Starburst Pussy [F]+[M]

So i was at a small party last week and at one point we were all sitting around in a circle, drunk af, and sharing our funniest sex stories. This one guy asks if he can tell a story about his friend so he does and as soon as he was done i was like “i have to post this shit on reddit oh my god” anyway this is how it went:

So his friend, let’s call him Jack, and his gf at the time wanted to spice up their sex lives and so the girl, let’s call her Amy, was like “hey let’s try something new” and Jack was pretty interested and open to anything. So Amy pulls out a roll of starbursts she had bought earlier that day and says “you should totally eat these out of my vagina” and at first it was a TOTAL joke but after a while they decided to do it because fuck it why not try??

So time goes by and Jack ends up eating a total of 8 starbursts out of her vagina, one by one. When he was describing the taste to my friend he said it was fine but after a while there was one especially that just tasted fucking gross.

Ok so a couple days go by and Amy calls Jack and says “dude i just found a starburst in my vagina, i don’t think you ate all of them” and Jack goes “that’s impossible I ate all 8, we counted them”.

SO IT TURNS OUT that the one “starburst” that tasted really bad wasn’t actually a starburst at all, it was a herpes ball…

i didn’t know that it was possible to get herpes balls inside your vagina but apparently it’s a thing:

anyway, if you’ve been wanting to try food play, keep it external, folks :””D



  1. That’s fucking gross, no matter who posted it.

    I used to eat sliced peaches and whipped cream out of my GF’s pussy, but never got anything else like that.

  2. This is so old I heard this back when I was in high school. When I heard it, they were not starburst but skittles instead. Your friend is lying sack of shit.

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