[Trans, Female Solo to Shemale, Expansion, Hyper size, Cumplay] Unstoppable Futa Lust

Shelly was in her bed, trying to remain comfortable on a hot summer night. She was relaxing nearly naked, her heavy DD cup breasts lulling to her sides as she read her book, her round full ass barely covered by her large sized panties. She was always very curvy growing up, but she became even more so after moving out on her own, she began eating out more, and that was taking its toll on her figure, bordering on chubby, but most of her weight was centered on further padding out her hourglass figure. Her long red hair was tied back in a pony tail, shining lightly from the light of the lamp next to her bed.

Between pages she noticed it got particularly dark outside, Shelly peered out her window. She wasn’t one for following the weather or moon stages, but she felt like she would’ve heard about a lunar eclipse. She stared into the dark circle that would usually be the moon, and felt absorbed in it. Like it was drawing her in, and she couldn’t look away. Then suddenly the moon was back to normal, all at once, no gradual slide of the dark, and Shelly’s ears were ringing. She put down her book and held her head,
*What the hell just happened? Did I imagine that?*
She thought to herself, but she couldn’t shake the feeling something was off. The ringing turned into a tingling, starting from her scalp, traveling down her face and neck, over her breasts and across her tummy, until it all settled and centered on her crotch. The feeling changed again, from a mild tingling to a constant pleasant buzz. She cooed as her pussy reacted to the feeling, starting to get wet. She didn’t question what was causing this, but if it felt this good it couldn’t be that bad. The buzzing then migrated up her slit, settling on her clit specifically. She began moaning now, her panties soaking through. Her clit was growing very warm, and it felt incredible even without her touch. Her hands creeped down her body until one entered her panties, going to pleasure herself further. What her hand met wasn’t the usual territory she’d feel, her clit felt engorged…bigger somehow. Rather than the small button it usually was, it was now as big around as a dime, and sticking out nearly an inch. She let out a gasp as her hand recoiled, both in shock and from the sheer sensation. She watched with intrigue and fear as she watched her panties tent outwards, feeling the gently lace rub against her growing clit. It was growing faster now, in just a few moments it had grown to 4 inches long, and as thick as a quarter. It was pulsing, bobbing as it grew and tenting her underwear enough for her to watch. Then a completely different feeling overtook her, it felt like something was penetrating her clit, digging all the way to her pelvis, when the feeling reached the base of her clit, it dropped and spread just below it, and she felt a lump form, growing, swelling out, before splitting into two distinct orbs. They felt just like…

She pulled down her panties and was greeted with her transformation. Her clit had changed into a 6 inch long cock, complete with balls dropping down to cover her wet pussy. A tiny bead of clear liquid appeared at the tip of her new dick, this drop of pre cum confirming it was a completely functioning cock. She gingerly reached down and slowly wrapped her shaking fingers around it, as her eyes explode with stars. Whatever had changed her clit, had not only given her a cock, but had left it just as sensitive as her clit had been, if not far more so, almost like it got more sensitive as it grew. She gave a few test strokes, before giving in and stroking her new member faster and faster. It was more incredible than anything she had ever felt before, and before long she felt what she assumed was an orgasm approaching, much like her usual, but this time feeling like it was climbing out from a pit in her stomach, traveling up her new shaft, before cumming huge spurts all over her bare tits. Her vision started to fade, but she remained conscious, and as her vision returned, so too did the view of her cock. Amazingly, it was still rock hard in her hands. If not more so, and it seemed there was…more of it. She gave a few more strokes, and it definitely felt like it was a longer travel up and down her shaft. Of course, after confirming this, Shelly didn’t stop. She kept stroking. Up and down, her previous cum shot lubing up her hand, allowing her to go faster still, and after just a few minutes she was cumming again, this time her vision stayed, and the orgasm was just as earth shaking. She watched, as each spurt from her cock it seemed to jerk farther upwards, swelling taller and thicker. This orgasm was even bigger than the first, thick ropes of cum covered her thick thighs and her fat tits. Panting, she looked at the now huge cock in her hand, bigger than most porn stars she’d seen, she tilted it towards her soft belly and it went nearly up to the bottom of her tits. She realized she wanted that, to fuck her own tits with her new huge cock, and started stroking again, using both hands, cum from her last orgasm still leaking from the tip as she squeezed. Her cock was becoming so sensitive, it almost felt like just mastrabating was as good as an orgasm, but she was quickly proven wrong, as her cock erupted, the first spurt lasting 3 whole seconds on its own, she came for 30 seconds, completely covered with cum, and her dick dropped from her hands and slapped wetly on her thighs. It was truly huge now, it reached out past her knees, dripping the last of her cum onto the floor past her feet. It was as thick as a soda can, there was no way anyone would be able to take this. She stood up and hobbled over to her mirror, her cock swaying heavily back and forth, still erect, but now too heavy to support its own weight, it remained pointing at an angle at the floor, and she realized she was covered in cum. Almost without thinking she grabbed her cock and and started stroking, moaning, watching her tits shake in the mirror as she jacked it, her body still soaked and dripping with her own cum, and it wasn’t until she was about to orgasm that she realized what she was doing, before a mighty stream launched from her cock and coated the mirror, blocking her view of herself, 3/4 of her body mirror dripping with thick cum. Her cock hung even lower now, as she adjusted her stance, it came to rest at her ankles. It was truly massive. It’s weight threw off her balance and she tried to stumble away, her mighty rod bouncing off her legs as she stepped, trying to make her way to the bathroom down the hall. Each step brought her closer to orgasm, and before she could make it to the end of the hall, her cock sprayed it’s load directly at the ground, creating a huge puddle spreading the whole width of the hall, and covering her feet up to her ankles in thick solid seed, not to mention her cock head buried in it as well, rubbing on the carpet, her cock was as thick around as her own huge thighs. This was getting out of hand, the last time she did it to herself, but this time was just trying to walk, she carefully lifted her cock, feeling it’s huge weight, and hobbled to the bathroom. She hugged it to herself, nuzzled between her plump tits, which weren’t even able to come close to wrapping around it, the head was barely above her own, dripping cum down its length. She moved towards the jacuzzi bath in the corner, and spied her scale next to it. Out of curiosity, she stepped on it, knowing this morning she weighed 167 pounds, and she wanted to see just how massive her cock was growing. She waited a few seconds for it to stop ticking up, and moved her tree trunk of a cock out of the way to see, and ended up dropping it the rest of the way, as well as her jaw. The numbers read 223, she’d put on over 50 pounds of cock. No wonder it was so hard for her to move, and all while she though this her cock dropped down and slapped hard on the seat on the edge of the tub, she shock enough that it made her cum again, her cock spraying directly into the tub, filling it at least 2 inches all over with cum. She panted, and took stock of her new size. The head stretched across the tub, and it was getting very difficult to move, she started to back up, dragging her cock, but it was a dangerous game, as soon as she got far enough back for her head to be pointed into the tub again, another thunderous orgasm overtook her, she could hear the cum splashing into the tub, filling it and splashing out all over, it took her a ludicrous amount of time to finally stop cumming. She gasped when she saw the results, the tub was half full, the cum too thick to drain properly, and her cock was wider than her hips, and the head was bigger than her torso, and it reached halfway across the tub again, nearly negating her progress. She pulled hard, trying to get it all off at once but she Should have known, she came again as the tub filled more and more, her cock dipping into the cum, and filling it still, the warmth encompassing her cock head, driving the stimulation more, as the tub overflowed her her cum, and her cock was actively growing, her head hit the end of the tub, and was still spraying cum, harder and harder, each burst longer than the last, her cock growing the whole time, until her head pressed up against the opposite edge, effectively blocking the exit for more cum. But her orgasm wasn’t finished. With no where to go, her cum started filling her cock. Her urethra first bulged out, first the size of a baseball bat, then her legs, then her whole torso, and then her whole cock started filling. Growing thicker, impossibly so, looking like the shape of a football, bulging heavily in the middle, but still tapering off to her thick hips and comparatively small cock head, the preassure itself making her cum more. Her cock ballooned before her eyes, swelling thicker and thicker, before long it swelled above her head, and she could hear the tub cracking. She could actually hear her cum sloshing within her mammoth cock, and the spray of more as it filled itself with her own cum, until her tub cracked under the preassure, a wave of cum sloshing at her legs, she tried to stay upright but it was too much too fast, Shelly fell to her full ass, curves jiggling as she impacted with the floor, and that freedom was all her cock needed, as it surged to the other side of the room, pushing her into the wall, it had grown across the whole room, and stopped the cum again. She watched in horror as it bloating bigger and bigger still, massive veins appearing, as thick as her arms, covering her cock. And still she came. And came. And came. She nearly passed out from the pleasure, until she felt something different. Her cock had bloated so massive it was hitting the ceiling, and was bigger than an SUV. But she felt something else too, her orgasm was finally losing steam. With one final cry and a mighty burst of cum, her cock inflated and managed to fill up to the point where it filled the whole bathroom, but finally it stopped. Gurgles and drips could be heard through her cock, as the tip slowly leaked, and it was filled like a huge cum water balloon. It was definitely too massive to have any hope of moving. And considering she was naked and lived alone, there was no way anyone would find her, or any chance of her reaching a phone. Just her pinned to this cock that was more massive than she was, she pouted and laid down against it, a shiver going down her spine as the soft impact of her breasts and her arms almost set her off again. Well, if she could get help, there was only one way to be found.

Shelly started stroking as much of her bloated cock as she could, quickly feeling another orgasm approaching, even as the walls creaked as round her….

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/50q8ip/trans_female_solo_to_shemale_expansion_hyper_size


  1. I’ve never tried writing a full story before so I’m sorry if it’s not great! Those was just something I wanted to try my hand at

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