

“We’re going to have so much fun. So much fun. Get comfortable. This is your new home.”

Her eyes focused to see his fingers linger over a toilet scrubber. Then it moved to a cucumber and then a curling iron. It went back to grab the cucumber. She bucked her hips so hard, twisting her ankles against the hard plastic strips that the table threatened to tip as it scraped across the concrete floor. She stopped struggling as he knelt eye level to her.

Holding up the cucumber, he said, “This is going in your ass.”

He stood to walk around her before stopping and shoved it in, twisting it in her dry hole as her muffled shrieks in pain echoed in the room. He spit in her ass before doing it again, twisting and turning it and pushing it until three inches of the cucumber protruded from her ass. It stayed as he let go. Satisfied, he stepped back to take pictures of it before stopping to stroke her hair. She whimpered at his touch, in total fear and pain.

He said, “You better keep that up your ass, honey, don’t let it drop. If you don’t, you’ll pay for it. I’m going to stretch you out so good. Tomorrow, we’ll try an eggplant.”

He kissed her head before he left her, walking up the stairs before closing the door behind him.

Jenna jerked at her bonds with rage, growling into the slobber soaked gagged as hair stuck to her tear soaked face. She went limp again and began to cry. The she took one wrist and began to rub the zip tie up and down the rough iron table leg. She pulled and rubbed until it against the metal for several minutes before it finally snapped. She yanked the ball gag from her tangled hair breathing in deeply as she whimpered. She gritted her teeth as she pushed the cucumber from her hole until it plopped onto the table. Breathing in deeply, she tried to control her hyperventilation. Then her ears pricked up. Though there was no sound, panic now ruled her reason. He’s coming back! Hurry!

Her head was still groggy from tumbles, fists, and drugs, and she concentrated on cutting the ties on her other wrist until, after minutes of intense effort, it snapped as well. She concentrated on how to free her legs. She struggled to tip the table without hurting herself. She fell onto the ground with the table between her knees until she was on the rough concrete floor. She dragged it to a nearby rack where she tipped a small rack. Two crashed and broke, splattering her with red wine. Jenna’s hand fumbled in the puddle of wine until it found a sturdy shard. She struggled to position herself to cut at the ties on her ankles. The glass cut into her hand as she sawed and hacked away at her bonds for a few minutes before freeing one leg and then the other. Her ears rang and her head became dizzy as she stood and she shakily moved to the cellar stairs to look up at her only chance at freedom. Feeling steadier, she softly crept up the stairs. She was shaking when she slowly opened the door and peeked out into the quiet kitchen. There was no movement in the lit kitchen, no television, and no one in sight. If he was nearby, he would’ve heard the breaking bottles. He said he was stoned. Maybe he’s asleep. Her knees were shaking, her legs wouldn’t move. Her entire body was too scared to move.

Run, run, run!!!

She quietly sprinted across the kitchen and down the hall to the front door where she looked behind her before slowly opening the door. She quietly began a limping run down the dark drive naked into the cold night.

>Excerpt From [Escape from Beverly Hills]( **FREE** on Kindle Unlimited!


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