Wife almost got jizzed on

I wanted to share this crazy story my wife told me last night she is a nurse at a small hospital and has had her share of crazy things happen from kids barfing, peeing and pooping on her to old men getting boners when she taking their vitals or cleaning them. Yesterday she had a first though a guy in his mid 30’s was admitted for abdominal pain, so she was going to be one of his nurses during the day she introduced herself and she he made little to no eye contact and just kept staring at her tits but again nothing unusual as she has big tits and she figures it comes with the territory. He continues to flirt all day with my wife and she just laughs every time as this is not out of the norm.

Fast forward to the end of the day she goes to check on him one last time and he says that he’s feeling some discomfort in the lower abdominal area so she pulls up his gown to check him and he’s got no underwear on with a a full boner, so my wife continues doing her job and trying to be professional but it’s hard (no pun intended) he must have gotten even more excited as she was touching his lower abs asking if that hurt when she pressed because he next thing she knows he starts spurting ropes of jizz to which my wife moves back to not get hit. He apologizes and says I’m sorry I must gotten too excited my wife knew he was full of crap so she got him a towel and threw it him and said clean yourself up I will let doctor know about your pain.

So tell me anyone here in medical profession this has happen to? or perhaps you got aroused at an appointment

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/52rqmj/wife_almost_got_jizzed_on


  1. My wife is a nurse, a dude who blew half his brain away just jerked it all the time in front of who ever, his mom, staff, janitor…

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