Off the Courts • Part 1 [MF]

I love my job. Not many women work seriously in my field but I love it. I started coaching tennis when I was in high school. I actually hated playing tennis as a junior player but I need to make some money for myself, since my family was hit pretty hard during the recession. When I first started coaching most of my students were in elementary school and I honestly didn’t know anything. I’ve moved around quite a bit and I’ve learned have a greater respect for the sport.

I’m now 29 years old. My boyfriend and I work at a renown tennis club, and we are pretty respected for young coaches. Both of us had put a pause on school, but with some luck and a lot of hard work, we were able to sustain a good living. Most of my students see me once or twice a week. It was pretty typical, but I was able to keep an eye on them in our other programs. Only two of my students have a lesson with me more than two times. Marley, who saw me 5 times a week. Marley and I met when she was 13. Since then we’ve become really close. She liked walking around with me and spending time with me. I felt like a mentor, until one day she started calling me mama coach. Next thing I know, all the kids were calling mom. It didn’t help that I was the only coach out there making sure they were wearing sunblock and stretching properly. Dominic was the other student that worked with me more than the others. He saw me everyday. Dominic and Marley had become really close, much like siblings.. seeing as how I was mom. I met Dominic when he was 14, around the same time Marley started working with me. He was now 17 just graduated high school, and Marley had just turned 15. For those years, everything was good and happy. I took on their ‘second mom’ role pretty seriously and knew everything about them.

One day, Dominic needed advice about college and asked to meet me early. I hadn’t noticed how much he had grown. When he walked in, I suddenly noticed all the changes. He was taller, more robust in stature, and he walked with a confidence he didn’t have when he was 14. Dominic, without his knowing, was always my favorite. He always wanted to make sure I was happy. On several occasions, he defended me when the other male coaches would undermine my talents and knowledge of the sport. He hated anyone who bothered me or impacted my life negatively. I didn’t notice how odd our relationship would have looked to everyone else. My boyfriend, Gary, never seemed to mind Dominic. Actually they got alone amazingly themselves. Probably the reason why no one ever said much about our relationships. Gary was a big guy. Kind of scary but really just a buff teddy bear.

“Hey coach”
“Hey honey, what’s up?” I was still glancing over other things about him I had neglected to notice before. His face seemed more chiseled. How did I not see this?
“What are my prospects if I stayed in California to play?”
“First of all, it’s too late to change anything. We will have a month of summer and then you’re off to Oregon. Besides your chances of getting in-state scholarships were and still are really low.” My honesty has always been something I needed to soften. My heart sank when I saw his reaction to what I said.

“That means I don’t get to be around you,” he said looking right at me. I didn’t know what to say. I was used to him talking like this to me but sometimes he would surprise me. He had gotten into the habit of texting me he loved me several times a week before bed and telling me all of his secrets. I didn’t find this odd since he’d often turn to Gary for advice. So I figured we were just parental for him. It was this moment I realized the kind of closeness we had really cultivated. I wasn’t sure how to feel let alone react.

“That doesn’t seem like a good reason to give up on your dreams, hon. You’re just getting cold feet, and that’s okay. You’ll be okay.” I smiled. There was a sudden urge within me to touch him. To reassure him that he’d be happy no matter where he went. But a part of me wanted him to stay. No one treated me with the same tenderness and respect that he did, not even Gary. He never had a girlfriend in high school (mainly because of all the time he devoted to tennis), and always prioritized my opinion above everyone else’s. I knew I’d miss him.

“What if leaving you was too much? I’ve gotten through so much because of you. I don’t know if I can be without you.” What the hell? Where was all this coming from? There we were on the courts in the middle of the day, and this kid decides to give up on everything we worked on because he’s scared. I started getting a little annoyed, when he all of a sudden pulled me in and hugged me. When did he get taller than me? The hug was too long for comfort and I tried to pull away. This was abnormal. I got worried that perhaps people would take it the wrong way, but then I realized we were the only ones on the west end of the club.

His touch shot fire through my body as if it was awakening after years of being dormant. He hugged me even tighter pushing everything of mine together with everything of his. My breasts pressed up against him sent me into a horny rage and I began breathing heavily. I tried again to pull away.

“I knew you loved me this way,” he said. His hands roamed down my back, and everything tingled. I breathed even heavier. This was wrong. He’s still a child. But he felt so much like a man. “I’m not leaving you. I’m not going anywhere without you.” My insides started to yearn for him. I wanted to ravish him and consume myself with his love.

“No, stop.” I managed to get him to release me. “What are you doing?”

“I love you. You deserve better than this. You can come with me. We can start a life together.”
No no no no no no. Everything had just changed so dramatically I had no idea what to do. This was my baby, my darling, the kid that I’d watch grow up and would babysit my kids. No. My breasts reminded me of what his body felt like against mine. No! This isn’t right.

He continued, “Gary doesn’t even treat you like the amazing fucking queen that you are. He’s always flirting with his students, and always saying things he shouldn’t say. Please stay with me. I’ll go to school and work and you can work, and we can be happy. I don’t trust anyone else to take care of you.” My lust for him was overrunning my thoughts. I needed to get away from him. I need this to stop. He was my kiddo. When did he get so muscular? His eyes staring right through me, sending electricity through my body. Beckoning me to belong to him. No. I’m 12 years his senior. No. No. No.

“Dominic. Just… just hang on a second. What… What are you doing? This isn’t right, I’m your coach that’s it.”

“It’s my birthday next week. I’ll be an adult.” Wait what? This became too much. Before I could sort my thoughts out, I start rushing off the court. He came after me and somehow embraced me again from behind.

“I love you. I want you to be mine. I don’t want anyone else. Just one more week.” I could feel his cock getting harder through his shorts and my skirt. My body began shivering in his arms and my breath became uncontrollable. If anyone saw us right now I’d be done. I knew he was right. I couldn’t leave him. I had loved him too much. And now this. I let out a small moan. His cock now completely hard against me. “One week, mama.”
