“My Girlfriend” – My girlfriend and her sister’s nude habits – Part V [M/F].

For those who missed it…

Here’s part one: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4hhvtt/my_girlfriend_and_her_sisters_nude_habits/

Here’s part two: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4j1qkr/my_girlfriend_and_her_sisters_nude_habits_part_ii/

Here’s part three: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/51flec/my_girlfriend_and_her_sisters_nude_habits_part/

Here’s part four: https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/51rgd5/my_girlfriend_and_her_sisters_nude_habits_part_iv/

**Though I decided that part IV was going to be my last entry I had a lot of request to have closure to the story of me, Erin and Erica. I agree that it was only fair. Luckily, closure came within days and not weeks or even months as I original feared. This is definitely the final chapter. I would like to thank everybody who has given advice, encouragement and commended on my writing.**

**Part One – The last conversation about Erica AND Erin.**

While I was in Florida, Erin called Erica and told her what was going on between us. Understandably, Erica was hurt and upset. Erin told her that it wasn’t just us sleeping together and that she genuinely loved me. Erica called me as soon as they hung up and cussed me out and accused me that “I could not wait to get in her sisters pants and that she suspected it all along.”

It was pointless for me to argue with her at that point so I just let her get it all out and I just took it. After I thought she was done, I told please call me when she has calmed down.

She called me the next day. The hurt was still in her voice. To be honest, majority of the conversation was a blur. The emotion, the hate, the pain. The one thing I remember is the remorse… from both of us. Erica told me that since we talked about spending our days in the farm together that I was willing to pack up and go. She told me she was disappointed that I didn’t go and if she was being totally honest was mad at me for it.

I told her I would have been ready to do that 40-50 years from now when we were getting ready to retire. And it was unfair that she wanted me to completely sacrifice my happiness and my future to fulfill hers.

In the end I told her I am sorry for what happened with Erin but I was more sorry that I could not share her life, her goals and above all her happiness. It was hard to accept that it would take two very different things to make you and the one you love the most to be happy.

She knew I meant what I said and she also said she was sorry for leaving “us” but she felt she had to do what she had to do. She also said that maybe she would have been fine with me and Erin getting together, but not this soon.

I almost said that if I could take back what happened between me and Erin I would, but I knew I didn’t. I held off and instead said that what happened, happened and there was no way of taking it back. Nor can I say anything that would make her hurt less.

I was hearing her cry on the other end. I told her that if I was really wishing for something, it was that she never would have left. But again what has happened, happened and there is no taking it back. I told Erica goodbye and hoped that she can one day forgive me. She did not say anything and she hung up.

**Part II – My Girlfriend.**

I was supposed to head back Sunday but since my birthday was Tuesday my mom asked if I could stay until then. I emailed my boss and he said work wise I did not have anything that couldn’t wait so I made plans to come back on Wednesday. I’ve pretty much made up my mind that I wasn’t going to communicate with Erin so I can do some thinking but just prior to finalizing my flight home I decided to call her and let her know that my plans have changed.

She sounded disappointed. I asked what’s wrong and she said she had something planned for my birthday. I thought about it and started looking at other flights. The flight I was getting was leaving Florida on Wednesday at 6:15 AM and the last flight on Tuesday was at 9:45 PM. So I told Erin that I was flying back Tuesday night. She sounded happier.

Now let me set the stage for what’s going to happen next. I am going to bring you to as close to the experience as you can get and for that I will need you to do two things. I will need you to block out about 10-15 minutes of your time and number two, if you are alone please have some good speakers or headphones on.

Now lets begin.

Your flight arrives a little early and you actually remembered where you parked and it’s not half a mile away from the elevator. Traffic was light and you made it home in 20 minutes when it normally takes you 30.

You open the door and the room is lit by about 50 or so candles. On the floor in the middle of the room is a white sheet surrounded by pillows and covered with rose petals. You look across the room and Erin is standing by the archway, in a black teddy, sheer stockings and high heeled shoes. She has never looked so beautiful as she is now.

On her right hand is a remote. She lifts it up and points it to the stereo. The song below plays.

Now imagine as the song starts, she puts down the remote and she starts to walk towards you one foot in front of the other like she was walking on a run way. She looks you straight in the eye. You shut the door behind you and you walk towards her. You meet in the middle of the room. She puts her hands on your back and pulls herself to you every so gently then she lays her head on your chest. She starts to sway. You put your hands on her hips as you slow dance to the music. You feel her softness. You smell her hair. She runs her fingers gently on your back, caressing you. You sway, you dance holding each other. No words are said. This goes on until the end of the song.

Now this song comes on.

You sway together for 10 seconds into the song. Then she lifts her head and looks deeply into your eyes. Without breaking eye contact, she unbuttons your shirt and lets it fall to the floor. Still looking in your eyes she pulls the top of her teddy down to her waist. She puts her hands on the back of her arms and pulls you to her pressing her breast on your chest. She closes her eyes and kisses you deeply. She starts to run her fingers gently on the back of your arm as you hold her. You sway, you kiss, you love. And this goes on until the end of the song.

Next this song comes on.

She stops the kiss and looks into your eyes. She pulls you down to the sheet. You are both on your knees and you kiss. She kisses your cheek, she goes down to you neck, your shoulder, your chest she takes her time and then back to your lips until the song ends.

The next song plays

She stands up and takes off her lingerie. You’re kneeling in front of her looking at her, admiring her. She is standing 5 inches from you and you run yours hands on her legs, touching the fine silk stockings she’s wearing as she runs her fingers through your hair. She bends over and starts to kiss you. Then she pulls you up and she kneels down. She unbuckles your belt and pulls down your pants. You stand there naked. Still kneeling down she kisses your hips, your pubic area and after what feels like forever, takes you in her mouth. Gently, lovingly. She does this until the song ends.

The final song starts

She stands and looks into your eyes and then she sit down on the sheets. She reaches her hand to you and you follow. She lays you down and begins to kiss you. Starting from your lips to your chest to your stomach and then she puts you back in her mouth. She makes sure that you are ready for her.

She positions herself on top of you. You feel her reach around and hold you. She puts you inside her. She looks in your eyes as she starts to rock. Slowly at first, going deeper on every thrust. She builds up a rhythm, she closes her eyes. The song ends and you hear her soft moans. You kiss her breast. This goes on until you both climax. You ejaculate inside her. She stops with you still inside her, she kisses your lips, stop, looks in your eyes while she caresses your face with her left hand and says “Happy Birthday Baby.”

This morning Erin and I talked about our weekend. I told her that the whole time I was away, I missed her. No, I craved her. I found my self looking at her pictures. and thinking about her more times than I can count.

Finally I told her that I want us to give it a try and I am praying to God that we can make it work. And then I did the cheesiest thing I have ever done… I tried to smile my most boyish smile, held her hand and said “Erin, would you be my girlfriend?”

The End.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/52qhsu/my_girlfriend_my_girlfriend_and_her_sisters_nude


  1. * [automagic playlist for media](http://radd.it/r/gonewildstories/comments/52qhsu) in this post

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  2. Can I just tell you how much I hate you? You lucky SOB!!!

    Yesterday I found out that Bocelli was coming to our town for a concert next year and I told my girlfriend that we were going to watch it. You gave me a whole new perspective on two of my favorite songs.

  3. Well OP I am glad you did some thinking while you were away and decided to take a chance with Erin. Erin seems like she really loves you and wants to show you how much she really does love you. If you ever change your mind in the future to give us an update on how things are going with Erin. I know we will appreciate an update. I wish you the best OP.

  4. In the future, more stuff will come up to make this situation hard on you. The Erica angle won’t go away.

    That’s not meant to scare you off; it’s meant to remind you to keep your eye on what’s important. Save these stories somewhere, for yourself. Don’t let yourself take this for granted, or forget how hard Erin was willing to fight for this. She just sacrificed her relationship with her sister for you, and it was clearly pretty close before.

    It will get hard sometimes, but you’ve got every reason to find it entirely worth it. You’re a lucky couple.

  5. Stupid question here but did you pause the make out sesh to write down the playlist?

    Whatever the case, congratulations on a Happy resolution. If you would ever be so kind to let us know what celebrities the sisters resemble, you know, for science, that would be great.

  6. Good story man; i will miss them.. i loved your stories, i agree with your mom you where with the wrong girl. Congrats and goodluck.

  7. Con te partiro used to be (maybe still is) one of the pieces of music that the Bellagio Fountains in Vegas play to. I’ve no idea why I’m mentioning that. But it’s a beautiful song. I spent a long time one evening watching them and listening with a now-ex GF who frankly didn’t appreciate it :/

  8. This is so sweet! Good luck with Erin and I hope Erica will understand and be a friend again so.

    Really glad you shared all of this!

  9. Bruh, I never comment on posts, but shit. Good luck to you & Erin! I appreciate you sharing your story with us.

  10. I know you wrapped up this specific story with your swan song, but you’ve got a good talent for writing and we know you and Erin are going to have some freaky nights ahead. Continue writing about them. They can be a la carte.

  11. You did a great job writing all that. Keep us updated on how it goes. Hot story, hope it all goes well.

  12. Great ending to the story and would make an interesting movie. Also Christmas is gonna be awkward.

  13. All three of you seem like good people. I hope everything works out. I really enjoyed reading all 5 parts and comments you added. my girlfriend called to meetup for dinner, i was a bit late because I was trying to finish reading the story hahah :)

  14. I am traveling on business right now and I was looking forward to going back to my hotel to read this new update.

    As I did in the past, after reading your latest entry I went back and re-read the previous ones so I can get the complete story in my head.

    If I can make an observation.

    In the five stories you have posted including your comments, do you know how many times you said or described how beautiful Erin is?

    With that being said, did you notice that you (almost) never said that about Erica? I’m sure she is equally as beautiful but it is very telling how passionate you are about Erin.

    Just my dos centavos, Amigo.

  15. Thanks for the story/updates man. Hope you’re happy together and Erica is alright in the end. Best of luck with your dad too.

  16. Dammit man, how can you leave us with such a cliffhanger? Here we are, on the edge of our seats, and we don’t know whether Erin said she’d be your girlfriend or not! :)

    No, seriously – really glad for you (well, not so much for part 1, which is necessary-but-sucky, but really glad things are going so good with Erin).

    Enjoy life. :)

  17. Thank you for the closure you have given us, and i do hope the very best for you, you lucky bastard (right now at least, who knows what the future brings). Consider writing more, ive really enjoyed your style.


  18. I’ve been following this since part 1 and re-read the whole thing over and over again every time you posted a new part. I wanted to tell you you’re great writer, really.

    All I can think of is how hard it probably was for Erin to see you with her sister all the time while she was craving you. She saw you looking at her, she had her breasts inches away from your face when she cut your hair and she knew her she could never turn her feelings into reality. Skipping forwars to your birthday, she has put a lot of work effort in it, which confirms again how much she actually loves you and wants you.

    I’m not going to comment on morality as it’s something personal, but I can clearly see you’ve been very mature about the whole thing and I respect that a lot.

    Not trying to guilt trip you, I can only feel sad for Erica. I hope she can ever be OK with the fact she chose the farm over you (taking into account that’s what she actually wanted then). The fact you’re with Erin now, which she may have suspected/feared, has also put a definitive ending between you and her. It may add more feelings for her, but I doubt if you would would have wanted to get back together after being second choice.

    I wish you the very best, whatever the future may bring.

  19. I read all your stories in about an hour. Congrats OP. Really. Finding the kind of love you did, no matter what you had to go through to get there, you really are lucky. My best to you both.

  20. Man…I was not expecting an update this quickly. But thank you. I’m happy for the both of you and sincerely hope things work out between you two. I know it’s gotta be tough in regards to Erica, but I hope it gets easier and I hope she finds happiness. I’m gonna miss your updates bud. Good luck and God speed.

  21. Good for you. Make something happen with Erin. I am going to miss your stories. Best of luck, and if you ever post again, you will be welcomed.

  22. This entire series was a fantastic read. One of my favorite parts about this sub is the random little gems that will pop up that make us actually care about the people involved more than the sex. (I still remember the multi-part series about the guy fucking his bitchy roommate, and its evolution from reluctant fuckbuddies to full relationship)

    I wish you both a long and happy future together.

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