Just another day at the office

Years ago, probably late 90s, I was in the personal protection industry. Body-guarding if you will. I worked at a well known company as the CEOs personal bodyguard. I worked for about 18 months on this detail. I wore a suit and tie with my weapon well concealed. The employees had no clue who I was nor what I did there. It was not an overt security presence. I had a private office on the top floor which I honestly used mostly to sleep in during the day. This was just about the easiest assignment I’d ever undertaken. The guy didn’t think he needed me, and I mostly obliged him. Spending most days sleeping in the office or moseying around the campus smoking Marlboro lights. I noticed a woman on several occasions, normally also smoking, and she seemed a bit out of place there. I knew she worked in the tax department on the same floor I was on, but knew nothing else about her. She wore leather skirts that seemed a bit too high for the office, and shirts cut a bit too tight. Fishnet stockings were usually very prominent as well. Beautiful, blonde, unusual lady.

After being at this assignment for about 3-4 weeks, I had quite a routine. Get in whenever I felt like it, make my presence known to those that knew I was there, then disappear into the office for a few hours of shut eye.

KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. The sound may as well have been a shotgun blast. I jumped up from a deep, fitful sleep into full attention. The knock happened again, but more softly than it originally sounded. I straightened myself out, turned on the light, and opened the door. It was her.

She introduced herself, Katie, and asked me what I do there. She was very forward and even overbearing at first. I wasn’t prepared to answer that question so quickly so I stammered something about building inspections or some other b.s. She apologized for bothering me, but asked if she could ask me a personal question….. I wasn’t sure what to say, so I said “Yeah, I guess”. She went on to ask me to please keep the conversation in confidence and not to report her to her boss. She had my full attention. I agreed. She asked me if I liked erotic stories. I must’ve taken a few seconds to respond, because she tilted her head to the side as if to say,”hello?”. I said, again, “Yeah, I guess”. Some Casanova, huh? She explained that she was entering an erotic essay contest and she had a few completed stories on a 3 1/2″ floppy disk (told ya this was the late 90s) and she handed it to me asking, again, to keep this in strict confidence. I promised. As she departed, my mind began to race. Who was she? Am I being tested by the company? Is she trying to bait me into some comprising situation? Only one way to find out. I popped the dick into the desktop computer I had in the office and started reading. The first two stories were your typical Penthouse Forum stuff. Titillating, but not overwhelming. The third grabbed me right away. It was called “Just Another Day At The Office”. The beginning was identical to the beginning you just read. All the way up through handing the man a 3 1/2″ floppy disk and asking him for discretion. The story ended with the office door closing, then…… afterward. Just dots. I was FLOORED! What do I do? Half of me wanted to take off running for fear of entrapment of some sort. The other half, though, won. I sat down and started writing to help her finish the story. Once finished, I placed it on her desk while she was on break, then I waited. I was nervous as hell. Around 2:30 I made the call. She answered in a very quiet voice. “Corporate Taxation, Katie speaking”.

“Katie, can I see you in my office?”, in my stern baritone voice.

“I’ll be right in, sir”. I was almost instantaneously fully erect. I stayed seated behind the desk. She knocked lightly, and I told her to come in. She stood timidly against the wall and closed the door quietly. I was suddenly overcome with those warm pre-sex butterflies and feeling of warmth.

“We need to talk about your recent behavior around here”. I stayed as stoic as my body could muster. “I’ve been getting complaints about your dress, or lack thereof. We need to maintain a certain image and decorum around here, and this has to change….” She stood a few feet away and twirled her pointer finger through her necklace and stared at the ground dejectedly. I stood up from behind the desk and asked “What are we going to do about this?…” My dick was so incredibly hard that, had I not been wearing a fairly baggy pair of slacks, it would’ve probably torn through them. It was obvious. She actually got down on her knees and begged to keep her job, that she’d do ANYTHING to keep it. I slowly unzipped my fly and suggested that I knew a way to keep this all quiet. As my swollen prick fell forward out of my pants, gravity was not as fast as she was. She came up as it slapped her face. Her tongue worked from as far down the base as the pants would allow, and my cock slid down her face as she licked closer to the tip. I wish I could say that I was prepared to go for HOURS right then, but the precum gave away the fact that I was ready to shoot. Her greedy tongue twirled into my prick tip releasing more of the goo. I staggered backwards into the desk chair and she followed without my dick even coming out of her mouth. To this day, I have never experienced head as she gave it. I’m sure that a part of that was the surprise of this actually happening, but I think that her mouth was also just amazing. I stared into her eyes as she used her mouth to bring me to the most intense orgasms…… then she stopped….. I screamed with my eyes WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING without saying a word. My cock began to sputter out its contents, then she immediately went back to work. She deepthroated my prick so far, I’m not even sure how she swallowed what I was giving her. My body arched into an orgasm so intense, it hasn’t been matched since. I came at least three times into her mouth and throat, and she wasn’t showing any signs of letting up. I suddenly stood up and threw her into the chair I was just sitting in. I knew that I was still dripping post cum all over the place, but I could’ve cared less. I threw her legs up and, wouldn’t you know it, no panties to get in the way. Her pussy was pungent with her juices as I slid my tongue directly into her hole. I usually stay on the clit for a good long while, but the scent and the taste made me go directly for the gold. She seemed to be okay with my plan of attack, as she dug her nails into my closely shaven scalp and pressed my face further into the place it wanted to be. My tongue didn’t seem to be able to keep up the cleaning quite as fast as she was she was making more messes, but I tried diligently. I found my way to her asshole and licked the river of her fluids as they ran down to meet me. I noticed that during all of this, I was still rock hard. How the hell I was, in couldn’t tell you, but I decided to make use of it at that point. I stood again, ready to simply plunge it into her moistness, but her being ever helpful, wanted maximum lubrication, so sh put it in her hot mouth again. This time I was no where close to coming. I pushed her backward after a few seconds and dipped my prick into what seemed like a furnace. It was so hot and ready, I began to rethink the whole not ready I come again statement. As I pressed through to the base, she begged me to fill her up. She began to get louder, and I had I place my hand over her mouth as a gentle reminder of our current location. She grabbed my shaft at the base and stroked me as I thrusted in and out of her cunt. I had never known such intense pleasurable feelings. I knew I was going to come after about 15 minutes, and she read me like a book. “This isn’t over until you empty your balls into me” she whimpered. Her eyes told me the rest of the story. It’s ok. I’m safe. The pill. No worries. This was literally said without Words. I’d like to say I came quietly and romantically, but in reality, it was a writhing, twisting, ball shattering come-fest. Every drop went into her tight hole, and as I pulled out, her mouth cleaned up the evidence. I handed her some napkins from on top of the desk, and she waved them off and simply said, “Thanks!” She walked out of the office and walked down the hall with me dripping down her legs in a torrent. I have no clue why, but this turned me on so fucking much, I jerked off again right there. As I came again, with what amounted to clear fluid, my balls began to hurt so badly, I winced as I came. I was spent for days afterward. We hooked up the next night at her house, but I had to apologize profusely for my nonperformance. My dick was flatlined. Nothing. Of course I took care of her orally, though. Her pussy was just as delicious the day after. We made a few more trips to meet one another, much more fruitful than the second date, though. I promise. Then we simply faded away. No complications, no expectations, no mess, except the carpet on the floor of that office. She was an incredible person. She even did my taxes that year. My then girlfriend, now wife, detected something fishy, and we switched tax preparers, then we lost touch. I’d love to meet up again someday, just to say hello, and maybe invite her into my office again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5729bp/just_another_day_at_the_office