[oral] [mWM] [disguise]

“Mrs. Fuller, I didn’t expect to see you!” Adam stood, in khakis and a shirt and sweater, at the doorway of the Fuller house, expecting to see Sarah, his girlfriend. She lived with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, while she waited to hear back from various jobs she’d applied to since graduating from college.

“Hello Adam! Come in, come in,” Mrs. Fuller said. She wore a cornflower blue blouse and white pants, and althought her blonde hair was beginning to go grey, Adam found her a very attractive woman. Most of Sarah’s beauty came from her mother.

Adam entered and followed Mrs. Fuller to the living room. “I suppose you’re looking for Sarah, of course. She should be back soon, she’s out somewhere. Can I offer you a tea in the meantime?”

“Yes, please,” Adam said, “that would be lovely. Thank you.”

As Mrs. Fuller went to the kitchen, Adam surveyed the photographs on the mantle above the fireplace. He saw pictures of Fuller family trips, Sarah growing from a child to her age. In many of them Adam saw the stern, mustachioed face of Mr. Fuller, a serious man whom Adam had only met a few times. Adam wasn’t too sure Mr. Fuller liked him.

Bodysuit, disguise, deception. Is there a subreddit for erotica like this?

When Jack Adams came home, he put his keys on the table in the hall as usual, and hung up his coat. He heard his wife’s voice — it sounded a little odd, but it was certainly his wife’s voice — call from the living room. “Hi honey!” He called back as he took off his shoes and loosened his tie. “Hey hon!” “Honey, I have a kind of surprise for you.” Jack frowned. Shit, he thought. Did I forget our anniversary? A birthday? “Uhh, ok!” He walked down the hall and turned the corner and his heart missed a beat. “What? Mrs. Brookdale?” His wife Linda was not in the living room. Sitting there on the couch, her legs tucked under her, one hand holding a glass of wine and the other provocatively placed on her thigh, in a skirt and a blouse he’d remembered seeing her wear at a PTA meeting last summer, was his next door neighbor’s wife, Wendy Brookdale. “Hello, Mr. Adams,” she said, in her soft southern accent. “Umm, Hi! Mrs. Brookdale? Nice to ah, see you!” “It’s nice to see you too, Mr. Adams.” She smiled. “I guess Linda just stepped out? I heard her from the foyer…” “Actually, Jack – may I call you Jack? – Linda isn’t here.” “But I just – what?” “Jack, Jack… Jack. It’s fine. Relax. Linda knows I’m here. It’s fine. She knows how you’ve been looking at me. When I’ve been out to water my lawn.” Wendy Brookdale smiled. “It’s only natural, Jack. Your wife is very beautiful, but so am I, Jack. It’s only natural for a man to become… curious.” “I – Mrs. Brookdale, I would never –” Jack sputtered, utterly unsure what to say or do. He realized he’d backed into a corner of the room. Then, the woman in front of him smiled — but it wasn’t a smile he’d ever seen on Mrs. Brookdale’s face — in fact, it reminded him strangely of his wife… “Got you!” the woman laughed. With Linda’s voice. “Oh my god sweety, you should have seen your face.” “What? Linda? How did you….” Grinning, she raised her hand to her neck and gently pinched the skin, then pulled… and the skin stretched… and continued to stretch, a little farther than skin should. “It’s a rubber mask, sweetie. Very fancy. Actually, not just a mask.” Linda gestured down to her breasts, which were a bit larger than hers normally were. “I look and sound just like Mrs. Brookdale, from head to toe.” “Does… she she know about this?” “Ha, no, sweetie. It’s amazing how many photos of people are out there on the Internet. I just told the company her name and address, and this suit came in the mail a few days ago.” “I… can’t believe my eyes. Or ears. You look just like her.” “Close your eyes, sweety.” “Huh?” “Sit down and close your eyes. We’re going to start over.” “Honey, I don’t want you to think–” “Honey,” Linda said, settling into Wendy’s light southern accent. “Close your eyes and let Mrs. Brookdale take care of you.” Jack could hardly believe what was happening. Of course he had fantasized about his neighbor’s wife — she was incredibly beautiful, and busty and shapely in ways his own wife wasn’t. And there was the allure of the forbidden fruit of another man’s woman… Jack obediently closed his eyes and sat down. A moment later he felt warm hands on his thighs. Then the feeling of Mrs. Brookdale nuzzling his crotch. He was hard instantly, and his eyes opened. They met hers. “My my, Mr. Adams. What a package. I can see what Mrs. Adams sees in you.” She brushed a finger against the side of his cock, through his pants. “Let’s get a bigger look at what your wife gets to have.” She undid his zipper, reached in, and gently extracted his engorged cock, the tip already wet with pre-cum. “Ooh, I wonder if you taste different from my husband,” she said, as she lowered her lips to the head of his manhood and began to suck him, her eyes never leaving his. It was all Jack could do not to come right then — it was true, he had dreamed of this, having his neighbor’s wife suck him, and here it was happening — he both knew and forgot that it was really his own wife wearing a mask. The illusion was so complete…

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