Locker room

So I’ll start of by saying I’m 31 straight dude who is married. But sometimes my hormyness gets the best of me and while in the locker room i take quick looks at other guys. By that I mean the naked ones who just got out of the shower or who are getting undressed to get in the shower. I have never been caught looking but I did catch a guy checking me out as I was getting ready for a shower and again when I was walking to the shower ( naked no towel around me) I think he knew I caught him the first time but obviously it didn’t bother him. It just so happened we both walked out of the shower stalls at the same time and walked back to the changing area next to each other. I snuck a few glances and didn’t get caught ( I think) and as did he. The whole time getting changed I couldn’t stop looking over. His dick was awesome. Uncut and shaved. ( Just like mine) how could I not look.
While both waiting for a shake we locked eyes accidentally but neither of us looked away right away so i gave him a nod as if to say hey what’s up and he gave me one back but after he did it his eyes locked on my crotch then back to my eyes and nodded again with a smile. After that we got our shakes and left. Thanks god he didn’t look over again cause I must of looked dumb founded.
I can’t tell if he was hitting on me with that extra nod telling me he likes what he sees, that he knows I was looking or was it nothing at all.
Hope you like my little story. What do you guys think about it. Anything like this happen to anyone else and please don’t tell me I’m not the only straight guy who can appreciate a nice looking dick who sneaks some looks in the locker room


1 comment

  1. Straight men don’t obsess over penises like you do mate. Don’t you be looking at my willy!

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