Omelas 2: Stolen Sacrifice 17: Barratt [Final]

And this is the final chapter of [Omelas 2: Stolen Sacrifice]( I hope everyone has enjoyed it, it was fun to write and I really like reading and writing stories about forced birthing and tentacles.

Thank you for reading!

**[Stolen Sacrifice 17: Barratt](**

The epilogue of this tale. The wolf-like creature Barratt has finally hunted down Quinn and is willing to kill anyone who gets in his way. But Mosar has a proposal, one that he might be willing to live with.

**Derik’s Luck**

For my $5/month patrons, my WIP for getting [Derik’s Luck]( edited and ready for publication. This is my most popular novel for a long time though it was “lost” from the various *chans that I had posted it to. I’ve been intending to have it edited for a while but thanks to [Patreon](, it is now possible.

At the moment, this is very rough. I did write this eight years ago and there are some formatting issues that need to be resolved. Not to mention going through a personal round of editing. I also have an editor who will be going through it before I publish it.

This is going to be a published novel when I’m doing but patrons (even the $1/month) will have full access to it when it is finished.
