[MF] a week of spanking and sex: Tuesday (pic)

You may remember that I posted a story about my weekend with A (who, going forward, I will call Angela, although that’s not her name), and how we spend most of the weekend having sex and doing kinky things — and falling in love, only to realize that it would never work out.

Here’s the previous three stories about Angela:

[Day 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/54yxt7/mf_my_weekend_with_a_day_1_warning_extremely_long/); [Day 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/55hvgk/mf_my_weekend_with_a_day_2_warning_extremely_long/); [Day 3]

Let me recap what Angela looks like, just so you know: five-six, about 150 pounds, around 30 years old. Long brown hair, dark brown eyes. Soft all over. Her breasts are probably a C or D cup, but I don’t remember exactly. She has children, and when she’s naked she’s completely unselfconscious about the changes that having children made to her body. I think she’s gorgeous and sexy. Oh, and she’s a squirter, too. Every single time.

As for me? Six feet tall, about 290 when this occurred, mid-30s, brown hair, blue eyes. My hands are pretty large. That’s about all you need to know.

Anyway, let’s fast-forward about three months. Angela had emailed me to ask for some help with something at work, and of course I’d agreed — and we’d started talking again. It came out that the feelings for each other were still there, and she also said that if I’d fought for her, she wouldn’t have ended things with me. I explained why I hadn’t — it was her prerogative to end the relationship if she wanted to, and it wasn’t up to me to make her do something she didn’t want to do — and while she wasn’t thrilled, she understood.

We got close quickly. We started having skype sex again. And we planned for a time when Angela could come visit me. She’d never been to my state before, and we have some tourist attractions. Plus, I was there, and we’d both really enjoyed our time out west. I offered to pay her airfare — she’s a single mom and I didn’t want the trip to cause any financial difficulties for her or her kids — but she had the money saved and was willing to spend it. Plus, she didn’t have to stay in a hotel or pay for food because I had an apartment and loved to cook. I talked it over with my boss, told her that I had a friend coming to town from far away and asked if I could please work from home while she was there. My boss was understanding and agreed; Angela booked her flight for when her kids were on spring break and in their dad’s custody; and then all I had to do was wait.

When I first met Angela, she’d told me that her cycles were like clockwork and she was due to start two days after our weekend ended. This time, though, when she called me the night before she flew out, she said she’d started. I was a little squicked out by this, but told her I would do my best to be an adult. I don’t think that was the right answer, but it was all I had.

I’m not going to spend a lot of time in the story talking about what I did or didn’t do regarding Angela having her period, but I will say up-front that I’m not proud of how I acted about it, and that I’ve since come to terms with the fact that there’s nothing wrong with period sex, so long as you put a towel down first. When this story was happening, I wasn’t grossed out by periods or anything — I’d been married before, and even then had never had a problem buying feminine hygiene products for my then-wife — but the thought of having PIV sex during one was hard for me to wrap my head around.

Still, I would try, because I loved Angela and I wanted her to be happy when she came to visit.

Work that first day was torturous, but I made it through and went down to the airport to pick her up. It felt so good to hold Angela in my arms again, to kiss her hello, to take her hand as we went to baggage claim and to have her in my car as we drove home. We did stop for dinner on the way, but I don’t know if either of us tasted it very much.

We got back to my apartment. I showed Angela around. But what we really wanted to do was play. This time, I kept notes of the spanks that Angela got (I’m a nerd; I know this) because I didn’t want to forget anything. I probably should’ve made notes on the sex stuff too, but I guess I thought that was going a little too far.

So what happened that first night? Well, I warmed her up by spanking her with my hand over her jeans, and then those came off. She kept her panties on, though — remember, her cycle had just started.

I had to start off by punishing her for not doing something I’d asked her to do. I don’t remember what it was, but it got her 15 licks with a leather strap. But with that out of the way, I put her over my knee and spanked her hard with my hand, hard enough to remind her of just what she’d gotten herself into for the next five days. I moved her panties out of the way to spank her bare bottom, again with my hand and then with a rubber spatula for a little while. I finished her off with another round from my hand and then 12 hard swats with one of my thicker paddles. [She was a lovely shade of red when I was done.](https://eroshare.com/i/8vtnw9qz)

Throughout the whole time, we talked, and I gauged her reactions because it had been a while and I hadn’t wanted to miss something. She definitely enjoyed the spanking, and afterward, when we went to bed, I got her off with my fingers and she used her hand to make me come. It wasn’t exceptionally exciting, but then, she wanted me to fuck her and I just couldn’t do it. I wanted to, but I just wasn’t mature enough.

Not sexy, I know, but don’t worry: the week got better.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/58jemg/mf_a_week_of_spanking_and_sex_tuesday_pic