The blowjob that came from a blowjob (F/M)

Hey people! It’s been a looong time again! :'( So sorry, but I don’t know how often I’ll post now. I’m at college and its super awesome, but also I miss home. I’m super close to home but I’m still homesick a little lol is that weird? Anyway, time for an interesting story that happened to me a few weeks ago.

So, I was on a missions trip with a group from my church in Mexico. Long story short, I got caught giving head to the guitarist in our worship group in our hotel at night. By my pastor. FML right? This is where it gets interesting.

The pastor tells me to leave and talks to the guitarist. I go to my room thinking my life is over. I just sit on the bed, waiting for the pastor to come tell me I’m a terrible person, and start to cry (Silly, I know, but I was so scared at the time).

After a while, I hear the knock on my door and my chest sinks. I get up and open the door, the pastor is there and asks if he can come in to talk with me about what happened. Of course I say yes and he comes in. He sat at the desk while I sat on the bed (I stopped crying at this point).

He asked me if I was ok, I said yeah. Then he said that he was disappointed in me and the guitarist, that it wasn’t moral what I was doing, and that he was going to call my parents.

This mortified me, if my parents knew what I did, I would die and I don’t even know! So I told him I was so sorry and I won’t do it again, of course I started to cry, and asked him not to tell my parents. He said he was sorry, but he had to. I begged him not to, multiple times but every time he said he had to.

Finally, he started to call my parents, so me being the desperate one, jumped up and pushed end on the call. He looked at me like I was crazy and said he needed to call them. I immediately took his phone out of his hand, put it on the desk, then kissed him. He looked at me like I was crazy.

I told him, “Let me suck your dick, please don’t tell my parents”. His mouth dropped and then immediately said no. I told him that my parents can’t know, and to please let me suck his dick. He started to get up, but I pushed him back down, sat on him, and said, “please, please, please, please let me suck your dick pastor _______”. He sat there, silent. I started kissing his neck and whispering “please”.

Finally, he whispered to me, “ok”. I almost burst out laughing I was so happy. I told him thank you, so many times.

I got on my knees in front of him and took off his pants. His dick was hard already and sprung up as I took off his boxers. I got closer to him and put my mouth around his dick. As I did this, I heard him say dear lord. I started sucking and I hear a moan, then “stop, stop, stop, I’m going to ejaculate”. I immediately stop and watched his dick swell up. It stayed super hard for a little, then started to go back down. He told me its been so long, so I should go slow.

I smiled and told him it was ok. I started to kiss his dick on the shaft and the head, back and forth, and asked him if that was ok. He said it was fine. I kept doing this while licking it every so often. Every lick received a moan in response, it was kinda funny.

I put his dick in my mouth, sucked on it, then popped it out of my mouth. Then I put my tongue against the bottom of his head, and kept it there. His dick grow, and he said he was going to ejaculate again. I kept my tongue there for a second or two longer, then took it off. I watched his dick grow again, and he made a noise like he was struggling, then I saw some cum slowly flow out from his dick and down his shaft. It looked super thick. He said he was ok, and I told him not to be afraid to cum. Then I licked up his dick where his cum was. It was definitely super thick cum.

I put my mouth back around his dick and sucked. More cum came out. I kept sucking and he moaned more and more. After a few minutes he said he was going to ejaculate (For the final time now lmao). I started bobbing up and down quickly while sucking. He was moaning constantly. His dick got super hard. He said, “Good girl, good girl. Suck it, suck it, suck my dick”. He kept moaning, and I kept sucking. I felt his cum explode in my mouth. I just keep sucking as he busted a nut in my mouth. It was like he busted 10 nuts, actually lmao.

I swallowed and sucked out more cum from his dick. I looked up and he was sweaty, every touch of his dick made him moan.

He told me everytime I went to church until I graduated from college, to come see him. I’ve now given him two blowjobs in his office.



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