Thighs during first one night stand

Angie was 32. She lived in an apartment with two other women in Brooklyn, had been laid off from her job at a jewelry store, was looking for freelance work for making jewelry on Craiglist. That was how she put it. She had long brown hair and freckles, came from what I sensed was a wealthy family on Long Island (they actually lived on another Island, off the LI coast), but she dressed like she was a college student from the 70s and had a plain, earthy demeanor. Well, she was the 70s. This was 2009, so she must have been born in 1976/77.

I…was a twenty-one year old college student on an internship in New York that summer. Read some of my other stories and perhaps you’ll glean a summary of me.

I met Angie at a summer movie screening at Brooklyn Bridge park. It was early July and I was staying in my aunt and uncle’s house…and they were gone on vacation with their kids. So it was just me, housesitting. I couldn’t make up my mind on where to sit and also, I kind of in general wanted to get laid that summer. It had been a few months since I’d had any women.

So I saw Angie, sitting alone on a blanket, and I sat down next to her. Not right next to her, but close enough so she glanced over at me and I at her. I wasn’t sure if she was waiting for somebody or if she was just lost in her thoughts. She turned to me finally and asked if I knew when the movie would start.

The movie was ‘Raising Arizona.’ At this point, I ask you to please look up the theme music from that film and play it to the action of the rest of our night.

Hours later, once the movie was over and the crowd had dispersed we found ourselves wandering through Brooklyn in search of a bar. Angie’s fat roommate, who had shown up later on, had said to Angie, “This guy’s really cute Angie. Congratulations.” It was awkward for both of us, but it also paved the remainder of the way for me to get with Angie. Thanks fat roommate!

Angie and I had a single beer at a bar near my aunt and uncle’s place and I kissed her on the cheek there at the bar, on impulse. As soon as we exited the bar, she began acting drunk. It had just been one beer. We stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and made out while standing.

She was doing it to tell me something even if she didn’t know it yet. She was saying that she should get home and I started proposing that she come back to my place for a little while. She was reluctant. I kept saying it.

Guess who won that debate?

Let’s flash back for a second; there was one point during the screening when Angie was coming back from the bathroom and I saw her looking around for us, confused. I called out her name and looked at her legs as she turned. She wore corduroy pants that made her thighs look truly, idiosyncratically, sexy. As I watched her walk back to her spot I couldn’t wait to get those legs wrapped around me…

…Back to present. We lay on the couch in the living room. I finger blasted her. I licked and sucked on her tits. She wore a teal colored bra. I’d never seen the color against another woman’s tits. It was, like everything else about her, eccentric. But I liked it.

She touched my hand and told me to slow down a little and I slowed down a little. I worked two fingers in a circle around the inside of her dampening pussy and she ran her fingers through my hair. Her breathing got heavier until it had turned into a series of inhales and gasp-exhales. When the gasp exhale that coincided with her thighs going
around my hand, I thought, why is she not contracting around my waist already?

She apparently thought the same thing, because she asked,
“Where’s your room.”

First we tried her idea; she sat atop the dresser after I put on a condom and I took her while I stood. I moved back and forth but my cock kept slipping out. It was then that I felt the-


of her thighs against my waist. They squeezed me in her attempt to keep me inside of her.

But it wasn’t working, so we moved over to the bed. She lay on the bed sideways, legs open, arms outstretched, whispering, “Come here…” and I steered myself toward the flappy pink mess between her thighs. She helped guide me in and I went back and forth, back and forth, while she went

AAAAHHHH uuuuuhhhhhh AAAAAAHHHHHH uuuhhhhh

until I started cumming and my cock throbbed inside her and-


went her thighs around my waist, once again.

After she was dressed again and I was ready to walk her to the train and I’d gotten her number and we’d kissed again, she asked me how old I was.

I told her, “Twenty-One.”

Something passed over her face. She said,

“Oh. Well, I’m thirty two. So…that’s what that is…”

I walked her to the train and we said goodnight and I never fucked her again.
