The Tale of the Secret Red Head

This story finds me meeting and bedding a most amazing blonde haired vixen. And while I have had a few blondes share my bed, this one was different. There was a lust and fire to her…a drive that only a select few in the world possess. Ladies and gentlemen of the Midnight Society, I present to you the Tale of the Hidden Red Head.

This story finds me living in a town I was fairly familiar with but not currently domiciled in at the time. Circumstances had driven me to this town on the high plains and I was looking to make the most of my brief duration in the town with the friends I knew from past parts of my life. On this occasion, it was a birthday with a large set of mainly female but a few male friends and I was looking forward to hanging out and catching up with everyone.

The festivities began at a sushi restaurant which I was a bit late in getting to meaning I approached a circular table of full seats. As I arrived at the table, I began making my rounds saying “hi” and making small talk. Then I felt it. The peering of eyes that unmistakably makes you feel wanted and hunted at the same time. The heat on my back was intense but the booze from the self pre-game (mixed with an ever present amount of THC) had me acting a little bit smoother than the average me. After finishing my conversation with the birthday girl, I turned towards the source of the scalding.

She sat smoldering, slightly longer than shoulder length hair hung to one side of her face in false ringlets. Her skin was ivory against the blue light of the sushi bar and the natural swell of her breast pressed unrelentingly against the thin black material of her top. Her face was all angles of intelligence with a wicked smile resting under surprisingly warm eyes. It was like she was baiting you into talking to her, constantly looking for an intellect to match her own with a promise of penalty if you didn’t. Our eyes locked and it was one those moments in life where just the lock of eyes tells you more about your destiny than a million words spoken in a thousand prayers.

After a bit of a pause we exchanged names, pleasantries and slight barbs. However, our conversation was short due to the aforementioned full table issue. Glances throughout the dinner sufficed. Each meeting of our eyes started as a challenge; a sort provocation to see who could generate more sexual tension without the group noticing. Or with the group noticing. By the time dinner was done, our drinking and boldness had undone any secret of what we were thinking about.

By the time we left dinner, we went to a few bars. Because this was ostensibly about the birthday girl, my temptress and I kept it fairly civil through the next stops. The occasional graze, the biting of an ear. Nary a kiss was exchanged. We had passed that point. Any amount of making out would lead to fucking and that is never a good move in public. Well in the middle of the bar at least.

Finally birthday girl said it was time to pack it in. The vixen agreed to help me drive the birthday girl home (probably should not have done. Sigh) and once we got her there, we smoked some weed and got her into bed. At this point it was fairly late (around 1:50) and the vixen looks at me.

“Where do you live?” she asked, in an almost demanding tone. I told her where I lived and the decision was made.

“We are going to my house. Its closer. Any issue with that?”

Sometimes, not saying anything is the best thing to do as a gentleman (not always advice I take for myself). A nod from me and we were now (again, irresponsibly) driving to her house.

The minute the red door to her apartment closed I sprung on her like a fucking bear. I had about 5 hours worth of sexual tension built up and I was not going to be gentle. Grabbing her hair at the back of her neck we started making out just as I backed her against the wall, her ass making a thud as she collided. Our kisses were almost desperate, the energy of the evening coursing through us as my hands traveled under her top and grabbed her beautiful globes.

Her shirt and my shirt quickly found themselves as I forced her to turn around against the wall. Holding her by the back of the neck I kissed from where my hands where down here body. My other hands and hers worked her pants off. As I continued my labor of love down her body, one of my fingers found her gorgeous little pink pussy. I worked one, then two knuckles deep into her tight soaking wet pussy. Holding herself against the wall with her hands, she started to convulse with moans.

By now I was so hard it was hurting. I slide my finger back out of her and tasted my finger. She was sweet, and ever so wet. My pants were off in a flash and I grabbed my cock with my hand as I approached her from behind. I was moving fast as she felt me grab her neck again and guide my cock into her.

She screamed at the feeling of me entering her for the first time, “Oh yes, fuck me! Fuck me hard!”

Still holding on to the back of her neck and grabbing her hips and gloriously made ass, I started rocking my hips into her with intensity. It had been a while and this animal feeling felt so right. Her pussy clenched and massaged by cock in its velvet vice, making me far more vocal than I normally am. We fucked up against that wall until she felt me start to swell. She demanded that I cum in her and cum in her hard. I think we nearly broke the wall as I pushed myself all the way in and filled her. She turned her head, grabbed mine and kissed me deeply.

After fucking against the wall for a while we moved into her bedroom where we could “do a bunch of fun stuff.” We fucked through out that evening and the morning in every conceivable position. In between sessions we would smoke weed and chill, chatting about a lot of different interest we had in common. But every 20 or so minutes, she would just get this twinkle in her eye. That twinkle meant I was about to get a blow job because she needed to eat her out, fuck her or both. Her mouth would take me in hungrily as she was not about to wait for sex. And so I obliged her as much as I could, ending up completely spent by the morning light with a sore pelvis and jaw as my prizes.

It was never terribly hard for her to get me in the mood. Her lithe dancer body with her disproportionately large breasts and ass, her enthusiasm for sex, it was intoxicating. And she wanted to fuck just the way I wanted to fuck her, like I was a Viking that had just raided her village (we still jokingly refer to our sex as “Viking Sex” – side note – this does not refer to the size of my penis (average!) but to his stamina / recovery time).

But during all of this, something kept coming up in my mind…this level of lust, this fiery want to get fucked, this was not a normal blondes emotions! I mean, I love blondes. Blondes are sexy as all hell and have provided me with some of my most sensual experiences (other stories, if you guys like!). But blonde sex is different. Its playful, its fun. It almost feels like a sport there being a certain amount of athleticism with blondes. God, I like blondes.

And, one day my favorite mystery solver, Facebook, revealed the secret to me. The vixen’s new profile picture showed her with red locks. A true ginger. When I razed her about going back to her natural hair color, she only asked, “how did you know?”

Because, doll, when you find yourself in bed with a red head…you know.

And that is the Tale of the Secret Red Head. Remember friends, they are out there, those gingers in disguise…so do yourself a favor. Find one.



  1. Amen. Something about my Irish ancestry plus the fact that I lost my virginity to one? I dunno but they do get in my head something fierce.

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