Dating site stranger

This story is from a friend who has a new reddit account and can’t post yet. I believe her username is u/MegMe. I am hoping she comments first so any messages can be sent to her.

So just to give a few details:
I am a curvy girl with shoulder length black hair, glasses and a few tattoos.
My stranger:
Same length as I am, black hair, beard, ear ring on the left ear, brown eyes, slim. (not that I think he exercise)

So we had been chatting quite a few days on a dating site but neither of us could decide weather we actually wanted to meet. For various reasons neither of us could host the other one. And both of us were scared about meeting in person. But eventually we decided to just do it.

So the day before we met we set up a few ground rules:

No talking.
I am not allowed to initiate.
I am not allowed to touch him.
When we stop at undisclosed location I have to sit on my hands and allow him to wander and do what he needs.

5am the morning of our first meeting I am tired. I had a horrible nights sleep but I so desperately needed the release. I got up, showered and just for good measure fingered myself to edge a couple of times. Edging 3 times is about what I can manage without moaning. I struggle not to be loud.

So I get dressed in my work black pants and red cleavage type top for the morning. (I don’t own dresses and skirts). When I got to our meeting stop he climbed in and kissed me good morning (I didn’t quite trust him yet) we from there drove around for 15 minutes or so looking for a secluded spot but we only found a quiet type road. So we have found a destination. As soon as we stop I slowly put my hands under my butt and just a little inside me this awakens the very fingering I did to myself. I could tell what my body wanted and he noticed immediately. But we sat. He sat looking at me and eventually I just decided to ask him what the hell is going on. “I am watching you suffer” and deep down it resonated in my body and it let slip a moan from my own lips.

I was then simply instructed to take off my bra and I did so. He took one look at my breast with my shirt lifted up to give him access I could barely see what was going on in the road anymore. He bit and sucked hard and to my absolute horror he would bring me to that edge each single time and stop just before I could orgasm. I wanted to beg for release but I refused to give in to such a big temptation.

Eventually the alarm we set went off and I had to drive him back to his car. We stop and as I thought he was climbing out he puts his hand up my shirt and proceded to tease me looking all around at the people moving in and out of the building bringing me once again to the edge. We kiss bye and whispers in my ear the I am not allowed to release myself. Nor am I allowed to touch myself in any sexual manner.

I was hot bothered and horny. I needed to see him again!



  1. What a weird story… Unless its some kind of a fetish site you should probably ditch the guy.

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