[MF] a week of spanking and sex: Sunday (pics)

Angela: five-six, about 150 pounds, around 30 years old. Long brown hair, dark brown eyes. Soft all over. Her breasts are probably a C or D cup, but I don’t remember exactly. She has children, and when she’s naked she’s completely unselfconscious about the changes that having children made to her body. I think she’s gorgeous and sexy. Oh, and she’s a squirter, too. Every single time.

Me: Six feet tall, about 290 when this occurred, mid-30s, brown hair, blue eyes. My hands are pretty large. That’s about all you need to know.

[Tuesday](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/58jemg/mf_a_week_of_spanking_and_sex_tuesday_pic/) | [Wednesday and Thursday] (https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/58ptvi/mf_a_week_of_spanking_and_sex_wednesday_and/) | [Friday](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/58ybt1/mf_a_week_of_spanking_and_sex_friday_pics/) | [Saturday](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5971wu/mf_a_week_of_spanking_and_sex_saturday_pics/)

I really wanted to have sex with Angela one more time, and had plans to do that when we got home, but Angela had other ideas.

“I want you to spank me until I safe-word, or until I’m crying too hard to say my safe-word.”

The sheer amount of trust in that statement is staggering, and given that I thought the week wasn’t going as well as it could have, I never thought she would ask for that. But she did, and all thoughts of sex exited my brain. I could have sex with other people, but not many of them would make that request.

Both of us were naked for this one (I guess part of me still hoped we’d fuck), and I applied a metric fuckton of hand spanks — the hard ones I usually give — to Angela’s lovely backside. On top of that, I walloped her with a ping-pong paddle and followed that up with a small, thick plywood paddle that got a few tears.

She’d cried, and [I thought we’d be done after that](https://eroshare.com/i/jaq3jwap), but when I came back from a quick trip to the bathroom Angela made it very clear that she wanted more spanking.

This time, I made sure that she knew that after she called “red”, no matter how hard she was crying, she would be getting 20 more swats with my hand, at the hardest intensity I was capable of. She agreed, and I settled in for the long haul.

I covered Angela’s entire bottom and thighs with heavy, loud, continuous spanks from both my hands. She definitely cried, and cried hard, but as promised I didn’t stop until she called “red” — [which also described the color of her backside](https://eroshare.com/i/dn1atazw).

She cried again all through the final 20 swats that I’d promised, which I delivered over the course of about 30 seconds — no time for her to recover; only enough for her to feel the thud and the burn and barely process it before I spanked her again.

After that, we were both too tired to have sex, and we had to be up in about four hours anyway so that I could bring Angela to the airport. But she seemed, finally, relaxed and satisfied as she snuggled up against me and we went to sleep.

In the morning, just before we left, I did bend Angela over the bed and give her ten more of the “principal vs. schoolgirl” paddle swats on the seat of her jeans, but we didn’t have time for more because her flight was growing ever closer.

Even though Angela and I hadn’t had *quite* as successful a visit as we’d done previously, it was very clear that neither of us wanted the other to leave. We both cried a little bit when we said goodbye, but she had to get home to her job and her kids, and I watched her all the way through security before heading for home.

And that was the last time I saw Angela. We talked online for another couple of months, and had skype sex at least twice a week, but it was clear that we were pulling away from each other. I was seeing someone else (I wasn’t cheating; my girlfriend knew that I was polyamorous and all three of us consented to this visit and what we were going to do), and that other relationship was growing more serious by the day. Eventually, Angela and I parted ways — not exactly amicably, but not angrily either.

I do miss Angela sometimes, though. That first weekend together was phenomenal, and as much as I love my wife I know that, on a pure BDSM level, Angela and I are better suited. I found out later that Angela is now in a relationship, and very happy, and I’m happy for her.

But sometimes I still think about how Angela’s bottom looked after each and every spanking, and how hot it was when I was making her soak the bed with orgasm after orgasm, and I wish that I could be with her just one more time.

(Oh, and one more thing: despite all the spankings I gave Angela, she didn’t bruise at all. Neither of us understood how *that* happened.)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/59jzgy/mf_a_week_of_spanking_and_sex_sunday_pics