A threesome, of sorts [M/F/F]

This happened in the glorious summer of my 18th year. A friend of ours had the house to herself one Friday night and invited a few of us over to do what teenagers do; drink some cheap beer, smoke a little questionable grass and shoot the shit. The added bonus was being able to stay the night.

My girl at the time was a bit a cliche, a good girl Christian type who would protest (and probably believe) that she was innocent and pure, but given a little encouragement (well, giving herself permission really) was desperate to try everything. I’ll save some of those for another time.

Anyway, this house party. There were only five of us, our host Kate electing for a quieter more relaxed gathering than the usual, and to my surprise I was the only guy. I know what you’re thinking and let me stop you right there, this wasn’t some mega-orgy with playboy models; just five nerds drinking and arguing about Harry Potter lore. Not even joking.

The evening passed pretty much as expected, and at some vague o’clock past midnight we all trooped in from the garden to the front room. Kate had decided it best if we all just slept there rather than taking over the rooms upstairs. Most of us had brought blankets or sleeping bags and we proceeded to get comfy. Me and Gemma (my girl) unzipped ours, putting one on the bottom and using the other as a double blanket. All of us still slightly buzzed, we turned out the lights, argued a few more salient points on the finer details of Stargate SG-1 and then fell quiet.

The moment the lights had gone out, I’d slipped my hand down Gemma’s shorts and began running my finger over her clit. I half expected to get shooed away, but instead she pushed her ass into my crotch and began grinding. Bravely, she had tried a couple of times to engage with the after- dark conversation, but stopped when she couldn’t get the tremor out of her voice.

Round and round my finger went, slowly, teasing, wanting to get her hot but not anywhere near coming yet. Her breathing got deeper, she arched her back into my chest. I started to hear the soft wet sounds of my fingers work, and slipped down her lips and up inside her. A little moan escaped, and Kate (who was next to us) stirred in her sleep. We both froze, the spell temporarily broken. We held the freeze-frame for what felt like an hour, then when we were sure everyone was still asleep, Gemma turned over and cuddled me.

I was rock hard against her stomach and my finger soaked with her. Her hand reached down and held me, gently stroking.

She kissed me, flicking her tongue in my mouth and then sank beneath the covers. Laying on my side with my eyes closed, I felt her lips wrap around my cock and begin caressing the head. She moved slowly, quietly, trying not to rustle the sleeping bag as she took me a little deeper.

I opened my eyes. Kate was staring at me. Panic flooded me, and for a moment all I could do was stare back. She lifted a finger to her lips, shushing me, and then sank her hand under the covers and down to her crotch. I watched her blanket rise and fall as she stroked herself in rhythm with the highly obvious bulge of Gemma’s head bobbing up and down.

Our eyes stayed fixed on each other. Me and Kate had always had a current of attraction between us that waxed and waned, but tonight it was strong. She was beautiful, laying in the dark, blue eyes fixed on me.

I felt my orgasm coming and told her that with my eyes. She understood. Her hand moved faster. Gemma felt it too and upped the tempo.

I came, flooding Gemma’s mouth, eyes locked on Kate’s. Kate came, body convulsing in silent throes, but her eyes never left mine. We rose and subsided together.

Gemma came up from under the covers, distracting me as I looked down to help her up and quietly as possible. She gave me her best dirty grin and I kissed her (never got why guys are squeamish about that). I looked over at Kate, but she was rolled away, apparently deeply asleep.

I kissed Gemma again, offered her a little more but she wanted to sleep. So we tucked down under the covers and fell asleep.

Me and Kate would never discuss what happened that night, implicitly content to just let it be a moment we shared and nothing more. Me and Gemma lasted another couple of years (in which time there are far more stories), before going our separate ways. But that night, that was something special for all three of us.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4tbju3/a_threesome_of_sorts_mff


  1. This is oddly poetic. And I can relate to it very much.

    I’ve been and still am in a long term relationship. Almost 6 years now. Started in middle school and we’re now in college. Through all these years though there have been and still are various girls that I’ve shared a faint connection with. Of course I’ve never acted on them but it’s pretty surreal to think of all the things that could have been.

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