It doesn’t get better than fucking older women.

Excuse the details, but I feel it all works together well. I’ve always wanted to tell this story. It’s long!

At the start of this year I ended up staring at the ceiling of a hospital with a health complication, it kept me there for the better part of the week. I had recently gone through a break-up with a long-term girlfriend and because I moved cities with this girlfriend I never put much effort into friendship / social circles. I didn’t feel like I needed to when with her.
We would typically hang out with one another visiting restaurants and cafes until one day she unexpectedly dumped me.
It was a real “oh shit” moment in my life, living in a city of 4 million people not knowing a single soul makes you panic just a little.

Some friends put me on to a friend of theirs from home, Cara, 36 (6 years older than me).
We exchanged texts until she invited me out to dinner to chat, it was never assumed this was a romantic thing but she knew I needed some kind of a friend at the time.
I drove out to where Cara lived at a small beach suburb.
She had just come back from a date and excused herself for being late.
My first impressions of Cara if I can describe them, she stood there in a white summer dress, which was low cut and tight at the top but short and flowy at the bottom wearing black heels.
She’s slim and toned, (the sort that goes to the gym daily and minds what she eats) she had long thick dark brown hair that flowed in loose locks down to just above her bum, I’d put her at 5.5″ and about 110 pounds.
Things I noticed most were her tanned toned legs which looked great in heels and contrasted well against the white summer dress she was wearing.
A close second to that was the size of her breasts being pushed together by a bra with a deep line of cleavage. (later confirmed as F cup)

We had dinner and chatted, there was never an inkling of romance about the interactions, as hard as it was, I kept my eyes up away from that magnificent chest.

We talked for hours, drank casually ate food and then suddenly she stood up, gave me a big hug, pivoted on her right foot and walked out the door. Gone.

I was quite happy with how things went, I definitely needed a friend
and was glad to find one. (people call me the tin man for my emotional toughness but I was struggling big time here)

2 weeks went by with not contact until I got a text saying “It’s meant to be hot this weekend”. I recall she told me she had a pool when we last talked.
We made plans to meet up with her house, I turned up she was laying on a lilo in a black string bikini.
The first thought that went through my mind was “those tits….oh my god those tits”.
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen size F tits sitting in front of a woman with a 6 pack but it’s quite a site.
Like how on earth does it happen on someone with 7% body fat?

Anyway, she waved, came over and gave me a big hug again.
I kept thinking it’s nothing, she’s dating CEO’s and CFO’s around the city, it’s nothing.
I’m a very confident guy and will have an honest crack at most things. But this one was left for the imagination I thought.

At the end of the day, I said goodbye and again, nothing.
For about a month.

I was sitting at my desk at work and got this text saying “Hey hun, I’m going to a wedding up North, will you do me the honour of being my plus one?”..”Sure” is all I said, 3 minutes later flight details turned up in my inbox. “Everythings paid for, see you then xx”

We didn’t talk for the 2 weeks leading up the event, I got on the plane in faith hoping she’d be there to pick me up on the other side.
An hours flights later, I stepped off the plane in tropical Queensland.
Cara was standing there waiting for me, in tight jeans and an even tighter white top. I could just see the top of her head bouncing up and down as I walked through the crowd.

We drove off to our accommodation which was in the jungle, far removed from the town and the surroundings could be likened to a yoga retreat.

As soon as I walked in I noticed one thing, the bed. There was only one.
I got a sense of excitement. It was mid arvo, I dropped my bags.
Full of confidence, and said “you’re driving” threw her the keys and drove down to the local bottle store.
We topped up with alcohol and drove back to the accommodation.

By this stage I could tell what was up, I kept thinking to myself you’ve been torturing me with revealing clothing and small bikinis for weeks. I’m going to make you work.

On the back deck were an outdoor bath to the left, a wooden couch covered with pillows and blankets and a hammock.
I got into the hammock with a beer and that was me.
As the sun was setting the alcohol was flowing freely, we talked about everything. Ex’s, sex, movies and work. She confirmed to have slept with over 50 men in her time, largely with tinder and expensive nights out to thank.

The idea of fucking her had long left my mind even though she’d since changed into salmon pink yoga shorts and an oversized sweatshirt.
“She’s great” I thought.

The sun had just crested when she jumped up off the sofa couch and said: “Time for a bath I think..” I expected her to go inside and changed into a bikini or something and get into the bath.

Slowly she lifted her top off, reached behind unclipped her bra.
Looking down at the water never at me but facing straight toward me, lowered her yoga shorts. And there she was, the most perfectly formed woman I’d ever seen in my 30 years, Full-size F breast sitting right in front of me, erect nipples pointing upwards, 6 pack with a v shape leading all the way down to a completely balled pussy.
She had clearly spent a lot of time in the sun because though her tits were tanned, she had a g-string tanline.

I kept things professional here, stayed in the hammock rocking back and forth for awhile.
Cara: “Mmm this bath is nice…”
Me: “Oh really? God this is relaxing”
Cara: “Well, there’s room in here for two..”
Me: “Haha..looks like it”
Cara: “Come jump in”

I walked over took my clothes off, semi-erect cock swinging side to side and got into the bath with her.
I put my legs under hers, her gorgeous tits were floating with nipples sticking out. She giggled and talked about how relaxed she was.

She leaned forward, and said, “do you want dinner? Like pizza” she hopped out of the bath walked to her phone and walked back. I looked up.. her legs shoulder width apart I could look straight up at her pussy.

She sat on the side of the bar, I sat up and kissed her.
“About…fucking…time” she said. She pulled me out of the bath by my hair and threw me on my back on the deck. She grabbed my cock and stuck it in her mouth hungrily sucking and bobbing her head up and down. “Mmmm…this is a nice cock…I know you’ve been staring at my tits….I’ve caught you…you need to work on that..” “Sorry” I said. “you know what I’d do when you’d leave? I’d circle my pussy with my fingers and think about how you were looking at little shit”

She led me by my cock to the bed, threw me on it and jumped on top of me. But by on top of me, I mean my face.
“Stick your tongue out!” she aggressively rode my face moaning like I’ve never heard someone moan before. Massive tits bouncing up and down.

She rolled on her back and said “now stick your cock in me…and no condoms..” I was erect, I slid in with ease and started fucking her with her on her back as I sucked away on her tits.

Unexpectedly the door knocked, we were in chalet so there wasn’t any front desk of intercom. Just the glass sliding door.

“Shit!” I ran over to put my rugby shorts on. Cara laughing, laying still nude sticking her middle and index finger in and out her pussy making no effort to cover up.

“Sorry about that mate” I said to the pizza boy as I poked my head past the curtain.
“Fuck that girl is hot man” the pizza boy said.
“Yea? How old are you kid…”
“I’m 19” said this little blond surfer looking guy.
“come with me”

He sort of looked around and stepped inside nervously.
Cara had her eyes closed still laying on her back, legs wide open two fingers in her going in and out furiously.

“Oh my god”

Cara realising there was another voice in the room shot her eyes open, raised herself up on her elbows and laughed. “hello I’m Cara” reached out and shook his hand making no attempt to close her legs or cover herself. I actually couldn’t believe she didn’t care, I mean I was drunk inviting that guy in to see her naked. I expected some kind of backlash. But no. Nothing.

“Come over here”. She said holding her hand out, he took two steps forward took his hands and put them on each one of her breasts.
Each one was two and a half hands full a piece, they didn’t go close to covering them. He squeezed and started to look a little too comfortable expecting more until I said “alright that’s your tip, get out” “Sweet thanks man!!” as he ran out with a massive smile on his face.

I took my shorts off, fucked her in every position possible for an hour. Came inside her.

Laying in the bed next to her laughing about what had happened.
She said: “hey remember when you first met me, I was in that white dress?” “Yea of course..why?” “Well remember I kept going back and forth to the bathroom?” “haha yes…” “Well I had the guy I went on that date with’s cum running down my leg..”

I was erect again in an instant and back into her pussy I went.



  1. That is so hot. Wonder how many times she has gone out with some other guys load dripping out of her :P SO nasty and sexy

  2. I slept with her twice more since. There were some guys at the wedding the next day giving her eyes full, she had a mini on with heels. One guy came over to me and sad “fuck mate, is that your Mrs or..?” I said, “No, no go right ahead”. Something really gave me a sense of power even being around this woman. Especially knowing how every other guy wanted her. She went home with me though leaving a trail of dribbling guys clutching at thin air.

    One thing with her to remember is, she’ll be gone. Not a word not a site. And then Swoosh back she came and then gone again. It was the wildest time of my life.

  3. It happens. I’m 28, slender, brunette and am aware I’m attractive.

    At my newest job, I admitted to my husband that a 19-year-old co-worker was flirting with me. After he kept asking, I confessed I found him appealing and considered giving in but that, of course, I wouldn’t. But my husband surprised me when he then said he found that exciting and asked if I would flirt back.

    I was hesitant at first but finally said I would. About 10 months back, he asked if I could help him find a lost file at 4:50 pm when it was almost time for everyone to go home. We rummaged through the copy room together until he finally located it some 15 minutes later, and no one else was in the office. He turned out the overhead light and the only dim lighting then was from digital machines.

    He thanked me for waiting around and squeezed my hand. I didn’t pull away. We stared at the other, not moving until he pulled me to him and kissed me fully on the mouth. I was trembling. He lifted me and sat me atop the file room table.

    He spread my legs and unzipped his khakis. I couldn’t move as he slid his member into me. I cried out as he thrust into me.

    I told my husband that night, and he said he understood. He urged me to keep seeing him. Since then, I go to his apartment about twice a week (but have only stayed overnight three times all within the past two months.)

    When staying longer than around 10 pm, I call my husband for permission to let him fuck me. We talk in code so my co-worker won’t know that my husband approves.

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