[MFF] The college theater trip

Throughout college – ten years ago – I was a theater kid. Yes, I’m aware that there’s another theater kid on this subreddit, but in case you haven’t already figured it out, theater kids are *pretty slutty.* I include myself in that description – I would happily say that I was a huge slut in college. In order to understand this story, you need to understand that all of the characters involved were not, by any stretch of the imagination, shy about sex. By the time I graduated, we’d all pretty much fucked each other. Lest you think that familiarity diminished the excitement, well, it did not. It was fucking awesome.

I was a senior at a small private engineering school, and my year was going pretty damn well. I’d dated a girl with disastrous results in the summer, and after our ugly breakup I resolved that I was going to dedicate myself to putting my dick in whoever would agree to it, without any chance of a serious relationship. I was very public about this attitude, and it proved to be pretty fruitful, as you’ll see later in the story.

Our theater group was small and amateurish – it was an engineering school, after all – but the core group was extremely close. We were annoyingly involved with each other – all of our dating relationships came back to other people in the circle, and if anyone dated outside the group we quickly either assimilated them or drove them out. I made the very wise decision to move off campus to a large-ish and conveniently located house in my junior year of college, and my house became the standard party hangout for the group with some (actually rather intensive) encouragement from me and my roommates. If you’re in college and reading this – get a party house. For the good of your dick, do it. You will not regret it.

It was common for members of our clique to have had six to ten sexual partners all from the group, which meant that most everyone had at least a few sexual partners in common. My closest friends and I sat down once to do the math and figured out that we were all “Eskimo Siblings” (4 guys and 2 girls) dozens of times over. Being white bread as hell, of course, we were all pretty obsessive about protection and STD testing, so I’m happy to say no one got anything permanent, despite the admittedly reckless behavior.

In the fall of that senior year, the club decided to go to Chicago to see a show. We had Theater Club money, so the tickets would be on the house, but the hotel rooms were on our own budgets. Luckily, a friend of mine was the son of a Hilton employee, and so was able to hook us up with rooms in a Hilton in downtown Chicago. He hooked us up with two heavily discounted adjoining suites, each of which had a bedroom and living room area – we planned to sleep two to a bed, making 8 total spots, but only 6 people joined our little cabal, the rest – about 12, I think – opting to stay a few floors down in standard rooms. Their loss, our gain…

We drove up in a pair of vans provided by the college, one driven by a Mr. Mach, another driven by a Mrs. Mach, or “Kitty”, a young married couple who worked in the theater managing booking, load-in/load-out, and directing the Theater Club productions. I was in Mrs. Mach’s van, which I did not mind – she was a gorgeous petite woman with auburn hair who didn’t seem to have completely let go of her college days. There were always rumors about her going around the school, and they were… Exciting.

I sat one row behind Mrs. Mach – whose nickname, seriously, was quite as silly as Kitty – with Alex, a female friend of mine who I’d been infatuated with for some time, but who had always had a boyfriend. Alex was a bit of a tomboy, tall and lanky with shoulder length brown hair and a tight frame improved by horseback riding. She was a student from another school, but spent enough time around my house at our parties, and had passed our tests of assimilation well enough, that she was considered part of the group. Kitty, who had coordinated the event, didn’t mind – she liked Alex a lot and didn’t see a problem with treating her as a member of the club.

Throughout the drive, we bantered back and forth with each other and with Kitty in our usual way – flirting and bullshitting, gently teasing and yelling at each other. A few flasks had somehow made their way into the van, and by the time we were halfway to Chicago we’d all gotten pretty loose. (Yes, I know it’s illegal.) Alex got a bit brave and managed to coax Kitty into a conversation about her sex life prior to meeting Mr. Mach, and we learned quite a lot – it turned out that Kitty was a bit of a party animal before graduating from a theater program and taking a job as a theater manager at an engineering school. The boys in the van listened intently to this conversation, afraid to speak lest the spell be broken.

After a 90 minute traffic jam leading into Chicago, we made it into the city well after dark. We had been on the road for almost 6 hours, so we were all tired, and Alex was leaning against me half-asleep. She half-opened heavily lidded eyes to look up at the lights of the city going by the windows of the van, and when I asked her if she was sleepy she popped her head up and kissed me, very briefly. Despite my self-admonition against seriousness, I had and have a pretty serious thing for Alex, so this was a moment I remember, ten years later.

We finally got to the hotel, tired, and checked in. We’d been excited about going out to the bars in Chicago, but our long delay had gotten us in to town so late and left us so tired that more than half the group said it was time to call it a night. Alex, her boyfriend Chris, and I went across the street to grab some liquor, and went back to the hotel suite. We stayed up talking for some time until Alex reached down Chris’ pants and told him it was time for bed – they went to the other suite, but Alex threw me an oddly meaningful glance on the way out. I texted her a “?” but didn’t get a response, so I settled in to watch South Park and drink Jim Beam over ice machine ice on the couch in the suite living room.

After two episodes, the door burst open and two girls came in, giggling. Neither of them were on our list to stay in the suites, and I didn’t know them all that well – one was a freshman named Britney, another a sophomore named Katie. I’d spoken to both of them, but never at length. I had a strong suspicion that Britney was interested in me, but hadn’t spoken to Katie enough to even judge. At that moment, though, my brain was more than ready to put in the effort to sleep with both of them.

Britney was a short, curvy blonde with the face and proportions of a Swiss milk maid – blonde and narrow-waisted, with broad hips and big tits that she liked to show off under tight sweaters and v-neck t-shirts. She could have been the face for a brand of butter or waffles. Katie, meanwhile, was a taut, olive-skinned, athletic brunette, a soccer player, with a nearly flat chest and thick thighs below boyish hips. They came in wearing their going-out outfits, which for that evening consisted of a snug navy dress for Britney and jeans with a spaghetti top and a flowy sweater for Katie.

When they saw me, they threw their hands up and issued the standard drunk girl greeting – “wooo!” Both flopped onto the couch on either side of me and started telling me about the amazing craft cocktail bar they’d been to. I poured them drinks – Diet Caffeine Free Coke and Jim Beam – and we sat talking for a while. They were apparently disinterested in modesty, because as we talked Britney’s dress hiked up nearly to her panties, and Katie’s sweater came off to reveal a very minimal spaghetti top. They kept leaning over me, pressing their tits into my lap, until I thought I was about to go crazy.

Finally, I had an opening.

“Did you know that Britney *likes* to be spanked?” Katie asked.

“No way,” I said, “Prove it!”

Britney blushed, and said, “No! I don’t like it when *girls* spank me…”

Katie grabbed her arms, laughing, and dragged her over my lap. “Well we have a guy right here!”

If I had been sober, I might have hesitated… But I was not.

*Crack.* I went for the kill on the first swat.

Both girls squeaked, but Britney definitely made quite a louder noise. She instantly flushed bright red across her pale cheeks and the backs of her thighs.

“I think she did like it,” I said, “should we try a few more to be sure?”

I delivered three quick swats, alternating buttocks, and Britney squealed and bucked off my lap. Laughing, she lunged at Katie and grabbed her around the waist, twisting her down onto the couch and throwing a leg over to sit on the backs of her knees.

Katie was crying out, “No no no!” between laughter and covering her butt, but Britney grabbed her arms and held them tight, then said, “Her turn, and you’d better not go easy on her!”

I shrugged and stood up to move around, but Britney said, “Oh no, over your lap!” She fake-wrestled Katie (who was by this point cooperating quite a bit) up and over onto my lap, put her arms up and placed my hand on them to secure her, then resumed her position on Katie’s knees. I swatted Katie once, pretty hard, and she gasped, but before I could swat again, Britney hooked her fingers into Katie’s waistband and pulled her jeans down below her butt, exposing muscular and tightly squeezed tan buns poorly protected by a pair of snug white panties.

“My dress was too thin, jeans are cheating! Three spanks on your bare ass, it’s only fair.”

I did hesitate this time, but only for a moment, because Katie had snaked a hand back to my bicep and was squeezing in a way that seemed rather encouraging. I gave her a pair of neat handprints, one on each bun, and declared that two bare-ass spanks was a fair trade for two over a skirt and panties. At this, Katie rolled over and grabbed Britney, pulling her down on top of both of us and kissing her deeply on the lips. As the two girls made out on my lap, Katie reached under Britney’s skirt and pulled down her panties, getting stuck only partway off, but then reached back up and flipped Britney’s skirt over her ass, revealing two round white globes that jiggled as they writhed together across my lap.

“Spank!” Katie ordered after a while, and I was happy to oblige – I laid two bright red handprints on Britney’s milky skin, making her squeal, muffled, into Katie’s mouth. She lifted her ass into the air at this, and I made the bold move to slide my hand down and graze her pussy lips. She gasped and pushed her hips into my hand, prompting Katie to ask what was going on.

Britney’s only reply was, “Oh… My God” as I gently brushed her lips with my fingertips. Katie’s hands slid down her back and met mine, then joined me in teasing Britney’s pussy, already getting wet as she squirmed and moaned on top of us. Their moaning grew louder, and just then my phone buzzed… I ignored it.

Katie moved her hands under Britney and pushed up, saying, “I can’t breathe! And, besides, something is poking me in the back…” She slid out as Britney sat up next to me, her skirt still hiked up around her waist, and stood in front of me with an expectant look on her face. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I just settled in a bit, and she sighed in exasperation and pointed at both herself and Britney.

“Well, undress one of us!”

I like a woman who takes a bit of initiative, so she won that very brief mental battle. I slid forward on the couch and grabbed her jeans, already down around her thighs, and slowly slid them down, struggling a bit at her feet to get them off. Then I came back up to her belly again, kissed her navel, and grabbed her panties with both hands and my teeth, sliding them down. She dragged her fingernails across my back and shivered, then after kicking her panties off, said, “Okay, since we’re being fair… Britney’s turn.”

She grabbed Britney’s hands and lifted her up off the couch, forcefully spinning her and moving her over to stand in front of me, panties messily pulled back up and skirt still askew. When Britney is nervous or turned on, she blushes, but I hadn’t realized until then that she blushes *all over* – she was pink all the way to the tops of her thighs as I slid her panties down and then slid my hands up her body to lift her dress over her head, leaving her in a pink leopard print bra that I’m proud to say I managed to unhook in one try.

Katie, meanwhile, took care of her own top and stood naked by the door to the suite’s bedroom. When I finished undressing Britney, she said, “Now, if you strip, you can come in here with us…” and slipped inside the bedroom, closing the door behind her. Britney followed, doing a cute half-jog that jiggled everything just beautifully, and went inside as well. I stripped in record time and followed, throwing my clothes on a pile beside the couch.

Inside, Britney and Katie were side by side in bed, Katie stroking one of Britney’s nipples above the covers. I lifted the end of the bedspread and sheets and started climbing up into the bed with them, pausing on the way up to lick and kiss feet, calves, very ticklish knees, thighs, and finally pussies – one shaved and one lightly furred. I went down on both of them for a long time, loving the experience of eating two girls out at the same time. They tasted wonderfully different – Katie salty and a little sweet, Britney warm and neutral. I would have kept on going but they both grabbed a handful of hair and dragged me up to them.

Katie pulled me to her first, licking my lips and then pulling me into a deep kiss that lasted a long time as she tasted the pussy on my tongue. She had a hand between my legs stroking my cock and balls, and I soon felt another hand join hers, which nearly made me cum on the spot. After a lot of kissing and rubbing, she said, “I think Britney needs a good fuck…”

I slid over, almost reluctantly, and found Britney’s hand already waiting to guide me into her soaking wet pussy. She was so wet that there was no resistance or “working it in” at all – I slid into her instantly and she groaned with pleasure before starting to buck her hips against me. We quickly established a rhythm, and she came within about 30 seconds. I think Katie had been fingering her for a while, but I was still surprised – the intensity of her orgasm pushed me over the edge.

Fortunately, I was young, and determined, and I just kept stroking as she came again, then slid off and turned to Katie ready to go again. Katie disappeared under the covers and alternated between my cock and Britney’s dripping pussy, getting Britney off and getting me so close that I had to tell her to stop once to avoid cumming yet again. She reappeared atop Britney, who between the alcohol and three orgasms was borderline delirious at this point, and made out with her for a while, watching me with wicked eyes as I stroked myself to the sight.

She released Britney from the kiss and threw her leg over me, pushing me flat on the bed and sliding down over my shaft, this time with a bit more effort. She was wet but incredibly tight, and I had to slowly work myself into her as she opened up until finally, with a gasp, she slid all the way to the bottom and began riding. She moved her hips in a circle, grinding her clit against me, and came over and over against me for… God knows how long. She came at least four times before I finally came again, and no amount of youth or determination was going to save me at that point. It was probably 4am by that time, and I was both mentally and phyically exhausted. After I came, she laid on top of me with my cock still inside her and we fell asleep.

I woke up a bit later and repositioned us, then went back to sleep for good, sore in the best possible way.

The next morning, I awoke to someone coming in to the room. Alex slipped in quietly, like she was trying to be sneaky, then saw me watching her and grinned like she’d been caught. She tiptoed over to the side of the bed and bent down.

“Did you have fun?” she asked.

“Can you tell?” I replied, and wiggled my eyebrows at her.

She laughed and looked at me intently. She has these huge eyes that she can open to make her look like an owl, which always makes me feel like she’s looking into my soul. I realized she was waiting for me to catch on to something.

“Wait, did you do this?”

She laughed again and nodded, eyes still wide and locked on mine.

Then she leaned down and kissed me, deeply.

…Part 2 and possibly 3 to come. :-)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4wut66/mff_the_college_theater_trip

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