[MF] The end of XXX_Highavailability and Highavailability.

Hello friends. First I would like to apologize to the moderators if this type of post does not fit the spirit of the subreddit but it is the place that we first started posting in so it makes sense for it to also be the last.

Many of you joined us over in what was /r/hastories and I would like to thank all of you for your interest, kind words, and viewership of my penis. As you have by now guessed the end is nigh for me (The male half) and /u/xxx_highavailability (the female half). I would have written sooner to let you fine folks know but it has been an emotional gut check that has taken me some time to recover from.

There are a lot of real life details that I can not divulge regarding XXX and I, but suffice it say we “hooked up” at pretty stormy points in our life. We had a connection that you have all read about and many admired. The fact that we were both holding onto each other for dear life during that period coupled with our physical chemistry made for a strong bond. The problem with a raging storm though is that eventually the waters calm.

The distance started to become an issue. We both started realizing we had different needs and that things that were once what we loved in each other became points of contention. Our relationship suffered from poor communication. You would think two people who write about their sexual adventures would be able to talk about simple things like, needs or feelings. Sadly, this did not happen for us and I found myself not paying heed to the little signs, or perhaps rather, not interpreting them correctly.

Shortly after our torrid trip to Asia, the wheels fell off. We could both feel it happening during the trip but we still decided to not talk about it. In the end, XXX decided that our relationship had run its course and that I was not meeting her halfway in the things that she needed. I was outraged like anyone, but when I soul searched I saw that it was the case. I give her credit because I tried my best to beg for her back, but the flame had died and the ashes were cold.

I have spent the past several weeks trying to fill that gaping hole in my life. All of you reading this who have loved someone with all your heart only to lose it know what I am talking about. It’s like you are falling out of a tree, no control and are just trying to grab a branch to hold onto to stop the plummet before the ground ends you.

We still talk and have managed to stay friends, I am appreciative of that. We will likely never see each other again and that is something that is hard to accept but if it means we stay friends we have both accepted that.

Please keep in mind after reading all of this that I find place no blame in th end of us. We didn’t communicate and when that happens assumptions are made. I just wanted to let you fine folks know and I will do my best to answer any questions you have. Stay sick friends. -HA

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/575frd/mf_the_end_of_xxx_highavailability_and


  1. Thanks for the update. Sorry it didn’t work out :/ I know LDR’s are very hard to maintain. You guys made it last longer than most.

  2. Thanks for the update. I know people here were wondering. I’m at least happy to hear that it was somewhat amicable after all is said and done. Your contribution to the subreddit has been appreciated.

  3. Really appreciate the update. I enjoyed following your (mis)adventures and was genuinely rooting for you guys, but I unfortunately know as well as you do that life can get in the way. Hopefully you can get over the gut punch soon and on with your life.

  4. As the saying goes, ‘The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very very brightly’ – sorry to hear that things didn’t work out long-term for you two, but I thinik we can all be glad that the good times were good.

    And I hope things work out great for both of you in future.

  5. Wow, that sounds like a world of pain right now. It was plain to see that for a time, you brought each other real love and joy. My heart goes out to you. My only advice is to get back out there in the dating world soon, even if you don’t feel ready. Trust me, that helps a lot.

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