My First Time with a Customer: I rented him a car… and my body (F/M)

I’ve never posted here but I used to get off jilling to these stories and I finally have one of my own to share. I can’t believe any of this is happening, and I can’t really share it with my friends or my sister (yet) so I’m gonna gush about it here. IDK how much I’m going to get into the details but I have to write this down b/c this sort of thing NEVER happens to me!! Plus it’s basically going on right now, I woke up (and then some) beside him this morning and I’m on my way out to meet him tonight… so read on :)

I work at a car rental agency, obviously. I’ve been there a couple years, we rotate around to different branch locations but the one I’m assigned to most often is at our city’s airport. On this last Thursday we had a customer named Robert stop in to pick up his reservation for the week. I helped him at the counter and we chatted for a bit, he seemed friendly and nice and was pretty good-looking but I didn’t think much of it. After I showed him to the car and he signed off the paperwork, we talked for a bit longer, he was a little playful but not grossly hitting on me. (There’s plenty of that in this job, esp for the other girls.) I handed him the keys, he took off, nothing out of the ordinary.

Then on Friday morning I guess he called our branch back and asked if he could come back in and exchange the car. I didn’t answer it myself and didn’t know he was coming back til he walked in again, and I remembered him from the day before and wondered if something was wrong (afraid I missed something with the car). He approached the counter when it was his turn and he recognized me too. I asked what was wrong and he was really nice, just said that the car was fine but a little cramped for him (he’s tall, probably 6’3″), and since he’d have it for a week he wanted something a little roomier. I was relieved and said no problem. I fixed him up with one of our nicer Explorers and gave him a little bump up just for being nice about it.

When we went out to the lot to do the walk-around, we ended up talking for a while longer. He wasn’t super flirty but that same kind of playful – kind of sweet and funny and a little more personal than people usually are. He had a bit of a Southern accent and he was dressed more casually in jeans and boots with a faded white shirt, and I was thinking he’s really pretty attractive for an older guy (probably late 40s). Now, I’m in my mid-20s and I’m not super hot, but I lost some weight a few years ago and I can look pretty cute when I put my mind to it. (I used to be kind of mousy and nerdy but a more flattering hairstyle, nicer / fitting clothes, exercising and losing weight did wonders.) I’m fairly petite and slender with long straight auburn hair and brown eyes; he has wavy black / silvery hair and blue eyes with a bit of a stubble.

Anyway we were talking and I was thinking that he’s pretty cute and he didn’t seem to be in any hurry, but I had to get back in to help with other customers so I said something about reluctantly having to go. He smiled (mmmf) and laughed and said he understood. I told him I’d see him at the end of the week, but without really meaning to I ended it with “I guess?” and I got kind of flustered. He told me he had my card from yesterday and that he’d call me if he needed anything, since I was so helpful. I blushed and was like “yep! bye!” and was thinking ‘every minute I stay out here I’m getting stupider’ as I turned to walk back in.

I only got a few steps and he said “Miss?” and I turned around and he took a couple steps toward me, smiling but looking a little uncertain and holding something in his hand. And then he says “I could see you sooner than next week, if you’d like” and he hands me his card. I just stammered something like “Thanks, uh, call me Jen” and took it from him. I had no idea how to respond because I’m terrible at flirting so I just said bye and went back in quickly, kind of frustrated with myself for not being all smooth about it.

I kept thinking about him for the rest of the day, and whether I should call. I was arguing with myself about how safe it was (it wasn’t) and how it could all turn out, and whether I wanted to just hook up with a stranger. I’m not super experienced, I’ve had like three real boyfriends a few short flings, and I’ve never really done anything like this before. He’s from out of state, he’s in town for a week, he’s way older than me, and this isn’t about romance and a future together. But he was sweet and nice and funny and tall and handsome… and 20 years older than me, which turns out to be kind of hot?? And I’m not seeing anyone right now and it’s been a long time so I thought, why not? Maybe it’ll be fun, nothing’s saying I have to sleep with him if I don’t want to, but why not see if he wants to just go out for drinks or dinner?

So later that afternoon, I took a deep breath and called him. He answered right away and I could tell he didn’t know what number it was, so I quickly said “hi Robert, this is Jen from the rental agency, how are you?”

Somehow being on the phone made it easier, maybe b/c I sound professional and composed on the phone all day. He quickly responded and sounded excited and happy to hear from me. I knew I had to get straight to it or I’d chicken out, so I just said “I was thinking about your offer this morning and I was wondering what you had in mind? I’m free tonight…”

He said that was great and that he was really glad to hear from me, and would I like to meet somewhere for a drink around 7pm? I told him sure, that sounded nice. He named a pretty upscale restaurant in the city and I realized I’d have to go home and change, so I said it might be 7:30 if that was okay. He said it was fine and he was really looking forward to it. His voice sounded so nice – like pleasantly surprised and excited, which made me kinda giddy. Something about an attractive grown man sounding that way about *me* just gave me butterflies.

(Okay, I’m going to speed it up here… I know you’re impatient for the good stuff!)

So we did meet for drinks, and ended up having dinner too. I only had two glasses of wine since I didn’t want to be drunk, just cheerful. He complimented me on my outfit (a cute dark blue mermaid wiggle dress with black heels) and my earrings, and was very sweet, funny, and gentlemanly the whole time. We ended up having a lot to talk about – cars, music, politics, movies, books – and I actually felt like he was genuinely interested in what I had to say. I went into it thinking he’s probably just looking to hook up, but he didn’t seem to be in any hurry or anything. I learned that he works in the software industry and was in town for the week at one of his company’s satellite offices, that he had been married but had split up with his wife six years ago, but that they were on good terms. He asked if I was seeing anyone and I said no, and he seemed surprised, then said wasn’t seeing anyone either. (I teased him about flirting with younger girls at this point.)

Then after dinner and dessert, we went out for a walk and kept talking. Eventually he asked if I wanted to get a coffee, or maybe a nightcap at his hotel nearby, or if I needed to head home for the night. He was even nice about that, he totally gave me a way to politely decline if I’d wanted to. But I liked him already – being tall and hot didn’t hurt, but I genuinely had enjoyed spending time with him and appreciated that hadn’t been pushy at all. So I said a nightcap would be lovely, and I kinda smirked as I said it, and he just starts laughing. I kept giggling too, and when he put his arm around me I kinda leaned in close and looked up at him and he got the hint and kissed me. It was a really, really great kiss. Mm.

We got back to the hotel and we were going up the elevator and he put his arm around me again and we kissed some more. My heart was pounding! After getting into his huge hotel room, he went to the bar to mix vodka tonics for us and I used the bathroom. I quickly texted my friend Lauren to tell her that I was out with a guy and to check on me in a couple hours, touched up my makeup and checked my hair, and took a deep breath before going back out into the room. We sat together on the couch and sipped our drinks but pretty quickly started making out.

(This is where it gets good, you horny people)

He was gentle but those hands were all over me. And that was so. HOT. Like he’d been thinking about me all day too and couldn’t wait to be with me. He smelled so good, too! (Guys, this is a huge thing. No AXE body spray tyvm) He was cradling my head when we kissed and his other hand caressed my cheek, then the side of my neck, then moved down to my shoulder and rested there. Our kissing got a little heavier and more intense and I kind of leaned in to him and pressed closer. His hand slipped down to my breast and gently caressed it through my dress. I ran my hand down his chest and felt firm muscle through his shirt. He broke off kissing my lips to move his mouth down the side of my neck, still fondling my boobs while my hand ran over his shoulder and into his thick hair. My heart was pounding from being turned on and making out with this hot older man who’s basically a stranger, and he was breathing harder and getting worked up too.

He murmured something between kisses, like “Come up here” and slipped his arm under my knees and the other behind my back and lifted me up to sit perched on his lap. For some reason, this made me even hotter. He was caressing my hair and kissing me while his other hand trailed fingertips up and down my bare legs. I kicked off my heels and leaned my head back while his lips grazed over my throat and down to my collarbones, near the top of my breasts. He was so sexy – urgent and wanting me, but lingering and letting the moment last instead of rushing it. It was so hot that I was flushed and breathing hard already and we hadn’t even taken any clothes off.

That didn’t last long, though. I started unbuttoning his shirt with one hand while he kissed the tops of my breasts, and I felt his hand slip under the hem of my dress, between my knees. I shivered and bit my lip and let my thighs open slightly, welcoming his touch. He ran those fingertips lightly along the inside of my thigh and moved his mouth up to start kissing me on the lips again. His fingers moved slightly higher between my legs while his other arm squeezed me close. I felt so tiny, sitting in his lap like that, with his strong arms around me and his big hands on my petite body. I’ve never felt like that with a guy before and it made me feel really sexy and wanted and desired and protected all at once. Mmmf! (God, I’m getting wet just thinking about it again.)

So I decided to get more comfortable, and pulled back for a second to look into his eyes. He opened them and looked at me and asked if everything was okay. I said “Mhm, yes, very much so,” and we both laughed again, which somehow made it even better. I sort of scooted back a bit and asked if we should go into the bedroom and he smiled and nodded, and then just picked me right up in his arms, stood up off the couch, and carried me. I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck but he never wavered. He laid me on the bed really gently, kissed me again, and then asked if I needed anything. I nodded my head and then sat back up and asked him to help me out of my dress. He immediately grinned and agreed, and I stood up with my back to him. He slipped his arms around me and ran his hands all up and down my body while kissing the side of my neck, murmuring my name. I shivered again and leaned back against his tall form. Finally his hands moved back to the zipper of my dress and took it down slowly. I slipped my arms out first and then wiggled it down over my hips before stepping out of it, then turned to look at him in just my black silk bra and panties. His eyes lit right up and I felt so sexy seeing how he looked at my body. I’ve never been super curvy so I’m always a little self-conscious when I’ve been naked with a guy for the first time, but he seemed to love what he saw, because he pulled me back into his arms and started kissing me again, running those big warm hands over my pale skin. There was something really arousing about pressing my nearly-naked body against him while he was fully clothed.

Which was hot, but not fair, as I told him. He chuckled as I began unbuttoning his shirt and he kept running his fingers through my hair, saying he loved how smooth and silky it felt. I got down to his belt and kind of hesitated, then tugged at it but couldn’t unbuckle it right. He took care of it, then shrugged off his shirt and unbuttoned his jeans while I watched, biting my lip. He dropped his pants and was wearing gray boxer-briefs underneath, and I could see a nice bulge where he was clearly aroused by me. I stepped back close and kissed him while sliding my fingers under his t-shirt and pushing it upward. I was excited and feeling more confident and sexy so I just said “I want this off” and he laughed and complied. He had a nice chest and stomach and was in pretty good shape without being a rippling bodybuilder type. He had some dark chest hair and a nice little treasure trail leading downward into his boxers, which I was trying to avoid looking at too much.

We finally got into bed while still in our underwear, and laid together kissing and touching each other for a few minutes while I relaxed again. He kissed my neck again and moved down to kiss my breasts through the thin sheer bra, making me moan a little because my nippes are super-sensitive. Then he slipped his arm under me and I lifted up slightly so he could unfasten my bra. He slipped it off slowly and then lowered his mouth to my bare breasts, kissing them gently and then teasing my hardened nipples with his tongue and lips. I shuddered and arched my back and felt him press his body against me.

My thigh brushed his groin and I could feel he was hard for me already. That got me even more turned on, but I’ll admit that I kinda freaked out for a minute, like I suddenly realized what I was really doing. I slowed down and he stopped and I must have looked a little hesitant because he just smiled and relaxed a little and put his arms gently around me. He asked if everything was alright, and he actually looked like he meant it, so I said I just wanted to catch my breath for a second. I leaned up to kiss him after I said it so he’d know I really did still want him, and he kissed me back and it felt good. I smiled and he smiled back and I said “So, I’ve never really done anything like this before, but it’s really hot and I like it.” And we both just burst out laughing and everything was okay again, so I took his hand and placed it on my breast and said “Now, where were we?”

Rob rolled my nipple gently between his fingers and I shivered (soooo sensitive) and then he was kissing my breasts again and I had my fingers in his hair and was kissing the top of his head because his hair smelled so good. My thigh kept pressing his cock and I wanted to feel it, but I loved his mouth on my breasts. His hand kept squeezing my thigh and I pulled my leg up so his leg was between mine and pressing against my panties, making me even wetter.

I finally pulled his head up and kissed his lips while sliding my hand down his stomach and grasping him through his boxers. I murmured into his kisses as I felt how thick he was, even as I wondered what I’d gotten myself into. He cupped my ass in his hand while I squeezed him and rubbed through his boxers, and he moaned a little as I ran my hand up and down his shaft. His hand kept kneading my ass cheek, which felt amazing (he has huge hands that felt like they covered my butt completely) and his fingers kind of brushed against my lips through my panties. I could feel another twinge as he gently rubbed me, I was totally soaked by that point.

I gasped a little and moaned, and our kisses got more intense. I slid my hand up and then under his waistband, and he snuck his fingers under my panties. We both reached into each other’s underwear at the same time and suddenly he was rubbing my wet lips and I shuddered because his cock throbbed in my hand at the same moment. It was so fucking hot, feeling him teasing me and getting his fingers all slippery while I slowly squeezed and stroked him.

This went on for a couple minutes and finally I locked eyes with his between urgent kisses and said “I want you, now” and he nodded and sat up, kind of rolling me onto my back as he tugged my panties down over my hips. I looked up at him and smiled and bit my lip and I’m thinking ‘oh my god I’m about to have this hot older man inside me’ and then he got up to get a condom and came back to bed without his boxers on. His cock was nice and smooth and uncut, which was new to me and somehow made it sexier.

I just wanted to look at his dick for a second… it was really nice, probably the biggest of anybody I’d been with, but he was putting the condom on and then laying down and kissing me again, stroking my kitty with his fingers and gently slipping one inside me. I was squirming so bad and wanting him, and he just kept slowly teasing me. Finally he rolled on top of me and I spread my legs around him and we kissed, and I felt the head pushing against me and then slowly gliding between my lips and entering me.

I gasped and moaned louder than I had so far as I felt my lips around him, it felt so full. He paused, let me breathe, and then slowly pushed further. My nails dug into his back and my legs squeezed around his hips as he slid further inside me, until finally he was buried in me and I was so filled up that I let out this huge groan and kind of shuddered against him. He murmured “Good?” and I gasped “uh huh” in this breathy high voice, and then he slowly started moving out and then into me again with these long gentle strokes. It took a few seconds for the sensation to kind of wash over me but then I was really feeling it and it felt soooo good. Still, I could barely move yet so I just clung to him while he gently and firmly fucked me.

My nipples were tingling like mad from rubbing against him and I was feeling these waves of feeling every time he thrust into me. He started slowly and gently, and as I got more responsive and vocal, he started going a little faster and more rhythmically. It just felt so good, and I was so turned on by him wanting me, and how he was in bed having sex like this, it was amazing. I was kissing him and grinding up to meet his hips and making these little “ooh!” sounds every time he went deep, and he kept moaning and grunting with this growly voice into my neck and I was loving it. This hot stranger man who I’d just met was fucking me in a hotel and it felt so. fucking. good.

Eventually he rolled over and pulled me on top of him, holding me close in his arms and thrusting upward while stroking my hair and my back and then reaching down and cupping my ass in those big hands. For some reason that drove me wild – he kept squeezing and kneading my cute little ass (the one feature I’m rather proud of now) while pushing up into me and I could tell he loved how it felt. Just the way he was touching me and kissing me made it clear he was really turned on and that made me more confident, so I whispered “do you like this? does it feel good?” and he growled “Fuck yes, baby” in this guttural voice and I was like *damn.* He sounded like a caveman, totally unlike how he’d been before, but it made me even hotter.

I made him lay back and I sat up to ride him, working my hips in this rolling motion that my old boyfriend had really liked, and sure enough Rob did too – he groaned my name and reached up to play with my pert little boobs and pinch my nipples, making me squeal a little. I rode him like that for a while, bracing my hands on his chest and bouncing my hips up and down on his dick, grinding down on him so he rubbed against my clit, which made me gasp and shiver. He caught on and kept the same thrusting motion going, grabbing my ass again while he did so. I ground against him on every thrust and felt the waves of pleasure building up more and more.

My voice must have gotten higher or more urgent because he took his mouth off my nipples and murmured “you want to cum for me, baby?” And I nodded and whispered “just like that” so he’d stay doing the thing and I kept rubbing my clit until I couldn’t take it anymore and I finally came on his dick, squeezing his shaft and feeling him throb in me while I cried out in my orgasm. I kind of collapsed onto his chest and took a second to catch my breath while he just held me and stroked my hair and kissed my cheeks and forehead. I felt so good, cumming like that, on top of him. After a minute I was ready to keep going and felt so good that I wanted him to feel good with me, so I told him I wanted him to cum for me. He kind of looked at me like he was surprised I said it, and I smirked and said “fuck me til you cum” and his eyes got even wider and I laughed and pulled him on top of me again.

He sat a little back this time and held my legs open and started thrusting faster. Not hard, but quicker and more urgent than before. I was rolling my nipples in my fingers and looking up at him looming over me, his tall tanned body against my small pale frame, his dick buried inside me and gliding in and out, throbbing and jerking inside me as I squeezed his shaft. (Kegels, woo!) I even murmured some dirty talk and told him how good he felt inside me and he grinned, then leaned in and kissed me hungrily, then kept his chest pressed against me and was thrusting faster and faster and grunting louder.

I wrapped my arms and legs around him and kept saying “yes, just like that, yes, oh god yes, yes!” I felt his cock swell up even thicker inside me as he buried it all the way in, then it jerked and throbbed hard and I could feel him cumming. He groaned out this really loud “Oh god, yesssss” and his hips jerked a few times as he came in me. I could feel his shaft pulsing and slowing down (I swear he’s big enough that I could feel every vein on that thing) and he kind of let himself down on top of me, his chest pressed against my boobs, a sheen of sweat over our bodies. We kissed a few more times, smiling and whispering to each other, and then he slowly pulled out and eased himself off me, laying onto the pillow next to me. I nestled my head onto his shoulder and his slipped his arm around me.

After a few minutes of happly sighing together, he got up to go to the bathroom and get cleaned up. I lay back for a few minutes just staring at the ceiling and idly gliding my fingertips up and down between my boobs. I suddenly realized I needed to text Lauren again so I made a quick dive for my purse and sure enough, she’d texted back several incredulous questions about this new guy that I was with. I wrote a quick “fill you in later, am fine now, GREAT actually. may be kind of a slut? ttys <3” I knew that’d make her even more crazy.

Anyway, Rob and I both cleaned up and then got back into bed together and just cuddled and talked for a long time. He asked me if I liked it and I responded with an enthusiastic “Yes!” I asked if he did and he nodded vigorously and said he hasn’t felt that good in as long as he could remember. I was kind of floored by that (I figured he had lots of girlfriends) but he seemed sincere. Then he asked if I wanted to see him again while he was here, and I said I’d love to.

We kind of looked at each other, and he got this look and I could tell he thought he was going to have to explain that this was just for this week or whatever. I just leaned in and kissed him again and said “I’m okay with this, don’t worry. I like you and this is fun, we can just let it be what it is.” He looked relieved (men, I swear) and then joked about making wedding plans and I lightly smacked his shoulder, but then he got serious and said that he really liked me a lot already, and really wanted to spend more time together while he was in town. “And not just for this,” he said, squeezing my ass under the covers. I smirked again and said “No, not *just* that… but plenty of that, please.”


Soooo, that was our first time on the first night! We had sex twice more after that, then spent most of Saturday and all of Saturday night together, then I came home this morning (after more sex, in the car I rented him this time) but I’m going back there tonight. Last night was even hotter, and crazy unexpected things are happening, and I’m continuing to basically cram five or ten years of sexual adventure into a weekend, discovering things I didn’t even know would turn me on. He’s in town for the rest of this week and he’s pretty much done work by six every day, so… we have a lot more steamy nights ahead. Maybe I’ll keep you posted. ;) Thanks for reading! xoxo



  1. Oh wow, I didn’t know this had gotten to be so long. I didn’t write it very well and it seems kind of jumbled now, but whatever. I hope it turns you on to read it, cuz it turns me on to share it. I’m totally embracing this new side of myself. :)

    BTW, feel free to ask questions if you want, I’m happy to talk about it. I kind of want to keep sharing everything that’s going on, so I’ll probably post about Saturday at some point too. Enjoy, you perverts! <3

  2. Lovely story, and well written. You really captured the experience and made me feel like I was there (wish I was ;)

  3. I really enjoyed your random asides in the story (“This is where it gets good, you horny people” made me laugh too hard haha!), and it was well-written. What a nice story of intimacy! Rob sounds like a very considerate and well-mannered gentleman. Have fun tonight! ;)

  4. Really well written OP, nice speed of narration and just the right amount of details, we’re with you the whole time (Oh I so wish I was :) ) Would love to hear more

    So uhm, about these things you’re discovering, care to share ;) ?

  5. I’m exceptionally envious of your older man. Good for you. Great story.

  6. OP you are absolutely adorable and I am sincerely happy you are having such great orgasms this week.

  7. This is my favorite thing that I’ve ever read on this sub and I’ve been subscribed for months. The lead-up description was great & it felt like a real person’s experience. I appreciate how honest you were.
    I hope you see him a lot more this week!!!! And that you post about it.

  8. One of the better stories I’ve read. The pace is great, plenty of details to visualize, Keep writing!

  9. Oh my GOD! You guys!! I just woke up (for the second time since I sent Rob off with a bang earlier, heyooo) and checked my phone and I can’t believe how this blew up?!! Thank you for all the kind words and compliments on my writing, I was not at all sure how this would go over so I’m feeling a lot more confident about that, too. You’ll definitely be hearing more from this chick. <3 I’ll probably start the next episode (ha) later today while Rob’s working.

    I’m going to answer a few questions from the comments and messages, since I’m getting a few of the same requests. :)

    >What will you and him do after this week is over?

    Last night we actually spent a while talking about what happens after this week. We’re going to stay in touch, at the very least. I’d like to have him as a friend in my life, even if we just chat via email or on the phone occasionally. Buuuut… he does have to travel here several times a year b/c one of their offices is in my city, so this isn’t just a one-time thing. So we’ll see how we both feel at the end of this week. From our talk last night, we both agreed that if we’re each still single next time he’s in town, why not see each other again?

    That said, I’d be lying if I pretended like there wasn’t some risk of getting hurt, here. For both of us, but more likely for me. If it was just good sex, that’d be one thing, but I really just *like* him. I could probably have real feelings for him. So I gotta be careful, but for now I’m just enjoying this. I mean, it’s literally a life-changing experience already. Cheesy stuff, maybe I’ll elaborate later. :P

    >Can we see your picture / where do you live / what car rental agency / which airport do you work at?

    Yeah, sorry, but I’m not comfortable sharing pictures or personal info. This is already a lot to just blab to horny strangers on the internet, so try and enjoy what’s there rather than pushing for more than I’ve already shared. :)

    >What particular turn-ons are you discovering with him?

    Umm… so many! Basically we’ve already found that we naturally enjoy the teacher / student roles, here. (Not like, character roles, just… him teaching me about sexy things! And then practicing those sexy things together!) Like I said before, I’m not super experienced and I’ve never been sexually experimental. My previous boyfriends were all my age at the time, so late teens or early 20s, and guys at that age tend to just want you to spread your legs and don’t tend to think too much about whether you enjoy it. So I often felt pushed or pressured, and that’s a turn-off. Even when I initiated sex or enjoyed it, it was pretty “basic” sex. Missionary, doggy-style, wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am kind of stuff. But with Rob…. mmmm. Let’s see, a few things:

    – So I guess I like it a little rough! On Saturday Rob pulled my hair (firmly, but not hard) while he was fucking me from behind, and kind of held it wrapped around his hand, tugging my head back while his hips smacked against my ass with each thrust… and that felt *so* hot. But I gotta stress this, it felt so good because he built up to it and he’d already demonstrated from the first day that he respects me and likes me as a person. So how he was man-handling my petite body wasn’t mean or aggressive, it was a guy who cares about me and trusts me (and who I trust) letting us explore something a little… primal, I guess? (I’ve had a guy try this rough stuff before, but he was clueless about making it work for me – he just was trying to re-enact porn video crap, so it was mostly just uncomfortable and weird.)

    – Along those lines: spankings! Mmm! Never would have thought, but here we are.

    – He gave me a nude erotic massage at one point with some scented oil and it was amaaaaaazing. Candles, soft music, the works. (We went shopping for supplies!) During my massage, he teased my ass a little bit, which I’ve never liked… until now. More on that in the next installment, I don’t want to ruin the surprise!!

    – Blowjobs…. maybe not so bad after all?? Again, this was all about the approach. Not “hey babe suck me off I wanna cum in ur mouth” but “look how good this makes him feel, and how just my tongue and lips can drive him wild.” Good hygiene, some pubes maintenance, and having a nice cock don’t hurt either.

    – Some dirty talk and… a kind of roleplaying, I guess? I’ll get into this more later but he’s got this incredibly sexy way of being really tender and gentle one minute, and then kind of rough or urgent and passionate the next, and that just does things to me. Mmmf. There’s one particular phrase that he used that got me so hot, but I’ll save that for the next bit. ;)

    Anyway, more for later, I have to get ready for the gym! I’ll try and write the next installment later today, too. THANK YOU for all the nice compliments and encouragement! I’m so excited to write more! <3

  10. I loved your story and can’t wait for the next one. The details and asides were perfect and helped me stay in the story. Love it! Thanks!

  11. Super hot! Also well written. One of the best stories I’ve read here.

    Happy for you both and jealous of Rob.

  12. What do you mean “Maybe I’ll keep you posted.”? You write exceptionally well, just keep doing so! btw: I want to trade places with him, you seem to be a little bundle of joy!

  13. This is really, really good! I cannot wait for new installments/updates!

  14. All my rental agent hooked me up with was a Toyota Yaris. That thing only had one windshield wiper blade. I could touch the passenger side window from the driver’s seat.

    Rob gets a nice big rental, a friendly and hot agent and a week of sexy fun times. I need to live vicariously through him, so more of your well written adventures please!

  15. This retelling is basically the reason gonewildstories exists…amazing, descriptive, includes the little details, sexy as hell.

    Even starting by letting us know you “jill off” to other stories gives me a twinge.

  16. Wow! What a fantastic story! I’ve followed this sub for a few years (for science), and this is without question, one of the best I’ve ever read. Please update us on the rest of the week. And I hope this new found confidence will encourage you to have more adventures. And write about them!!

  17. this was quite arousing to read. for the love of God please post more.

  18. “He smelled so good, too! (Guys, this is a huge thing. No AXE body spray tyvm)”


    Seriously guys. For the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Just say no to that shitty Axe shit. Find something a little more expensive that doesn’t smell like you rubbed yourself with a car air fresheners that you got 2 for a dollar at the gas station.

  19. Great story well written. It will be on my mind every time I am in line at the rental car counter from now on.

  20. Posting a comment to remind myself to check back for updates :) So well-written and super, super sexy!

  21. Long read but it was for sure well worth it loved it cant wait to hear more

  22. You sound super sweet and I was really happy for you while reading this story. Get that fine older man, girl! <3

  23. You should tell him about this post and let him add his perspective.

  24. You sound pretty amazing to answer all of our questions and sharing with us your experience. I can see why he wanted to ask you out…I can tell you have an amazing personality. One thing your forgot to mention were your measurements, who you look like, or a brief description to give us an idea of who were working with! :) Unless I missed it???

    Keep those stories coming!

  25. What a nice, smooth, gradual buildup. You’re a good writer and you made this feel very relatable! If you had to list them, what would you say are his most attractive qualities?

    A guy trying to improve his sex/love life

  26. Hi I loved your writing style! How refreshing it is to read someone who is funny, intelligent and retrospective. Your little asides got us in your head and made the whole thing funny and sexy- the way it should be. Plus you are obviously a person who likes intimacy and not just throw away sex. I’m wondering- does your lover like the sexiness of words as much as you? Do you think you will write him some fantasies when you are apart?

  27. Wait…. You work at an airport location AND you showed him to the car (and did the walk around with him?)

    This is either a really small airport or I’m calling bluff.

  28. Beautifully written – I loved the way you conveyed your excitement, nervousness, arousal and also insecurities. As a guy who shares many of those same worries, it’s lovely to hear about such a sweet experience as that.

  29. I think I’ve read every story by a woman on this sub in the last 2 years. This is probably my favorite. Just amazing. Well written. You let us in your head space so we felt with you. Just great. Can’t say enough good things. Thank you for sharing.

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