MFM night I experienced more than a few years ago. pt 1of 3

Part 1 – We meet.

Leading up to the night, I do my homework and read on numerous occasions the history between Jen and Mike, wondering just how strong the connection really is. I’ve been told about the “kiss”, their history on how they met and how he’s changed her life by making her feel alive and desired (my words, not hers.)

Now the week we’ve had to “prepare” for our night, was at first talked about in amazement, then it became very fun and flirty, followed lastly by silence. With no emails and no contact, it was hard for me to feel her out, to gage my reactions and feelings off hers…mainly because I wanted to make her feel comfortable with not only me but the situation.

I leave for “work” about 630pm and give Jen a call to see if there was any last minute things she forgot and needed me to get…no answer *great*…oh well. Come to find out she was in the shower finishing off her “ritual” before visitors.

730pm quickly rolls around, and after a short search for her house, I pull up and take notice of her car…the same one I’ve wanted for the past several years. As I head for her front door, I do as I do every time I walk to the door, I adjust myself and smooth out any wrinkles I have on my shirt.

With no emotions to feed off of, I feel lost, not out of place, just lost in a foreign land…for just that brief moment before I knock on her door. Just as I’m about to knock on the door, I hear her dog barking just as she said he would and that makes me feel a lot better. It makes it so I’m familiar with her home and surroundings.

Seconds pass and this stranger, a friend, but a stranger opens the door in this black silk PJ set. She’s more gorgeous then I could have even thought of. She welcomes me in with open arms, and now I’m at peace, calm cool and collected.

After she quiets her dog down, we make our way to the couch and casually move into small talk. Her TV is on VH1 and were laughing at the clothing, the hair-do’s and just the times in general. Talking to her is smooth and flawless. She’s funny when she needs to be, flirty even when she doesn’t know it and as much as she prolly won’t admit, girly cute too.

We have about an hour to get to know each other, making sure we want to go through with the night. And by our conversation, not the topics discussed, just the comfort level…we weren’t backing out!!
