NSFW REAL SEX: My Best Experience So Far [M/F] [Female perspective]

       It was one of those annoying misty days that never seemed to make up its mind on whether to actually rain or not. His hooded jacket was damp to the touch when he got to her apartment and he peeled it off early to reveal the ever present spandex muscle shirt. She assumed it made him feel less insecure because he’d only taken it off once when they were together and she had to ask him to. She preferred the feeling of skin to skin contact but conceded to his quirk. This wasn’t anything serious anyway; it was easier to make concessions when they felt like they had a time limit.

       After twenty or so minutes of TV and small talk he looked at her and said, in his way, “Are you ready to bang?”

       She felt a little thrill, a skip of the heart that she always felt when he was so brutishly blunt. She didn’t exactly like it and laughed it off most of the time but it did something to her, knowing how consumed he was with the idea of sex in her presence. She laughed and smiled at him, her “aren’t you dumb but adorable” smile and then nodded.

        “Are you sure?”

       She laughed louder and stood up, walked to her room and opened the door. He followed and they began to take off their clothes. When she was down to her undies he said, “Do you signature move.”

       She looked at him, ever amused. “What?”

        “The lights,” he said, “you always turn of the lights. It’s your signature move.”

       She considered this and shrugged. She definitely preferred the lights off. Sure, she was insecure too but it wasn’t really about that, it was more about familiarity. You hide things in the dark. The light is for things that you aren’t ashamed of. That was closer even though she wasn’t ashamed of what they did, it still wasn’t lights on kind of sex. Not yet anyway, if it would ever be. She turned off the lights and walked to the bed as she took off what clothing remained. She climbed into the bed, deliciously and completely nude. He quickly slid his shorts off as if it were a surprise that she was ready to go. It was always this way. She wasn’t sure if he forgot or just enjoyed the little dance.

       She crouched above him and they kissed, her pendulous breasts brushing against the spandex fabric. He began to stroke himself and was quickly fully erect. He guided her hand down to his cock where she continued stroking as their kisses became more unrestrained. His hand found her pussy and he slipped a finger insider her opening, his thumb massaging her clit. She was very particular about how she liked to be touched and he wasn’t performing to her standards. He was too frantic, too needy.

       She pulled away and he said, “You want to get on top of that dick, don’t you?” There was no mysterious thrill this time, just slight annoyance at his crassness. Why couldn’t he be just a bit smoother? She just smiled and nodded as she mounted him. The foreplay wasn’t as long as she would have liked and she wasn’t quite ready for him but it wasn’t long before he was inside her, filling her up. She began to ride him slowly, the way she liked, feeling her pussy sliding up and down his cock. She liked to dig deep and pressed her knees into the bed, grinding her pussy into his crotch. She could feel the prickly scratch of his recently shaven pubes and it mixed sweetly with the feeling of deep penetration.

       He pulled her closer to him so her breasts were pressed up against his chest, spilling into his face, “Kiss me.” She kissed him the way she liked, slowly, tasting him. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and flicked it around; she sucked on it trying to bring the speed down again. Did he think she would disappear? She pulled back in frustration and focused her attention again to ridding his cock and the sensation building in her.

       They found a groove and soon both were lost. She rode him, faster than she normally liked but she was gone now, only the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of her wet pussy remained. It was all that mattered. He took one of her nipples into his mouth and began to softly bite and suck, he filled his hand with her other breast and twisted the nipple with his fingers. Sweet electricity surged between her nipples and her pussy and she cried out, her voice husky with pleasure. He crushed her body to his again and began kissing her but soon their lips were simply pressed together, there was no act of kissing, just body parts fused by passion. She grunted and groaned with the effort and pleasure of riding him. He put his hands on her sizable ass and guided her thrusts so that her ass bounced with every upward movement. She thrilled at the feeling and how much he enjoyed it.

        “Is this my fat ass?”

       This again. She slowed her movements, momentarily caught off guard by his question as she always was. She didn’t like talking during sex unless it just spilled out of her in the moment.

        “Yeah,” she breathed quickly, wanting to get back to the animal noises of passion.

        “Tell me this is my fat ass.”

       A moment of frustration passes before she quickly repeated the phrase, feeling slightly silly, “This is your fat ass.”

       She quickened her pace again in an effort to silence the kinky talk. It worked well, soon he was pressing her body against him asking to be kissed and they were gone again, lost to the passion and sensation. He guided her hand to the back of his neck where he liked her to tug on his hair. She knew he was close.

        “I love fucking you,” he said and she was filed with pride, feeling like a sex goddess.

        “The feeling is mutual,” she said behind a smile.

       She began to feel like she was losing her mind, she had never felt so free of thought, so primal. She imagined riding his cock forever, never stopping. She wanted to feel like this always. They continued, bucking against each other, completely overwhelmed by the intensity but riding it to its natural conclusion as creatures of pleasure have done since time immemorial. Her ass bounced harder against his legs, a low slapping of flesh against flesh joined the chorus of pleasure. She could feel the moment coming and kept the pace steady, his hands still guiding her ass with every thrust.

       There was a brief moment of silent stillness before her mind exploded and her pussy convulsed wildly around his hard, still thrusting cock. She cried out again and it turns into a groan as the waves of pleasure continue to wash over her. She slows because she is no longer thinking at all, only feeling. He continues to guide her through the pleasure until he goes rigid with his own experience.

        “I’m coming,” he manages to say and she nods, smiling as her pussy continues its convulsions and she feels the warm spurts of cum inside her.

       They are both spent. She lay on top of him, her torso supported above him by her outstretched arms. Her breasts heave with every labored breath and he cupped one in his hand, gently running the nipple across his lips. She shuddered at the sensation and continued to smile, her eyes closed and head raised to the heavens.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/55pp25/nsfw_real_sex_my_best_experience_so_far_mf_female


  1. This is really good. I love the detail you gave and the look into the relationship you have with the man in this story. I’d love to read more from you.

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