[FMM] I’m working on writing a book about my life as a porn actress. Can you provide feedback on the intro?

I am not sure if this is the right place to post but I was hoping to get feedback.

This is the introduction to a book I’m working on. Everyone says I should write a book about my experiences in porn including how and why I chose to try it for a while.

I’m going to write about many of the scenes I was in. Details on what is was like, my sex life outside of porn and other things that might be found interesting.

This is a very brief introduction. What do you think of this introduction and would this be a book you would be interested in buying or even reading if it was free? What types of things should I write about or explain in the book?



A week of soul searching, nerves and excitement had led to this moment. I was face down and naked on a massage table. My soul searching complete, I only felt nerves and excitement. So started what would become my very first porn experience as an actress.

I have a hard time saying porn star since I was never a star. Even the words porn actress seem unfitting. My first scene could have easily been my last. It was a one time experiment to see what it was like with no obligation to do it again. Doing it this one time I would get to feel like the sexy girl and the center of attention, if only for a few hours. To be with a man I had only known for less than an hour in the most intimate way possible. To be with a man that physically was larger and more sexually experienced than any partner I had ever been with. To try different positions and rougher sex. To be with a man who was a different race than me. A black man. There were many firsts in those brief few hours. And in the near future, this first experience would seem tame by comparison in future scenes.

So how does an American girl become a Russian porn star? This is my story and the experience.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5a3juo/fmm_im_working_on_writing_a_book_about_my_life_as


  1. Thibk that’s a pretty good start, but you’d probably need a few more paragraphs if your trying to write a book. But good start and all the best!

  2. This reads really well! It does all you want for an opening; sets the scene (as it were), establishes some background, foreshadows some exciting descriptions and best of all, makes me want to know more.

  3. I think if you add a bit more history… and teased with some other random nuggets of why you did what you did and what some of your expectations/fears/exhilaration would add a bit more depth to your intro.

    Great start though!

  4. Elaborate. If you want to start with the first scene, go into detail about that: the setting, the atmosphere, what was going through your mind. If you want to continue the idea of “firsts,” give more examples of that.

    Also, the Russian thing comes out of thin air. That would usually be fine, but you’re asking a question that’s supposed to be what the reader is thinking. If you haven’t introduced Russia, the reader won’t be thinking about Russia.

  5. I wouldn’t expect to get this scene as the introduction in a book of narrative nonfiction. I would play around with other scenes for an intro–maybe your last scene, or the moment you decided to stop, or the first time you saw yourself on a camera, or a time a fan came up to you or something like that. Something in the thick of it. Presumably, you’re going to detail your evolution from innocent girl to toe-dipping porn starlet to height of fame to where you are now. If this is the first scene you were ever in, you may want to establish that more innocent history before delivering this scene to the reader: that way it contrasts. You have a sandwich: Intro Scene from established Porn Life / Prior Life background / First Porn Scene. That way they’re all in tension with each other. Introduced cold like this, there isn’t much tension because all I know is you’re shooting your first scene and that some time went into the decision, but I haven’t “seen” that time, so to speak, because you haven’t delivered it yet.

    The other bit of advice is that you should slow this down. An introduction needs to hook the reader, and it needs to tip its cap to what’s coming in the book, so that someone who just read the introduction feels satisfied with what they just read and hungry for more.

    Just because it’s nonfiction doesn’t mean there can’t be everything that breathes life into fiction stories. There are five sense: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Feeling. Engage all five senses and you’ll transport the reader. Think about that day and give us those details: Is the massage table cold? Are people speaking in Russian? Do you have butterflies in your stomach? It should be as accurate as possible, but maybe you can’t remember them. In that case, it’s okay to embellish small details. They call this achieving verisimilitude (the feeling of reality) over veracity (the verifiable reality).

    Presumably you’ll be doing this anyhow by changing names of people who don’t want to be named and creating composite characters of real people. As long as you’re not creating events out of whole cloth, this is mostly allowed for by readers.

    Lastly, “this is my story and the experience” feels a bit…awkward? Forced? A little cliched? It’s also a statement that follows a question without answering it. How about something along the lines of, “It starts in the suburbs of Cleveland” or “It begins with a single line in an email” or something like that. Open your next scene with your final line or simply end on the question and answer it in the first line of the first chapter.

  6. You should explain how and why you started that soul search. How you came through that idea of doing porn. Otherwise, good writing, nice style.

  7. Check out /r/eroticauthors too. They actually write novels, not just blog posts. :)

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