[MF] College Fling [long]

I’m in inspired by other lurkers who are posting older, favorite memories. So here’s mine. (M) I’m resubmitting this because my throwaway account was too new yesterday. Hope it sticks today.

This has a long build-up, which is part of what made it so explosive. So forgive me, and skip ahead if you’re short on time. This happened many years ago. I was a senior in college. I don’t want to say the exact year, but Bill Clinton was president. So, it’s been a while. I’m sure we all have those certain memories that will never fade, and this is one of my tops. A little about me. I’m 6’ 5”. At the time, I was not very athletic, but very active and on the thin side. I had come out of an almost two-year relationship about six months earlier. It wasn’t a dramatic break-up; we just fizzled out when we both realized we were too different. Since that time, I had not been dating much. Finishing my degree, worrying about my after-college future, enjoying a little time with other guys in the last days of undergrad life – these all added up to keep me celibate for at least six months. I didn’t want another serious relationship, but I sure did miss the physical parts. I was really starting to feel that need.

I had been spending some time with a girl who sat next to me in a general studies class. She was very pretty in a wholesome kind of way. She dressed conservatively, but you could see glimpses of an amazing figure that I wanted to explore. She had shiny, jet-black hair that came to her shoulders. She was always nice to me, but slightly distant. Or at least hot and cold. One day, she would suggest we have lunch together after class, but the next day, she would pull back if I talked about trying meet over the weekend. This yo-yo ride wasn’t as frustrating as it might sound. It was 3 months until graduation, and I was just riding out my time, very ready to start the next stage of my life. What it did do, though, was put blinders on me to other possibilities. I was always a little slow to notice when a girl was trying to get my attention. I hate being “that guy,” so I would usually wait for a super clear signal. Sometimes, that meant I would wait too long and miss out. Now, though, this half-heartedly chasing Ms. Jet-Black Hair, plus my normal inability to recognize flirting, meant that I was definitely missing some signals around me.

Like Sarah. I didn’t know Sarah very well, but we had two classes together, we had the same major, and many mutual friends. Sarah was tall. Just a very slight bit shy of 6 feet. That fact by itself was enough to make me notice her. I’ve always had a thing for tall girls, but I had never been with one. I remember the first time I really noticed Sarah. The previous year, my then-girlfriend and I had gone to the out-of-town wedding of a recently-graduated friend. Most of the wedding guests stayed at the same hotel, and one night I was on my way to the ice machine when I saw Sarah leaving the vending machine area. She was wearing pajama bottoms and a tight, white T-shirt. She was walking toward me, smiled and said, “Hi.” She was so tall! Those jammies made her legs look so long and shapely. I wanted to take a long gaze at her without being obvious. She had a classically beautiful face. She reminded me of Dana Plato (before drugs), but taller, with sandy blonde, long hair. Her breasts were swaying against her T shirt, with just a bit of a jiggly, perky lift on every step. I suddenly realized that I was not being subtle about my stare. She glanced up again, with a slightly raised eyebrow and a mischievous smile. She walked past without saying anything else. As I turned to go into the vending machine room, I glanced back to see her disappear around the corner. My heart was going fast, I felt flushed, and the blood was rushing to my dick.

In over a year, that was my only real interaction with Sarah. We both had significant others at the time. But here we are, a year later. And single. One Friday, I came home after seeing a movie with a group of friends to find an entry in caller ID. (remember caller ID?) But no message. The caller showed as a guy I knew just barely, but I couldn’t figure out why he might be calling. We didn’t even have a class together this semester. It wasn’t too late yet, so I called back. One of his housemates answered and said he was gone for the weekend. They said it was unlikely he had called, but the house phone was in his name and there were four other housemates. This was way before everyone had a cell phone. I asked who else lived there, and the list included Sarah! My mind raced back to that hotel hallway. The person on the phone didn’t know anything else and wanted to get back to drinking, so I let it go.

The next Monday, I was watching for any little sign. She was not in the morning class that we shared. Damn. I was nervous with anticipation to see her. I wasn’t even sure she had tried to call me, but I really hoped she had.

That afternoon, I had to take my shift at the English Department computer lab. My mind wandered as I checked people in and out of the lab, and sat in the near silence of a room full of college students working on papers. Then it happened. Sarah walked in, smiled, and gave me her ID to scan. My heart raced. My hand might have been shaking slightly as I ran it through the scanner. I gave it back to her, and she hit me with that raised eyebrow again. Her lips were pursed in a funny little expression that seemed to say something was up. She didn’t say a word, though, and took a seat at the station directly across from me. She opened her notebook and started typing. For the next 45 minutes, I tried not to stare. She had on jeans that followed her curves nicely. I wanted her to look up and smile. I wanted to catch her looking up at me. So, I thought to myself “fuck it” and locked eyes on her and waited. Pretty soon, she stretched, flipped her hair off her shoulder, and glanced at me. This time, it was not the mischievous smile, but a more familiar, friendly kind of smile. She put her books and notebook in her bag, logged out of the computer, and walked over to me.

For a second, I was let down when she just signed out of the lab without saying anything. As she was putting her ID back in a wallet from her book bag, I was trying to think of something to say. Believe me, I was over-thinking at this point. Why didn’t I just ask if she had called Friday? Or why didn’t I just ask her out right then? I was not that confident, and instead kept waiting for another sign. I know. This is where I always goofed things up at that age. She turned to walk out the door. Damn it. Damn, damn, damn. Why couldn’t I have been bolder? I was so flustered, I had to stand up. Just as I got to my feet she appeared in the doorway again and handed me a piece of paper. With a big, nervous smile, she vanished out the door. The paper just said, “You weren’t home Friday. Call me!” In loopy, casual letters with a phone number and a smiley face.

Courage enabled. Suddenly, I felt bolder than I ever have with a girl. Shy guys can come through if you give them a clear path, I guess. I still had 15 minutes left in my shift, but luckily the person who was to take over was already there, working at a station. I quickly asked if I could go now. I made it sound like an emergency.

I grabbed my book bag and darted out the door. I could still see her at the end of a long hallway, towering over the others between us. I walked quickly to meet her. She knew I was closing in, somehow, and turned to meet me before I was next to her.

“Hi Sarah, thanks for the note.”

“Mm hmm. I’ve been trying to get your attention,“ she said.

“Got it now.”

There was an awkward pause as both of us tried hard to think of how to move the conversation from here. Then, her mischievous look reappeared and she said, “And what are we going to do about it, then?”

I was trying to think of something clever to say when she leaned in and said, “let’s go someplace quiet.”

I felt like a different person. I’m never this forward, but she was doing such an excellent job of waving me in, that I didn’t stop myself. There was a storage room across from the computer lab. It was locked, and I had a key. No other students had keys, but I guess any faculty member unlock it. They never did, though. I used to study there regularly. There was a shitty old couch (office reception area style), a desk, and shelves full of obsolete computers. I just nodded the “follow me” nod and walked back toward the lab. With a quick glance to make sure no one noticed, we slipped inside the room, I quietly closed the door and clicked the lock. “How’s this?”

She looked at the couch and smiled that impish smile again. Holy fuck my heart was racing.

She walked right to me and came face-to-face. My ex-girlfriend, and the last person I had been with, was petite. I was used to her coming up to my chest when we stood facing each other. This was intoxicating. We were still six inches apart, but that first kiss felt inevitable now, as our eyes were locked from straight on. It was such a new perspective; just standing there face to face already felt charged and sexual. I got just a slight sense of her perfume, along with the rich smell of her shampoo.

“Do you remember Jake and Lisa’s wedding?” I asked.

“Of course!” she said, “I was hoping to see more of you that weekend.”

“You looked so good in your pajamas.”

She blushed and laughed a nervous laugh, while taking a step closer. “So you did notice me. I was starting to wonder how long it would take.”

==== skip to here if you’re impatient ====

That was it. I just grabbed her and kissed her. She dropped her bag and put her arms around me. Her hand moved across the top of my head, tussling my hair, then kneaded my shoulder, back, and then hip. I moved down and kissed her neck while she let out a soft exhale and put a hand on the back of my neck. My dick was marble at this point. It was impossible not to notice, and the next thing I knew she had a hand gently on my erection, casually moving one finger up and down the length of it, over my pants, ever so lightly.

She kept her hand there. “I’ve wanted you for so long,” she whispered.

“What were we waiting for?” I asked.

My right hand was on her hip, and I moved it up her side and straight to her breasts. Before I even got much of a feel, she was quickly pulling her sweatshirt over her head to reveal a thin T-shirt that did not hide the green bra under it. The room was cold. It was February and there was a window (blinds closed) next to us. She shivered a little, and chose to take her bra off from under her shirt. Fuck that was hot. Within seconds, the bra was out her sleeve and on the ground as she was standing in front of me with pokey nipples pushing through the T shirt.

“Can I see?”

She pulled up the shirt and flashed the most perfect C cups I’ve ever seen. Big areolas with perfect button nipples pointed straight at me; each breast dropped from the shirt one at a time and swayed hypnotically. This was a day of firsts for me. Most of my sexual experiences at this point had been with my A-cup ex-girlfriend. I moved straight in to kiss them. I put a hand out and she gasped from the cold. Laughing, I rubbed my hands together to create some warmth, then put them both on her tits and felt them while licking around each nipple.

“I want to see, too.” She said, reaching for my belt buckle.

I unbuckled and unbuttoned my pants faster than you’d think was possible and she went straight for the zipper. I wiggled out of them, letting them fall around my ankles. Her hands were on my boxer shorts now gently rubbing the side of my cock. She pulled down my boxers and her eyes lit up as my dick sprang up with a bounce. With one hand holding the head of my dick, she kissed me on the lips again and then whispered, “what do you want me to do?” All I could stammer out was, “I want you.”

She kneeled in front of me and cupped my balls with one hand while she made a ring with her index finger and thumb. She moved that hand back and forth across the length of my dick with feather-light pressure. She was barely touching my skin, and sending electric shocks of pleasure up my spine. Between that, the cold air on my cock, and then her warm breath as she got closer, I was about to lose it.

She lifted her shirt again and pulled my dick toward her hard nipples. It felt so soft and amazing as she nuzzled my cock between her tits.

She moved back down kissed the side of my cock gently, and then ran her tongue toward the base. Next thing I knew, she was licking my balls while squeezing the head of my dick. She licked up the underside of the shaft. When she got to the tip, she swallowed it. She grabbed me at the base of my cock with one hand, and worked the tip with her lips, all the while her tongue was darting in every direction. Six months of celibacy, and this was almost too much sensation. I could feel every detail, and was trying hard not to explode too quickly. I felt light-headed and had to sit down on the couch behind her. She turned around and positioned herself to keep going. She started licking my balls again as her finger moved to toward my butt. This was entirely new to me and I liked it. It was shocking, at first, but it felt amazing. Thank goodness I had showered well that day. She grabbed the base again and swallowed the shaft whole. This time, she went nearly all the way down, and I tensed up in waves of jittery excitement. I was so close. She came back up and kept pumping with enthusiasm.

“I’m going to cum,” I said, and she let out a slurpy “mmmurphh” sound.

Who knows what she was thinking, but just then she went for another darting-tongue lick down the side of my shaft. When she reached my balls, I clenched as an enormous rope of cum shot across her hair. A big part of it actually landed behind her, but man there was a huge streak of thick cum plastered right on top of her head. I was shaking and still mid-orgasm when she instantly grabbed the base of my dick again – this time HARD. She squeezed it with force as she put her mouth on it, and pushed all the way down to the hilt as I shot another smaller load directly down her throat. She kept squeezing and pulling and sucking while I rode a tidal wave of pleasure. I was breathing so fast, but starting to calm down as she moved the squeezing hand slowly all the way to the tip, drawing out the last of the semen as she licked it clean. She was so fucking talented.

I sat there, spent. My arms just lay there, unable to move.

“Oops.” She said, “how bad is it?” Referring to the obvious streak of semen on top of her head.

“Umm. Very noticeable”, I said. “I’ll go get some paper towels and you can stay here.”

“Wait,” she said. “Not yet.” She stood up, then sat down beside me. She put one hand across my chest and tussled my hair again with the other. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” she said.

I sighed. “It was worth the wait.”

“How long do I have to wait for the return favor?”

Fuck, I liked this girl. So forward, so sexual, and so sweet at the same time. How did I get this lucky? She put her hands on the button of her jeans while her hips rocked back and forth. She looked at me with her big, green eyes and whispered a breathy “please?”

No further invitation needed. I moved to my knees in front of her and unbuttoned those jeans. She arched her back to lift her butt off the couch and I slid her jeans down to her ankles. This was not going to work, so I pulled her shoes off, then slid her jeans all the way off as she swayed her hips and moaned quietly. Her eyes were closed now, but she was still arching her back to get herself closer to me. She starting sucking her pinky finger.

I pulled the matching green panties down to see her beautiful lips. This was back in the day when no one really shaved their bush. But she was ahead of the trend with a mostly bare mound. She had a tight, trim, little triangle of soft, light short hair. It was perfect. As inexperienced as I was at the time, going down on a girl was the one thing that my previous relationship had prepared me for well. My ex-girlfriend loved getting head, and I loved experimenting to see what got her really hot. Every woman is different, of course, but at least I felt confident about my chances of giving her an experience to match that excellent blowjob.

I put the palm of my hand flat against her labia and muzzled her little bush as her hips rocked and she slurped louder on her finger. I moved down and darted my tongue back and forth across her slit, moving up to her clitoris. She gasped as I narrowed in there, licking in circles around it. I’d occasionally dip back down into the sweet, wet area between her now parted lips, dart my tongue between them, and into the warm exposed area now absolutely glistening. She tasted so good.

I moved my finger to part her lips further, moving up and down along her labia in the same way she had moved her finger along the shaft of my cock earlier. She let out a shutter, and I plunged that finger straight in. Her back arched and her knees clamped behind my head. My finger found that wonderful spot on the upper wall, and I made a slow, gentle “come here” motion to graze it as I kept licking patterns across her clit. I moved my left hand up to her breast and squeezed her nipple under her shirt. She then started squeezing her other nipple over her shirt. She was pinching it hard, so I took the cue to really clamp her right nipple with force. She was there in no time at all. She started to let out a scream, but instantly held it back to quiet, high-pitched “eeeeeeeeeee.” Her thighs were holding my head hard and one hand was in my hair again. Then, she relaxed into a limp heap, gasping for air. She laughed out loud.

I gently pulled my finger back, and kissed up her stomach, massaged her breasts over her shirt, and then lay down beside her on the narrow couch. I forgot about the cum in her hair, and ended up brushing into it (it was cold now!) before I pulled away. I re-adjusted and laid down again, snuggling into her tits. Her heart was still pounding.

She tussled my hair some more while we cooled off together. We would have stayed like that longer, but it was getting very cold.

She got up to get dressed. I pulled my pants on and then listened carefully at the door. I slipped out to get some paper towels from the bathroom down the hall.

We never really ended up dating seriously, but for the next three months, we had a few more encounters in that storage room, her bedroom, a parking garage, and once she gave me a quick blowjob on a trail hike in the woods. Those were good times. After graduation, we ended up in different parts of the country. I met the person I would marry about a year later. And there are some good stories there, too. Right up to this morning, I’m thankful to say.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5a20le/mf_college_fling_long

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