Surprise Encounter Part 1 [Mf][oral]

There’s a knock at the door. I look at the clock. 6:27.

“Interesting,” I mutter to myself as I secure my towel and head toward the entrance.

I open the door and there she is. Through the dark screen I can see she is lost in her thoughts, but quickly looks up. She studies my outline and discovers I am in a towel.

“You’re early. I am not ready.” I say as coyly as I can.

“Sorry. I wanted to talk with you before we met up later.”

“I’m confused,” I exhale loudly, “You wanted to talk to me before we met up later to hang out and talk?”

She laughs nervously, “Yes.”

“Well then come on in and make yourself at home.” I open the screen door with a loud squeak and I catch her surprise at my body. It is not like it used to be when she last saw me undressed. The thin, lean frame has been replaced by a well defined mass of strength and muscle.

I smile at her reaction; I like how it feels. My lust flares up inside me.

She reaches for the door and I gesture for her to walk in.

I want her to pass by me so exposed. I want to feel her against me as she walks by.

I watch as she carefully places her purse on the glass table and looks around my place as though it were a museum. She studies the posters on the wall and slowly moves to my book collection touching a few random works and smiling slyly. I am lost in her taking in my life and reacting to different items. I forget all about my lack of clothing and just stare for a minute.

She’s across the room when I ask, “What did you want to talk to me about kiddo?”

She turns to find me still clad in my navy blue towel and smiles again.

“Um…I was wondering if us hanging out was such a good idea.” The smile fades and she studies the floor.

“I could certainly think of worse ideas.” I laugh.

I start to walk towards her when she looks at me. She blushes as she meets my eyes. “I just think that given our history maybe being together like this might lead to something else.”

And I finally know why she is here. It’s funny how much this girl can affect me to the core of who I am. I want her now as I have wanted her for the past ten years and she wants me too. I catch my breath at the realization.

“You worried I might take advantage of the situation?” I smirk.

“Or I will.”

“Really?” I am flirting now.

“I’m disappointed. I thought you knew when someone wanted you.”

She is flirting too. That was a jab at something I said years ago. My lust is fully ignited now.

The clock says 6:32.

“You can be difficult to read at times.” I counter. ” I worry that our past might be distorting things for me.”

“Exactly my point,” she stands in the doorway that separates my living room from my bedroom. “Maybe we should stick to phone calls and witty texts.”

I sigh disappointed and step towards her. I can smell her shampoo and my heart beats fast. I hear her breath labored as she begins to fidget nervously. She looks down so I talk into her hair.

“Not yet. Stay but a little.” I am quoting Shakespeare now, heaven help me. It has it’s desired effect though, she steps into me and rests her head on my chest. She cannot look at me.

“I know everything has changed since I the last time I saw you…” She pauses, “but my heart and my head are not telling me the same thing right now. The last time I saw you we were all over each other only to part in tears. My head knows it’s been ten years and I shouldn’t feel this way about you, but that heart of mine…it’s beating like it was just yesterday that we went our separate ways.”
I close my eyes and remember a time when we used to be like this. I think of the last time I held her, kissed her, the last time she was mine. My thoughts betray me though and I feel myself grow hard underneath the towel.

“It has been a long time. I miss being with you like this.” I confess. I don’t want her to go.

I can feel her heart racing against me and I fight the urge to throw her on my bed and ravish her right there. She shakes her head slowly and exhales on my chest. I shudder and suddenly am reminded of our first night together, how nervous she was. She was just a girl then and I was her first lover. I loved introducing her to all the joys of sex in all it’s varieties. She was never afraid to try something new in bed and that made me forever insatiable for more. She was so passionate and involved when it came to sex, it drove me wild. I couldn’t help but wonder if she still had the same vigor in the bedroom and what I wouldn’t give to find out.
I can feel her smile. She has noticed my erection and cannot help but feel empowered. She exhales again on my chest. My breath turns shallow and I am powerless to stop the inevitable. She softly kisses my collarbone and I let out a soft moan. Her hands start at my shoulders and she slowly runs them down the length of my arms. She digs her nails in ever so slightly on the way back up as she moves to my neck and kisses some more. My head is back and I am in ecstasy. I feel her lips and fingertips and enjoy each sensation. I forget how we got to this point and moan louder as her hands trace each of my abs lower and lower until she stops at my towel.

I open my eyes and look at her longingly. I want her so bad it hurts and she is toying with me. I want to kiss her hard and rip off her clothes. I fight the urge and let her take charge of what happens next. She was always very shy about initiating sex, I could not help but take advantage of this new side of her. If someone was going to break the rules of our new relationship it had to be her first. She hooks her fingers into my towel and looks up at me.

I muster the courage to steady my voice, “Isn’t this exactly what you were worried about when you came here?”

“And now you see why.” She smiles devilishly and pulls on the front of my towel, it starts to give.

“Believe me I’m not complaining. I just don’t want you doing something you’ll regret later.”

“Then perhaps you shouldn’t have worn this towel.”

Another tug and my towel falls around my feet to the floor. I exhale as a shudder runs through my body. Her hands are now running down my thighs in a delightful motion. I close my eyes as once again as her finger nails push into my legs slowly up until she reaches her goal.

She pushes me hard against the door frame and I let out a soft grunt. I grab the wood behind my back and dig in, my only defense against her attack. I am enjoying every second and she knows it; revels in her new found power over me. I watch as she brings her thumb to her mouth and bites down provocatively.

She studies my expression and laughs softy.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” I muse.

“Not as much as you,” she gestures with her eyes and bites down on her thumb again.

“I don’t know. You seem every bit as excited as I am.”

“Do I?” She challenges grabbing my erection. I moan loudly this time. My head hits the wood as she strokes up and down alternating between gentle and rough movements. Her mouth is back on my neck and I am close to climax.

I look at the clock. 6:45.

It hasn’t even been twenty minutes and we are already back to our old ways as though time had never separated us. She was right and I knew it. Nothing else mattered now, just us. She teases me with her tongue and gets the desired response. God her mouth feels good as it travels down my body. My breath quickens. My heart is pounding and I fight the urge to cry out. I want to be inside her, have to be – right now.

I grip down harder on the wood frame and a splinter finds its way into my right index finger. The pain takes me out of the moment and I breathe a sigh of relief. I push down with more force and swallow the thought of begging her for my release.

She shoots me a wicked grin as she crouches down to end my suffering. Her breath feels hot and inviting. I smile with satisfaction and try to maintain my composure.

We’re playing a game…one I cannot lose.

At 6:47 I am inside her. Her mouth is soft and receptive. My mind is jumping from one thought to the next so fast that I cannot focus. Her tongue runs the length of my shaft and my mind goes blank. My mouth falls open and my breath escapes in a slow gasp. I inhale quickly as she takes all of me in her mouth.

I press on the splinter again. My finger screams in pain.

I squeeze my eyes closed and breathe as though I have been running a marathon. She rhythmically sucks me in and out, in and out. Not much longer now.

A shudder rocks my body as her panting increases. She is giving me the pro treatment and I fight every urge inside me that’s telling me to cum.

I look down to discover her sheer delight at giving me such pleasure. Her eyes are closed as she savors my every reaction intuitively. She is grabbing the same frame I am still clinging to for support. Her free hand tightly affixed to my ass pulling me closer to her, deeper inside.

The room melts away and I feel only lust in its purist form. The feeling is overwhelming and mixed with sadness. How many times had I dreamt about this very moment? Now she was here and better than any fantasy I had ever constructed. She was demanding and giving in the perfect combination.

Her hand moved from my ass to the base of my penis. She moved me in and out with more ferocity now. Another shudder rocks my body followed by another and then another.

I moan loudly as I release a decades worth of longing into her mouth. She keeps pushing me in and put of her as I slowly lose my hardness. Each time her mouth envelops me a new sensation grows stronger and stronger until I feel that I could cum all over again. When I can take no more I push her shoulders back with a long sigh. She smiles as she looks up at me bringing her thumb once again to her mouth and gently wiping her lower lip. She stands up and walks to the bathroom with her shoulders straight and her head held high. She is proud of her latest accomplishment.

I exhale loudly as the bathroom door shuts.

I examine my finger and remove the offending splinter with my teeth. I spit it onto the floor as my breathing finally returns to normal.

I retrieve my towel from the floor and remove any lingering fluids. I grab my boxers on my way to the bathroom. The game has just begun and my favorite player was back in.

I listen as the sink turns off.

I have to play this in just the right way. She has already delivered an aggressive maneuver, but a greater prize still remained unclaimed. I know this girl, this woman. She is no stranger to my own desires. When left to her own devices she is strong-willed and unforgiving. It is only when you break down her defenses that she becomes excitable, passionate…insatiable.

I knock on her sanctuary. I wait for an objection before I open the door and step inside. She is leaning against the sink smiling.

“Hey,” I step closer to her. “There’s a toothbrush in the cabinet. You can use my toothpaste if you want.”

She turns and produces a red toothbrush,”What do I need this for? Are we going to make out now?”

“Just being hospitable,” I counter walking out of the room. I stop at the door keeping my back to her. She begins brushing and I smile wide.

“So are we still going out?” I inquire over my shoulder.

She stops and spits, “Whatever you want.”

“Whatever I want, huh?” I turn at this and she watches me approach in the mirror. I feel like a predator about to swoop in on my kill. She brushes faster as I step behind her and put my arms around her waist. “Suppose what I wanted was you.” I move her long brown hair to one side exposing her neck. I plant a small kiss and listen for my invitation, a soft moan. It arrives; I accept.
The sweetness of her smell makes me hot and I can’t help but imagine her body pinned under mine while I fuck her into submission. I kiss her on the neck again and move my hands to her thighs for a taste of her own medicine.

She brushes her teeth more quickly now in the hopes of resisting my advances. I dig my nails into her jeans moving them down and up a little higher each time, a little closer to where I want to be.

“Almost finished?” I ask her reflection.

“For your information, oral hygiene is very important to me.”

“Is it?” I laugh. Our eyes meet in the mirror.

She brushes in slow deliberate strokes now trying to regain the upper hand. I wait patiently and begin undressing her with my mind. All the things I want to do to her are driving me crazy. She bends over to rinse her mouth and rubs her ass against me suggestively. I am hard again. She turns to face me and I push her against the sink with my hips.

For all her bravado she cannot meet my gaze. She’s nervous and I love it. She bites her lip and eyes the erection peeking through my boxers. I softly caress her lips with my thumb. She closes her eyes and exhales deeply.

“What are you doing here?” I whisper.

She opens her mouth to answer, but stops. I move my thumb further past her lips and she bites down hard. A surge of electricity runs through my body as I bring my face just inches from hers.
“I asked you what you’re doing here.” I say more sternly this time.
She releases my thumb shyly and looks away. She won’t say it. I keep my hand on her face and wait for a reply. Her breath is shallow and quick.

“I don’t know.”

“Yes you do.” Both of my hands now hold her face to ensure eye contact. She is about to break, “Tell me what you came here for.” She leans in for a kiss. I hold her head still.

“Say it,”I insist. It takes all my resolve not to break. I want her so badly I could explode from my desire.

“You,” she finally proclaims,”I came here because I want you.”

“That’s my girl,” I smile victoriously, grab her hair and pull back.

She moans and writhes as I kiss her neck over and over. I work my way down to her collar bone and run my nails down her shoulders, releasing her from my grip. She grasps the sink hard as I pull the straps from her shirt down to her elbows locking her arms in place. Her bra is satin black giving just the right amount of support to her perfectly portioned C cups.

More electricity ignites my body as I think of how long it took her to prepare for her visit. Did she fuss over the perfect pair of underwear for the occasion? Grinning at my thoughts, I run my fingertips across the top of her breasts. Our eyes lock and she bites her lip in anticipation of my next move. I inch her shirt up to expose her lower abdomen. Her low rise jeans are tight across her hips. I trace the outline of her belt and listen as her breath grows more and more labored. In one decisive motion I unfasten her belt. My hands move inside her jeans and she freezes. Slowly I unbutton her pants and pull down the zipper. Her matching black underwear peek out at me begging to be removed.

Her alabaster skin seems to glow even in the unforgiving lighting of the bathroom. I never understood the fascination with tanning and the flawless beauty before me reminds me why. There is something so alluring about a woman who hides herself from the world leaving only me to explore her wonders. And explore I shall.

I kneel before her and slowly run my hands down the front of her legs. As I approach her knee I move to the back massaging her calves gently. I pull up on her left leg bringing her boot to my thigh. I unzip and pull on the black heel. Her sock is white and continues up under her jeans. She steps down and offers her right foot, I give it the same treatment.

My hands creep back up and find her ass, I squeeze down hard. I look up to find her studying me intently. I squeeze again and she smiles in delight at my rough touch.

I begin to peel off her jeans and notice the goosebumps that span the length of her thighs. A small laugh escapes from my lips. As the pants pass her knees I see the top of her socks and stop short.

The little minx. I take a breath and toss her jeans to the floor revealing her knee high tube socks striped with black. I lean back on my heels to take in the sight.

I hear her mouth turn up in a smile at my recognition.

A rush of emotion washes over me. The things this woman can communicate without saying a word is astounding. I know these socks well. They are the very same ones I gave her many years ago as a Valentine for just such an occasion. Seeing them now mixes nostalgia with my current ardor and can no longer contain myself. I grab her neck and pull her mouth to mine. She gasps as our lips meet. She pushes into me and every inch she offers I take forcefully, wanting more.

Her tongue enters my mouth and I cannot help but moan. She tastes sweet and minty. Experiencing my flavor in her mouth gives me a whole new appreciation for oral hygiene.

I feel her struggle to raise her arms to touch me. I grab hold of her shirt from behind and bunch it together in my fist restraining her properly.

I release her neck and feel my way down between her thighs pushing her underwear aside. She is soaked. I slip a finger inside her and she breathes in deep resting her forehead on my chest.
“You are so fucking wet.” As I say the words memories come flooding back; all the weekends spent locked in my small apartment screwing for days, stains on my sheets…her desire.

I bend her over the sink. Her arms are locked behind her back still caught in the tank top.

“Don’t move,” I give a throaty command and she stiffens at my voice.

I reach over her for the condoms in the cabinet pressing my boner into her. Carefully I open the silver packaging and remove my boxers. I take my time putting it on and watch her tremble with anticipation. Her panties hit the floor with a soft splat.
I kick her legs apart like a cop getting ready to frisk someone. She lifts her head to watch me in the mirror, I give her a show.
I lift my arm and bring it down on her ass hard. She drops her gaze and winces at the slap.

“Mmmmm,” I smirk with smug satisfaction as the red hand print begins to rise on her milky skin. I spank her again, softer this time. She moans and lifts her arms in attempt to block her aching cheek.
I grab her shirt again and secure her wrists tightly.

“I thought I told you not to move.”

“Please. I’m sorry,” she pleads at my reflection.

“Please, what?”

“Please fuck me,” she begs.

I love it when she begs.

I take hold of both her arms and pull her onto me. God I could cum right now. She is so moist and welcoming. I slide her down as far a she’ll go and hold her there.

“You feel so good,” I almost whimper.

I pull back slowly and drive myself into her again and again. She moans wildly as I continue back and forth into her. I am building up speed and the force of my thrusts when she cums suddenly. I pull out quickly and turn her back around to face me.

I put her on the sink and push into her greedily hoping to make her cum again. She wraps her left leg around me and props the right one on the edge of the bathtub giving herself traction. She moves her hips rhythmically with mine and I am close to climax. Forcefully she frees herself from the cotton threads that bind her and throws the shirt to the floor. She reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair pulling my face into her with so much force I almost lose my balance. I forget how strong she an be.

“Fuck I’m going to cum,” she breathes into my ear.

I lose it at the admission and cum inside her.

“Fuck,” she laughs still panting.

As I pull out she gives a quick yelp.

I kiss her again long and passionate, I haven’t cum that hard in years.

She hops off the counter and strides out of the room clad only in her bra and knee highs. I can’t take my eyes of the hand print that still lingers on her ass. She closes the door behind her.

I place my hands on the sink and lean forward exasperated. I catch my reflection in the mirror; tousled hair, flushed cheeks, a mischievous smile from ear to ear. I laugh at myself, at what she has made me feel. I think about her tongue, her wetness…those socks.

The alarm on my wrist goes off. 7:00.

Time to pick her up for our long awaited reunion.


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