My old college pro(f)essor came to visit (m)e

At the time she was my professor I was 25 and she was in her late 30s. I was never really distracted or anything, I had a girlfriend. Time passed by and we were friends on facebook and Snapchat, we’d send selfies here and there nothing sexual. Just friendly and slightly flirty at times.

Fast forward to last week, I am now 28 and she’s 42. she comes to visit this part of town and had told me if it was cool to spend the night at my place because she didn’t have a place that one night to stay at because her friend wasn’t available. I’m now a single guy living alone so of course !

We hang out we watch a movie we talk, we were having a pretty chill time catching up and just talking about life, I was scared shitless because I didn’t know if to make a move or what. I couldn’t read her at all … anyways. Bed time comes …….

So she says Ima go to sleep, i only have one bed. So I said ok, she didn’t say anything else then …. I’m on the couch and I guess I will just sleep there, but I wanna turn the ac down, I noticed the door is open, I say you sleep with the door open ? She replies well aren’t you coming to bed ? Omg my heart dropped lol ! I didn’t lose a single second, turned off the remaining lights, took my shirt off and socks and jumped in bed.

We are laying down in the dark talking and at one point I’m trying to get the conversation towards being sexual. I tell her how she’s a bit intimidating just because she’s older was my professor and just the type of character she has. Nothing offensive, and that’s when there’s a moment of silence and I just go for it and kiss her. We slowly start making out, her body is so sexy she’s as tall as me 6 feet, touching her all over. My mind was racing I couldn’t believe it, I was in shock. Well I was intimidated by her still so I couldn’t get hard and when I did it wasn’t all the way, we fooled a bit, some oral and what not. It was really late so we went to sleep.

Morning after was when I woke up with a raging boner, I quickly buried it in her and it was all I ever imagined lol. I couldn’t believe she was under me moaning, I could feel how wet she was around my dick. We fucked for like 20 minutes and I came. I had a couple things to do for work so I told her to make herself breakfast and I’ll be back in an hour.

Back I was i did some work from home and so did she, we went to lunch and went back home she quickly laid in bed to rest and I laid with her…. after talking for a while things got heated again, we fucked all afternoon, she was ready to go at all times, she was so wet and her pussy felt so great, i loved cumming inside her over and over again.

She left town and we text here and there and we are already planning our next sexcapade in about a month, she already mentioned some stuff she wants to Do now that we are comfortable with each other. This was a dream come true. Something to check off my bucket list lol.



  1. This reads like its written by a 13 year old…

    “Her breasts feel, just, really, really good. Like bags of sand.”

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