A song about not getting laid got [M]e laid [NSFW]

The song I’m talking about is No by Megan Trainor.

After being at the club for a hour and not dancing I finally decide to get on the floor and dance. While shaking it I notice a suitable mating partner within a few clicks.We made a seconds worth of eye contact before she heads off the floor to her table and I drop a pair and decide to head her way. I walk up and say “Hey” she looks at me with the coldest look and says “No”. Confused I respond ” I didnt ask you a question” and again she says no.

The stupidest idea flashes though my mind to recite the lyrics from Megan Trainors “No” and I go with it and say “Your name is?” And from there we go back and forth reciting the song until she laughs and asks for my cheesy pick up line. I said looking at you I cant tell where the good times end and the consequences begin and that “cheese” must have been the icing on the cake. We continue to talk and she mentions that it is impressive that its been a whole hour before I tried to get her back to my car. I make the suggestion and we head out.

We get to my car and head out to make out reef and start to get handsy. I tell her I have my own place but she insists that we stay here and goes for my dick. She unzips my pants and squeezes me and hops in my back seat, starts to get undressed and tosses her panties in the passenger seat.

I head back and push the seats up to make space and also proceed to get undressed. Before I get my pants off she hops on top of me and starts to put me inside of her. Im like “Hold up I didnt put a condom on” She replies “Im clean and im barren” Those were the most magical words anyone could have said to me. She asks me if I’m clean and I nod and shs sits on my dick. She opens my backseat doors and spreads her legs and I start to go to town. Im positive you could hear moaning atleast 3 miles out.

After our awesome half hour we sat in my back seat making out with me still inside of her. She gets a phone call and is asked where she is at and we have to head out. We get to the club and she tells me her name is Ali and she writes her number on some loose napkins kisses me and tells me to text her goodnight. I do so then and there and head home. Three days goes by and no word. I go to work and find her panties and decide to use this as a reason to call. I call her and turns out she gave me the number to Pizza hut! Memories like this sometimes are better than winning the lottery.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/53r8rs/a_song_about_not_getting_laid_got_me_laid_nsfw


  1. So she just had the number to Pizza Hut memorized? That more than anything says crazy to me haha

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