Two Couples in a Small Tent [Group] [MFFM]

I was looking at last years holiday photos earlier today. Seeing the one of their tent brought it all back to me. It had seemed bigger at the time, now hard to believe it could ever have accommodated the four of us. Tents that size are just not intended to be used by two couples for drunken sex with each other. I mean, where did all our arms and legs find space to spread and stretch? We really were like sardines in a can.

The early summer was already full of erotic undercurrents for Gary and I. He’d broached the subject of swinging earlier in the year, hinting we might try meeting other couples, maybe a single girl. Just bedroom talk at first, but soon it was obvious the idea could never just remain a fantasy. It had so much appeal for us both.

I suppose we imagined when it happened it would be through an ad placed on some site. We’d browse of an evening and fantasise. We even drafted our own ad but never took that final plunge — just then, that is. Who’d have thought our first time would be with friends from our day to day lives, Mark and Kay.

We took our July holiday with Mark and Kay last year. We’d been seeing a lot more of them earlier in the year. Gary and I are in our mid-twenties. Mark and Kay a little younger; she nineteen, he twenty-one. We are married, they engaged. So it was the four of us down on the coast in Southwest England, camping in the hills just up from a fishing village that will remain nameless. As couples, we had our own tents, ours large and theirs small. Why we ended up in their smaller tent will become apparent.

That first evening, we all went to the pub and drank too much. I can’t remember how we began talking about sexual fantasies but we did. I don’t think in any way Kay was hinting at anything when she came out and asked me what my biggest turn on was. She was just a girl with a tongue loosened by wine. Maybe she was trying to show us how sophisticated she was, letting us know she was comfortable with sexuality — I don’t know.

But I do know that when sober, the words, “I’d love to watch Mark fucking another woman,” would never have passed her middle-class, butter-wouldn’t-melt, cupid bow lips. Before then I’d always thought her such a prissy little thing. She was always so demure and neatly turned out. I’d never seen her without makeup, though always understated. Her hair cut neat and tidy in a bob, never appearing to grow out. So petite too. Whenever she stood besides Mark I wondered how her elfin five foot nothing managed to cope with Mark’s six-two of bone and muscle when they made love.

So when she told us her fantasy was to watch her husband with another woman my immediate thought was, and I’d love to watch you being fucked by your hench husband, darling. Even as she told us her fantasy, in my mind an X-rated movie of her and Mark making love was rolling the opening credits.

But when it was time for me to tell them my fantasy, I didn’t say I wanted to watch her and Mark. No, I spouted something bland about wanting to be tied up by Gary and then have him watch while a complete stranger licked my body all over, male or female. Which is in fact true; I am Bi. But at that that long indulged fantasy was running a poor second to wanting to be a fly on the wall in Kay and Mark’s bedroom.

And the men. What were their big turn-on? Just the usual male fantasy about being the centre of a two-girl sandwich. Talk about lack of imagination. When he said he liked redheads (I’m one), and how having one each side of him would be his dream come true, I saw Kay glance my way. I’d never thought of Kay as a sexual possibility before, but something new was in the air that night. In that glance I caught a glimmer of excitement in her eyes, a sparkle of newly realised interest. The way she looked at me also sparked something in me.

On the way back to the campsite she put her arm around my waist and rested her head against me. She started feigning a need for protection from the darkness pressing tall hawthorns that lined the lane, saying anyone could hiding in there, ready to pounce. I am lot taller than Kay and I put my arm about her shoulder and drew her closer.

Then she called out to our men walking ahead of us. “Hey you two! What about us then. Is this what you both wank over?”

As the beam of light from Mark’s key ring torch picked us out, she stopped dead In her tacks and turned to face me, both arms going around my waist and pulling me to her. We embraced for a moment. I remember the fragrance of her hair, sweet and musky. I would have kissed her there and then but I was not sure if she wanted to go that far. And I suppose her words had shocked me. This was not the Kay I knew, the good catholic girl who still went to church Sunday mornings for mass, the girl I only put up with because she was my husband’s friend’s wife. Funny how sex with a person never crosses your mind until some small hint, some tiny clue, lets you know they are interested in you.

The men turned around, stood and stared. We looked at each other and laughed. Then we continued on past them.

“In your dream, boys,” I said over my shoulder as we passed by. We both giggled like young girls.

When we got back to the campsite, I parted from Kay and went with Gary to the shower block. They had those family suites and we shared. Then we headed back towards our tent.

He was just about to unzip the entrance of our tent when I asked him where he was going. To bed he said. I told him not to be so daft. Hadn’t he seen what was happening, what the evening had been leading up to. He really was that clueless. It takes a lot to shake a fixed perception of someone you have known for years. It wasn’t until later on, when he saw me with my mouth on Mark’s cock, that the penny actually dropped.

The campsite was silent. No other campers were to be seen or heard. I crept over to Mark and Kay’s tent and watch as from inside torchlight cast shadows, silhouettes like misshapen puppets looming and dissipating. I was Kneeling in front of the zip door, the knees of my black opaque tights becoming damp from the grass. I kneeled there for a moment wondering if I should announce my entrance before entering. I decided if I’d misread things they could only ask me to leave. Before going inside I looked across at Gary, still standing outside our own tent just ten feet away. I gestured him to follow me.

The swish of the zip and I was though.

Kay had taken off her jeans ready to get in her sleeping bag. She was stretched out besides Mark on her side, who was also lying on top of his own sleeping bag, but still clothed. She watched me enter and then began to talk to him quietly, earnestly. I think she was telling him she loved him and something about it would just be sex. But he was saying “Not them, especially Gary.”

Then I was with him, my hand on the zip of his pants saying, “Come on Mark, don’t spoils things by being a grump. We‘re all up for a bit of fun tonight.” I was very drunk but still managed to find his cock. Kay sat up and was in kneeling position across from me, now leaning over Mark and pleading her case softly in his ear, occasionally kissing him gently on the lips. Soon Gary was behind her with his hand between her legs, rubbing at the silky crotch of her panties from behind. I don’t think she even looked at him or acknowledge his presence, so intent was she on gaining Mark’s OK. All the time Gary was feeling her up she continued to speak quietly to Mark without even acknowledging my husbands groping hands.

So I licked and sucked Mark’s cock and when it finally became hard I was disappointed it the size his height promised. Even as I licked him, Kay and Mark kept up a whispered debate. When I was satisfied I had aroused him enough, was sure I’d swung things so Mark would willingly allow Kay to go with my husband, I broke from sucking him and looked sideways at Gary.

He was in the midst of removing Kay’s top, then he reached around her to unclip her front-fastening bras, which required both hands to undo. I’d never owned a front-fastener so it must have been something of a challenge for him to tackle — poor dear. But even during his fumbling with the hooks, she kept leaning over her husband and continually telling him she loved him in intense whispers. I couldn’t hear everything but I got the gist.

I decided to let them have a moment. I took a break from cock-sucking and crawled over to Gary and got out his cock, handling it lvingly, glad of his size compared with Mark’s. I was behind him, gently wanking him while he massaged Kay’s breasts.

Gary has always been such a thoughtful husband. He took my hand from off his cock and guided it forward beyond himself so that it cupped Kay’s right tit. It was a shock to find my palm suddenly cupping her sweet little breast. I let it rest there for a moment, pleased by her unannounced firmness and delicate convexity. So sweet to hold.

Soon Kay and I were lying face to face on our sides, she in just her silky panties, I still fully dressed. I ran my hand over her entire body, occasionally my fingers brushing against those of Gary who now lay behind her with his arms about her exploring her too. It was just a drunken grope at that point, and some part of me felt we were taking advantage in some way. I don’t know why.

Then I was aware of Mark behind me. His hands on my legs and moving up over my buttocks. Then he was gathering my hair back and kissing the back of my neck. By this time, Kay and I were lost in a delicious girl-kiss. God, I thought, me and Kay kissing. For Christ’s sake, this is all so unbelievable. The night before I would never have imagined it at all. Although she was cute, and I am bi, I’d never looked at her that way; how many people do look at established friends like that?

Mark roughly pulled my tights and kickers down. At some point he had lost his jeans and now I could feel his cock pressing into my buttocks. Four people in varying state of undress and trying to lose their clothing gets chaotic. Something of the moment became lost while we all huffed and puffed with clothing. Kay was the best off, having only to shed her panties.

Eventually we were all naked and the men condomed-up. And so Kay and I were fucked from behind by each other’s husbands while we kissed and touched each other. I fingered Kay while my husband fucked her, my hand sandwiched between her and my abdomens. I’d never shared a girl which anyone before and it was a real turn on to be kissing Kay while I fingered her clit to orgasm knowing she had Gary‘s cock in her. Her moans filled both our mouths. She shuddered against me in pleasure and I kept thinking of Gary’s cock deep inside her, separated by less than inches of flesh from my own belly. The image of its coming and going behind her skin and stomach muscles were a dark spice to the moment.

Kay and I remained in each others arms long after the men had done with us — in fact Mark came after only about a minute of drunken thrusts. I was so full of need for an orgasm, I gently coaxed Kay’s head down over my body. It took her a moment to understand my prompting, hesitated for seconds and then continued of her own accord. I don’t know if Kay had ever licked pussy before; if not she was a fast learner. Even in form her drunken haze she gave me just what I wanted. I ran my fingers through her fine dirty-blonde hair as she gobbled me up, applying pressure or relaxing it to let her know when it was just right for me. I twisted and bucked with pleasure, squashing her head between my thighs until my quaking subsided.

I also remember both men, one each side of me, stroking and licking my breasts as Kay obligingly brought me to completion. I tired to stifle my cries during orgasm, but couldn’t help the sounds I made. Sound really travels at night on campsite. I shudder to think what other campers thought was happening.

When it was over things were awkward. Even after all Kay’s efforts to reassure Mark, a lot jealousy was bubbling up. Kay asked him if he wanted us to stay longer. He said he didn’t. A torch came on and Gary and I collected our clothes and went back to our tent. Even now, my imagination conjures up images of Gary and I leaving their tent, our bare backsides mooning at them as we crawled on all fours through the small zip door.

The next day I went to talk to Kay to see how she and Mark were. She was very standoffish, said things were a mess, said she couldn’t talk.

Gary and I went for a walk down to the village but when we got back their tent and car had gone. I tired texting and phoning but she never replied.

I felt responsible. If I hadn’t blustered into their tent and started giving Mark a blow-job, things might still be good between them. We never saw them again as a couple. They split up earlier this year.

Last night Gary and I were discussing all this. He suggested phoning Kay and asking her to come round ours one Friday, share a meal and see how things go.



  1. I’m sorry, but this is rape. He was unsure/didn’t want it, he was pressured into it and it sounds like it had a terrible effect on his life. This is just awful to read and it makes me feel terrible inside.

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