[oral] [mWM] [disguise]

“Mrs. Fuller, I didn’t expect to see you!” Adam stood, in khakis and a shirt and sweater, at the doorway of the Fuller house, expecting to see Sarah, his girlfriend. She lived with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, while she waited to hear back from various jobs she’d applied to since graduating from college.

“Hello Adam! Come in, come in,” Mrs. Fuller said. She wore a cornflower blue blouse and white pants, and althought her blonde hair was beginning to go grey, Adam found her a very attractive woman. Most of Sarah’s beauty came from her mother.

Adam entered and followed Mrs. Fuller to the living room. “I suppose you’re looking for Sarah, of course. She should be back soon, she’s out somewhere. Can I offer you a tea in the meantime?”

“Yes, please,” Adam said, “that would be lovely. Thank you.”

As Mrs. Fuller went to the kitchen, Adam surveyed the photographs on the mantle above the fireplace. He saw pictures of Fuller family trips, Sarah growing from a child to her age. In many of them Adam saw the stern, mustachioed face of Mr. Fuller, a serious man whom Adam had only met a few times. Adam wasn’t too sure Mr. Fuller liked him.

Mrs. Fuller came in with a tea kettle and cups on a tray. She laid it down on the coffee table and motioned for Adam to sit. She poured the two of them cups of tea.

“So, Adam, tell me, how are things?”

“Well, work is going well. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this, but it’s still all remotely done — what I mean is, I can work from just about any place that has an internet connection. So that I could–”

Mrs. Fuller cut him off. “So that you could follow my daughter around? Mmm?”

Adam blushed bright red. “Well, I… I… I suppose I do—”
“So you two could shack up?,” she said, calmly and pleasantly.

Adam stammered and “Mrs. Fuller, I’m sorry, Sarah and I have been together for nearly two years now, and we did live together for a short time in college.”

“Oh dear, don’t get me wrong,” Mrs. Fuller said, placing a hand on Adam’s leg, as if to reassure him. “I don’t object to you and my daughter screwing. Not one bit! I suppose if anything I object to her getting you all for herself.”

Adam was in shock. Mrs. Fuller’s hand remained on Adam’s leg as she looked into his eyes with a strange look. “Do you find me attractive, Adam?”

“I… of course, Mrs. Fuller, I… you are a very attractive woman.” Despite himself, he began to feel himself getting hard. None of this conversation was going where he was expecting.

Her hand remained on his leg and began to move higher, towards his crotch. He started to move away from the older woman, but sensing his retreat, her hand shot up and touched, then held his dick through his pants. It was definitely hard now, to his embarrassment, and Mrs. Fuller’s delight. “My my Adam! I do think you might have a bigger dick than my husband.”

“Mrs. Fuller, this is incredibly inappropriate!” Before Adam could say another word, the woman had moved in, one hand still gently squeezing his manhood, the other now behind his back, pulling him in. She was kissing him!, he thought, his eyes wide as her tongue slipped into his mouth. He was so frozen in shock that by the time his mind had caught up, she was disengaging, leaning back, and crossing her arms. She smiled, again, but this time, something about her smile was off… It reminded him of someone.

“HA! Ha ha ha!,” the woman crowed, as she reached up under her blouse and grabbed hold of the edge of a latex mask. She pulled, and with a few light tugs, her cleavage and neck and face pulled away, and with a sucking sound, Adam was confronted with the image of Sarah, his girlfriend, laughing uproariously.
“What the hell?!” he said, hands on his thighs, his body still pumping out adrenaline and the boner in his pants still not faded.

“You are such a fucking perv! Kissing my mom??”

“She kissed me! I mean, damnit, you kissed me. That mask is fucking amazing. I had no idea.”

“Oh? You had no idea? What about your dick?” Sarah clearly wasn’t angry, just enjoying the mindfuck she’d pulled on her boyfriend.

“My dick… is a dick, I don’t know!”

“Ha. Well, I have a little experiment I’d like to run.”

“Another mindfuck?”

“Sort of. Do you trust me?”

“Maybe. Yes. Sure.”

“Ok.” She pulled the mask over her head. After a few moments Sarah was gone, replaced with the flawless and attractive face of her mother. Mrs. Fuller smiled and began to reach for Adam’s pants.

“Hey! I don’t…”

“I’m sorry, Adam, you promised your daughter.”

“Ummm….” Adam said, as he watched ‘Mrs. Fuller’ unzip his fly and kneel down on the crotch. With one motion she pulled his dick out of his pants, opened her mouth and slapped the head against her tongue. Despite everything, Adam moaned in pleasure. Mrs. Fuller took the whole length of his cock down her throat, and began to give him quite the expert blowjob. She brought him nearly to climax several times and then brought him all the way, and swallowed every drop of come, milking his cock at the end, then licked her lips and got back on the sofa, and took a dainty sip of tea.

“That was so amazing, Sarah. And so wierd…”

“Mrs. Fuller. Not Sarah. I’m glad you enjoyed it, Adam. It’s nice to have a better handle on the sort of fun my daughter has with you. And who knows? Maybe the two of us might have some fun again at some point. I know now that there’s certainly enough of you for her and I to share. Now, I think you ought to be going. I’ll let Sarah know you stopped by.”

Adam grinned. Sarah was so fucking kinky. He was glad his reaction hadn’t upset her

“Alright Mrs. Fuller. Thank you very much for the cup of tea. Etc.”

“Oh, it was my pleasure Adam. Well, see you soon!” They rose from the couch and Adam left, grinning, and got in his car. ‘Mrs. Fuller’ waved to him as he drove away.

She closed the door and went inside, then climbed the stairs to the upper floor. In the master bedroom she went into the bathroom and closed the door. On the bathroom counter were two styrofoam heads for holding latex masks. Mrs. Fuller pulled off the mask, revealing her Sarah’s younger face underneath. She placed the mask on the first styrofoam head.

Then Sarah reached up to the edge of the mask she was wearing, and her skin began to pull away, and with a pop, her whole face and hair came off as well. Underneath was the short cropped hair and stern, mustachioed face of Mr. Fuller. He placed Sarah’s face on the other styrofoam head. He licked him lips. Adam was such a nice young man, he thought. The perfect partner for his daughter. A father couldn’t be too sure.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/598fke/oral_mwm_disguise


  1. Is the implication that both women are actually bodysuits that Mr. Fuller has been playing the whole time?

    Great story! Have you written anything else? I’d absolutely like to see more from you! Do you take commissions or anything?

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