Taken and Drained – Charona Cycle Part 1

No one else seems to notice me. But that’s ok….

It happened about a week ago, I was heading home late after chilling at the Card Shop. I was tired, I was hungry, and I was frustrated. Again it seems like everybody but me can get girl, SOMEHOW. During the magic tournament the finalist I was facing off against had a new piece of arm candy that WOULD NOT get off of him. Blonde hair, blue eyes, dressed in a tight looking batman shirt and cut off shorts, this chick spent all her time hanging off her boyfriend’s arm while we were trying to play our card game. And I don’t know what was more frustrating, the fact that big loud and personality deficient managed to snag a geeks wet dream, or the fact that she kept FLIRTING and making eyes at me.

I’m nothing special, but I know what i’m worth, and seeing this girl bat ehr eyes at me while whispering in his ear, or bending over next to him to kiss his cheek, giving me a full view of her cleavage and white lace bra… It was distracting to say the least. And it cost me the tournament. I caught myself staring at her when he made a play, and I was to engrossed in her coyness that I missed my chance to defend. Game over, he won, and she left with him.

Assholes, both of them…

After wasting my hours at the shop and being the last to leave, I thought my night would end with me finding some porn online and jerking off angrily. Pathetic I know, but hell, It’s not like I have any better options. Or so I thought.

As I was walking home, the night air no where near as thick and muggy as it usually was, I saw you. tight jeans, flip flops, a t-shirt and long black hair. Your face was turned away because you were looking at your phone.

My first instinct was to turn and leave. This late at night, a girl out by herself, the pessimist in me said I would get maced or worse if I tried to talk to you.

My second instinct was to approach you and make sure you were ok. Make sure you had a ride or if you needed company til you got home.

The good guy in me won out and I walked towards you, clearing my throat to get your attention. When you looked at me… wow. Your eyes were this cloudy gray, your face looked young but not jailbait, and you had this almost angelic look about you. Except for the raised eyebrow and the suspicious gaze.

I chuckled nervously, asking if you were waiting on a ride and if you needed a walk home. You responded with a smirk and asked if i was a creep. I quickly backed away and would have left if you hadn’t quickly grabbed my sleeve, saying you were teasing.

I could feel the brush of your finger on my arm, and the sudden shock that went through me stopped me in my tracks. I looked back to you, and you had a coy smile on your lips. I just realized how full they were how… kissable… fuckable…

I blinked and shook my head, muttering an apology. What the hell? Why was I thinking that? I mean I just met you and it normally takes at least a conversation before I start thinking in that direction.

You tell me you live down the road, and that a friend was supposed to pick you up but never did. Then you say it would be fine if I walked you home. A pleasant surprise for sure.

I introduce myself, you tell me your name, and we both start down the street. I bring up small talk to not feel awkward, and soon we are both discussing all sorts of nerdy things. You tell me you’re into the TCG crowd from another town, and that you are normally playing playstation or Warcraft this time of night.

Wow… You’re beautiful, smart, sexy as hell and you’re as nerdy as I am. To good to be true though. I ask why your boyfriend isn’t around to give you a lift, and you wave a hand, saying you dont have one. I mention girlfriend, and you let out a laugh, a deep, from the chest, lyrical laugh that makes my hair stand on end. You wipe your eyes and say that you are single, and before I can dig my hole any deeper you also say that you like guys and girls all the same.

This caused something to twitch in my pants. Dear god… a sexy bi chick who was super hot and geeky? That combination of personality traits hit me like a hammer to the chest. I don’t think I’ve ever had my heart beat quicken like that before. I look at you, saying that I can’t believe you’re single. You only smile at me, batting your eyes as you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Dear god you can be cute too…

You ask if I’m taken, and my awkwardness turns to melancholy. I bluntly state that I’m single and not involved with anyone. When you press the question I shrug, saying that no one is interested in a big geek who wasn’t rich or built like an australian surfer.

You laugh and nudge my arm with yours, and I swear I felt my heart skip a beat. WHY? I didn’t know you, you could be a serial killer for all I know! And there is no chance you’d be interested in me! And yet… and yet you didn’t move away. Your arm pressed against mine, letting me feel your smooth creamy skin in a way, close enough I know I could smell your perfume. It was crazy… not the maddening smell that you read about, but something else, something that made me hungry, made me WANT you without knowing more than your name.

We continue to walk, and a breeze strides by us. I like the cold, so I don’t care, but I see you shiver slightly. Without thinking my arm moves around your waist, and to my elation you move closer to me. You’re a head shorter than me, coming right under my shoulder. You’re just… so perfect. Call me shallow but everything about you is arousing me, your touch is setting me on fire and freezing me at the same time. I want nothing more than to kiss you, hold you, press your small but voluptuous frame against me and claim you before someone else gets the chance. The sheer animalistic lust that I’m feeling is almost staggering.

But I keep it together. I WILL not let this ruin what little pleasure I’m getting out of it. You say we’ve found your house, and I stop. I see a small place, nothing fancy on the outside, and lead you to the door. I let go of your shoulder as you fish in your pants for your keys, and almost groan at the lack of warmth I’m now feeling.

I take a step back, not wanting to crowd you, and thinking that my night has ended. But you… turn, you smile at me and ask if I want to come in. I’m saying yes before my brain even registers what’s happening, and I follow you inside. The living room was small and was decorated with game posters, a large TV in front of a couch with several consoles hooked up to it. I’m about to remark on the nice setup you have when you suddenly pull me around and kiss me.

Oh god… your lips taste like chocolate and strawberries. I kiss you back with an audible moan as my hands wrap around your curvy form. you wrap your arms around around my neck and purr into the kiss, making my body shudder at the feeling. My hardness is evident now, pressing against you from the confines of my jeans. A small part of me wants to pull back, apologize, anything. I’m so scared of ruining this moment my mind doesn’t know what to do. But you press closer, your leg sliding up against mine and rubbing yourself against my erection. My groan turns into a growl as my hands slide down and grab your full ass, squeezing and pressing you against me even more. You pull back from our kiss, me gasping for breath at this point. You smile and lean in, licking a spot on my neck and… oh god, causing me to shudder and almost drop you.

You whisper to take you to the bedroom, and my feet start to move, picking you up and carrying you through a now open door. You wrap your legs around me and I keep kissing you as we both fall onto a bed. You whisper to take my clothes off, and I stand up to do so. For a brief moment I hesitate, my self consciousness coming back, but you are having none of it. You sit up suddenly, grab my shirt and pull it over my head, at the same time yanking my pants and boxers down. My cock springs to life in front of you as I’m suddenly naked in your room. Your small warm hand grabs my cock, and the contact makes me shiver. You smirk up at me, your grey eyes now looking less angelic and far more mischievous, and you… let out you long wet tongue and you give the head of my cock a slow lick.

My body seizes at the feeling and if you hadn’t had me in the palm of your hand I’m sure I would have fell. You lick a time or two more… then you lean down and slowly lick from the base of my cock all the way up to the head. You kiss the precum that’s starting to leak out, lick your lips, then you take my cock into your mouth. You go down on me, taking all of me in one go, my cock hitting the back of your throat and making my head even foggier with the feeling. You slowly and steadily keep sucking my cock, your wet sounds music to my ears. Then you stop. I let out a whimper but it is soon gone as I feel you kiss your way up my chest before kissing me again. You give my shoulders a slight tug, and I fall onto the bed. you roll me to be face up, and when I open my eyes I see your glorious body. Somewhere along the way you’d stripped down, your smooth thighs around my head and your hot wet pussy near my face. Your hands ride up your body and cup your breasts, which look even bigger now, and you smirk at me, biting your bottom lip.

You tell me to eat you, and I obey. My tongue comes forward and licks your folds, and I feel you shudder on top of me. This spurs me on and I reach up and grab your ass, squeezing you and shoving my tongue deeper into your pussy. You taste like honey and your wetness is making my head spin. I don’t know how long I ate you out, but I eventually found your clit. I maneuvered my tongue and played at it, and was rewarded with you fisting my hair and hissing in pleasure. I kept this up for as long as I could before I had to stop to breath. The moment I pulled away you move, sliding down my body and positioning yourself over my erect cock. You kiss me again, your tongue invading my mouth and tasting yourself and I soon…

Oh… I soon feel your tight hot pussy sliding down my cock, taking all of me in a single go. You’re so tight that I almost cum but somehow I don’t. you keep me harder and move your hips, one hand in my hair, the other planted firmly on my chest. My hands move up and start kneading and massaging your breasts, flicking at your nipples and hearing you react. Your throat as a deep sensual growl as you ride my cock, my own release approaching quickly. Then you bite me, hitting a spot on my neck and making me lose control. My hands suddenly grab your back, my fingers sinking into your skin as I let out a guttural sound, my hips rising to meet yours in quick hard movement. I growl out loud and thrust one more time as I cum inside of you. At that same time you hiss and I feel your pussy clamp around my cock. We both ride our orgasms for what felt like eternity, and slowly I started to fade.

I tried to stay awake, I tried to move, but I could feel every ounce of energy leaving my body. The last thing I noticed when I looked up at you was the blissful and yet sinister smile on your face as you looked down at me, and how now… your eyes were yellow instead of gray.

I woke with a start, my chest pounding and feeling like i’d been hit by a truck. I ran a hand through my hair and looked around for you. But you were gone. In fact, everything was gone. The room I was laying naked in was bare, save for my clothes in a head in the floor. In a panic I pulled on my pants and went into the living room, but nothing was there. The walls were empty, even the floor looked like it hadn’t seen attention in weeks. But how was that possible?

Getting out of the house before people showed was simple, the sun was rising and no one really was out and about yet. I felt so… empty and numb. Except for the pain in my neck. By the time I got home I realised it was the next day, which made last night seem even weirder. And when I looked in the mirror I almost had a heart attack. On my neck was the bite mark where you had bitten me, and in that mark was what looked like a fresh red scar in some odd symbol. But that wasn’t even the worst of it. My eyes are normally light brown, people call them milk chocolate. But now, they looked totally black. And I just looked… gone. like I was looking at a shell.

It’s been about a week, and no one seems to notice me. When i talk to people, they speak to me, but seems like they forget I’m there and their attention wanders off. I’ve been all out ignored, like i no longer exist. Like to them, I’m a soulless husk.

But it’s ok. I’ve had time to look around, to see places that normal people wouldn’t be able to get to. I’ve been able to look for you… and I will find you. I know your name, your real name, you made the mistake of whispering it as I passed out. So don’t worry, Charona. I’ll find you soon enough. Enjoy your time while you can, because everything has a weakness. including succubi.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/4w50cg/taken_and_drained_charona_cycle_part_1