[Group] SoftSwing….Close but no Cigar…

Was in a conversation that reminded me of this. Nothing crazy….but it still bums me out to this day.

Setting: A 3 Couple “date night” All watching a movie at a friends house, who has a Barn, with a big loft. They have converted it to a Projection room with couches etc. But it’s still a barn…..with no heat. So…we 3 couples are all bundles up with blankets. My wife has been teasing my junk under the blankets the whole movie, and I’ve been returning the favor.

The movie finishes, and it’s near pitch black, expect for the light of the credits. It’s late….My wife and I start to kiss, and things progress to a little more heavy, but we’re keeping it somewhat under control. I look around…and all the other couples are doing the same thing! Im stoked! I just go with the flow, and pushing things a a little further, while staying under the blankets.

This goes on for several minutes. All of us making out, and clearing doing dirty things under the blankets. Suddenly, some IDIOT says ” well, we should probably call it a night……..”

Want to PUNCH that guy to this day!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5axyd5/group_softswingclose_but_no_cigar

1 comment

  1. It’s all good, they probably weren’t into group stuff and just wanted to get somewhere alone. Just would have been awkward and embarassing for everyone

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