Six years later, Lucy’s back and she’s still wild. [M/F]

Some of you may or may not remember my stories from a few years ago. I only post as and when these things happen. This will also serve as a kind of sex diary when I’m too old for any of this shit!

Previous story
[Lucy’s big coat](


So Lucy now lives in Switzerland with her man and only occasionally messages me via email. We spoke about 6 months ago and she wanted to come to the UK for her birthday this year.

They don’t get on so well but she feels she has a good job and perhaps would stay for just that.

To cut to the chase, she came to visit last week. On a covert mission into the country, we met at a large pub/hotel near her home. She didn’t want to say to anyone she was meeting me, so I followed suit.

I pulled up to the place onto the gravel drive. It’s up on a hill in the country, a grand Georgian style mansion since been converted into a pub. Surrounded by fields and cows, it’s deathly quiet up there but beautiful. I went inside and had a look around for her. The place was quite busy, with a lot of posh families sat around large wooden tables laughing and drinking. A few old fellas dotted around drinking on their lonesome.

I bought myself a Guinness and ordered her large red wine. I handed over the money and almost immediately she came behind me and lightly touched my lower back. I turned around to see her. Eyes gleaming, those big puppy dog hazel eyes and her flowing brown hair had certainly retained all their glory. Shyly, she took the wine and we sat down with me. I’ll cut to the chase, we sat there for a good two hours before she needed to get back. She told me how she had seen friends the day before and enjoyed some birthday pampering.

During the time she had removed her scarf which had hidden her ample cleavage. She’s 4’5 or something close but her curves are certainly worth a second look, if you like that kind of thing. As always, I had made a comment or two about how good she looked, she enjoyed the compliments and finished her wine.

We left the warm pub into the cool night air. We decided to take a walk around the grounds of the building and as we did she mentioned a couple of times she thought I looked good. We chatted and laughed at some daft jokes, until we got around to my car. She had gotten the bus here, so being the gentlemen, I offered her a lift.

She was going to walk but it was much too far as she caught the bus to somewhere close. Inside the car I turned up the heat and we cruised down the long gravel path away from the mansion. It wasn’t more than ten minute drive along dark country roads. I pulled up near her parents place on the other side of the green.

As it was quiet out there, it was going to be silent in the car, I kept the engine running to avoid an awkward silence and I was making small talk, expecting her to get out soon. She didn’t move, only to shove her scarf into her handbag. She had purposely positioned herself towards me a little, I could see those heavy breasts sat nicely in her bra. Her eyes met mine and I went into kiss her on the cheek and said goodbye…I couldn’t help it though, I left the kiss there, and then, close to her, through her hair, I lightly bit her lower ear.

She put her arm over and pulled me in, I cupped her large breasts, pulling the top down just a little as i did. Un-phased by this, she continued to kiss me, putting a her hand over my rock solid cock. Her soft cotton top had a small zip on the front, I looked at her straight in the eye, as I pulled this down and I lifted out both of those perfect tits.

They looked immense in the moon light, she sat back in the seat for a moment and sighed heavily. I couldn’t resist getting my mouth around them. After a bit of time she motioned me to sit up and she went for my belt.
I had to help, I obviously obliged, removing the belt, she took no time at all in getting her head across to my side of the car and began slowly working up and down on my cock with her mouth. I was harder than I thought, she struggled to get more in but she didn’t want to slow down.

I ached, so bad, I started to wonder how I was going to last during this. As I was trying not to explode within the first five minutes, she lifted her head to say “I want you”, this gave me a chance to recover…but what do I say to that?
I’m just a red blooded male with a hard on, hearing that sent me into over drive and I had to respond. I went back in for more of those amazing tits and I kissed her whilst contemplating what’s actually happening here.

Ok, I said, we’ll go outside. She zipped the top back up and got out of the car. We joked with each other, looking around at a possible spot for this to carry on. In this affluent area, there were no street lamps, just large open areas of green land with large houses dotted around creating a soft glow around the edges.

I took her hand and proceeded to follow a path to one of the large property’s, I took my phone out to use as a torch.
We’d only walked about thirty yards when I heard a rustling in the long grass to the right off us. I immediately shone the torch in the direction of the noise and was surprised to see a badger, it was only a young one but I’ve heard stories about how nasty they can be, so I stood my ground and hoped it would leave. It ran off.

A little shocked and still horny, we laughed it off and carried on. As we approached the large property, in a hushed voice she told me to head over to this large tree, it was surrounded by a wooden box shape structure. We hopped over the long grass towards it and walked around the back, so if anyone looked out of the house, we’d be hidden.

We kissed passionately, I groped at everything I could. She was too horny to care about a thing at this point, I turned her around and released her breasts into the night again. She bent over and held onto one of the logs of the wooden structure, I reached around and unbuttoned her jeans. Her large rear took some effort to release but she wanted it. In no time I had worked the tip into her, easing an inch at a time as she braced and moaned.

My heart skipped a beat as something came running towards us alongside the tree…having experienced the badger before, I was hoping it was just as placid as the last one. I reached for my phone, after pulling away from her and shone the light down in that direction. Another badger!
I saw the whites of its eyes in the bright LED…it was moving at first so I motioned to run for it and it scarpered.

I couldn’t get over how strange this was getting but Lucy assumed her position again with no prompt at all. She was beyond caring.

I pushed into her again, somehow I had retained hardness but I was so damn close at this point. She wanted it hard and deep, she kept pushing back with every thrust of mine.

I relaxed and tried thinking about something else, so she could get what she wanted, eventually and quite suddenly her knees bent slightly and she shuddered, trying to keep quiet as she came hard.
I held her up and against me, she put hand around and told me she wanted ‘it’…do I cum inside her here?! Shit, I hadn’t considered this at all. In my panic I said I couldn’t because that would get messy out here, she told me again she wanted it, I said I really didn’t think I should. Slowly I pulled out of her, she was dripping wet, I was hoping some of that wasn’t me.

The short walk back to the car was without another badger incident…my balls were swollen, almost over a week of no release, I was aching bad. We sat in the car for a moment, a little out of breath but it wasn’t long before Lucy turned her attention to me again. I want to taste you, she said.

Undoing my jeans, I released my hardened member, enjoying the freedom again. She leaned over to me and slowly started tasting the whole length, she was intent on finishing this. It wasn’t long before she had the perfect rhythm, pushing her tongue further down the back of my cock. I gently placed my hand on her head as I got closer, she took this as a hint and forced herself down as far as she could go, several times.

I came hard, one, two, three times releasing in her mouth. She clamped her lips around it and she didn’t spill a drop. Satisfied, she swallowed the huge load and lifted her head slowly off. Her lips still glistening, she wiped a little off with her top whilst blushing.

I had to take a moment to collect myself again, it was late and so with a brief exchange of words, she kiss me on the cheek to say goodbye and walked the short distance home. She took her flight to Switzerland the next day.

I hope you enjoyed this recent adventure in the country guys. If you like this one i have another story from March this year that was pretty hot!


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