First and Best Encounter… More to Come [F/F]

This all happened a little over a week ago, and I’m still trying to process it. It’s probably the hottest thing that ever happened to me, so I thought you guys would appreciate it.

So I’m 26, female, work part-time at a university, and am involved in a particular research project. There’s a small team of us, under a pretty distinguished Professor, and the work is really interesting. There were two posts to work on this project, and it was pretty competitive. I managed to get one, and the other went to Mark…

Mark and I were in loads of the same classes during our Bachelor’s degrees, and undertook our PhDs at the same time. We’ve known each other for years, and since very early on there has been a pretty intense rivalry between us. He’s good, but I’m better, and he hates me for it. Also, we couldn’t be further apart in terms of our personalities – he’s a keen sportsman, got involved in all sorts of university societies (drama, debate, etc.), is pretty Christian, and a real pretty boy. I’m your typical anarchic lesbian (ok, I’m bisexual but you wouldn’t know it from looking at me), visible tattoos, make the minimal effort when it comes to clothes, drink too much – you get the picture. He’s always been a patronising dick so I get a LOT of pleasure from watching him struggle to come to terms with being second best.

I should stop at this point to say this story is not about me having sex with Mark. I’d be lying if I said I’d never thought about it – he’s good looking in a very obvious kind of way, probably has a great body, and like I said, I’m bisexual – historically I’ve been more comfortable being in a relationship with girls, but sometimes you just can’t beat taking a big dick to bed…

Ok, so back to it… A few weeks ago, we had a pretty big win on the project. I can’t go into too much detail, but some unexpected funding came through after we’d made a bit of a breakthrough, and it meant our contracts could be extended – cue much celebration. We all went out for dinner and drinks, paid for by our awesome Professor (who I regularly fantasize about – perhaps I’ll write another one of these about him sometime…), and Mark brought along his wife. Katie.

Fucking Katie.

Before I describe this goddess to you, I’ll give you a quick description of myself. So, I’ve always thought of myself as being pretty hot, in a dirty, alternative kind of way, and a string of good looking exes would support this assertion. I’m 5’8’’, slender and athletic (I used to be a yoga instructor), pale skin, black hair down to my shoulders, several tattoos including my pride and joy – a tangle of thorns and roses down my right side and abdomen. You probably know somebody who looks like me. I’ve done a little bit of modelling – mostly just student stuff, some paid and some not. If I’m lacking anywhere, then it has to be my tits. I’m an A cup, and although I think I still look pretty awesome naked, I can’t hide the fact that I wish they were a bit bigger… Whoever said that we look for in others what we ourselves lack was definitely onto something, because Katie…

Well, her tits are as good a place to start as any. They’re fucking phenomenal. The best I’ve seen, even before I saw all of them. I’d guess they’re probably E cups, completely natural and perfectly sculpted. She’s not petite, but they look big on her frame. She has long, chestnut brown hair, tanned skin, perfect teeth and a big wide smile. She’s a little shorter than me, but has a much better figure – more womanly, wider hips, and of course those amazing boobs. Even better than her boobs though are her eyes. I’ve never seen eyes like them. Wicked and bright, the most intense eyes I’ve seen, probably ever. Holy shit this girl is sexy.

I met her for the first time at this meal, and although I was probably staring a little, there wasn’t any awkwardness. We got on really well right away. I was half expecting her to be a female version of Mark the douche, but she wasn’t at all. They were Christians, and had married young, but Katie had a devilish side to her – a wicked sense of humour and great chat. By the time we’d finished dinner and moved to some sofas, we were engrossed in conversation. Mark was at the bar or somewhere else, probably telling some strangers about how great he is, and I had his wife all to myself for what felt like hours.

We talked politics, film, literature – this girl was incredible. I was expecting an airhead, as I imagined Mark would like his women quiet and unquestioning, but Katie was the opposite. She told me a bit about how they met, got married, etc. and then the conversation moved to me.

“He talks about you all the time, you know.” I didn’t even know who she was talking about at first.

“Who does? Mark?”

“Yeah. Like, all the time.”

“What sort of things does he say?”

“Mostly he talks about how annoying you are. How you’re always trying to get one over on him…”

I took a certain amount of satisfaction from that. I’d suspected as much, but it was nice to have solid confirmation that I was getting to him. However, I wasn’t prepared for what came next.

“He talks about you too much though. I think he likes you.”

“What!?” I think I even spat some of my drink out. “Are you crazy? Mark hates me! And he’s fucking married. To you!”

“Oh Mark loves me, I know that. I just think he’s attracted to you.”

Ok, so I had to admit that I’d thought that Mark may have had a crush on me before, but his wife was the last person I was expecting to have a conversation about it with. My lack of surprise must have been plain, as Katie pressed me on it.

“You knew that he fancied you? Do you like him too?”

“No! I mean, I assume he’d probably fuck me, given the chance. I mean, who wouldn’t?” I joked. “But I’m not into him. I like girls.” It was a half-truth, but it seemed like a good way to get out of an awkward conversation.

The relief on her face was palpable. At first I thought it was because she’d seen me as a threat, but then she leant over and whispered in my ear.

“That’s what I like to hear.”

Her breath on my neck awoke something in me. She sat back and undressed me with those incredible, mischievous eyes. I had a sudden moment of self-doubt. Was this Christian, married woman really coming onto me? It seemed so surreal.

“Drink up,” she said, and sprang to her feet. “Mark?” she called, and suddenly there he was.

“Sweetie?” Fucking chump.

“I think I’m ready to go now. I’m going to share a cab with Sera, she only lives round the corner. Can I have some money please?”

“Of course babe, here.” He handed her a couple of notes, and went back to his conversation. Katie took me by the arm, and we walked out into the night.

There was a taxi rank nearby, and soon we were flying through the night, bound for home. I had half expected Katie to fall on me once we were in the cab, but we sat next to each other in silence for the first couple of minutes. I started to wonder whether I’d misread the situation – if she really was just taking me home. My heart slowed to something close to a steady rhythm, and I began to feel ridiculous and embarrassed. Katie was checking her phone, and looking out the window.

She’s married! Of course she’s not interested in me. I felt so stupid…

“Here’s fine thanks. How much do I owe?” Katie paid the man and got out of the cab. Just as I was about to tell the driver where to take me, she leant back in and asked “Aren’t you coming?”

I was out of that taxi in a flash. Once the driver had gone, Katie took my arm again and led me up the driveway.

“Sorry about that. I think he’s a local driver – I don’t really want him seeing me all over you one evening, and then travelling with my husband the next. He might get the wrong idea.”

“Wrong idea?” I asked mischievously. “Seems like he’d be spot on to me.”

She didn’t reply, but gave me a mock-hurt look as she took her keys out and let us inside. The front door led directly into the living room – it was a small house, but immaculate. The curtains were already drawn, and a table lamp provided the only light, giving the room an elegant, intimate feel.

I closed the door behind me, and turned back to the room to see Katie unzipping her amazing dress, her back to me. The zip moved silently down the length of her back, reveal nothing but smooth, beautiful skin. No bra then, I thought.

A sexy little wriggle, and she was free of the dress, which pooled around her feet. She was wearing a blue thong, pulled right up her ass. The view was fantastic, but nothing compared to when she turned around… She stepped out of the dress and spun on her heels to face me, giving me a full view of everything.

Those magnificent boobs were every bit as beautiful as I thought they’d be. Full, perfectly-shaped, and tipped with hard, pink nipples – looking at them made me ache, and I felt my underwear start to get damp. Below, between those wide, womanly hips, was a thin line of thong, barely covering her. The fabric was transparent, and I could see there wasn’t a single hair down there. I suddenly became self-conscious of the state of my own pussy. I hadn’t anticipated getting lucky tonight, so hadn’t made any effort with my own pubic hair. Fuck it, I thought.

I just stood there like an idiot for a few moments, drinking in every inch of her amazing body. She pretended to be shy, but the smile on her face told me how much she was enjoying being examined in this way. We both knew it wasn’t enough. We locked eyes, and after a momentary wordless exchange, I began to undress myself.

Off came my jacket, my top, and by the time I had undone my bra we had met in the middle of the room, our lips locked together in a passionate, wet kiss. Her hands went behind my head and into my hair, while mine went straight for those tits. They felt as good as they looked, and her nipples were already rock hard. She took a sharp intake of breath as I ran my fingers over them.

She started unfastening my belt and I wrapped my arms around her to get a feel of her ass. I pulled her into me so our tits and nipples were touching, and she smiled to see that mine were just as stiff.

With a tug, she brought down my jeans, leaving us both standing in nothing but our panties, pushed up against each other. She started to push me towards the sofa, but I was determined to pleasure her first. Taking her by both shoulders, I guided her round and stood her in front of the sofa. I slowly took to my knees, kissing as I went – her neck, her collar bone, her delicious, plump tits, and down, down, past her navel, until I was face to face with the tiny piece of fabric that separated me from that sweet pussy. It gave me a thrill to see the dark, moist patch that had formed on the bottom of the thong.

I delicately untied the knot that held her last remaining raiment in place, and the thong fell away.

The smell of her pussy hit me immediately, nearly driving me wild it was so good. I felt the juices gushing from my own hole as I examined her beautiful, smooth mound. As I suspected, not the faintest trace of stubble could be seen, which made me think she’d been planning this night for a while. I took a couple more deep breaths of that heavenly scent, before taking her ass cheeks in my hands and pressing my lips to the bare skin above her pussy. I felt her spasm as my lips caught the very top of her labia, and I looked up at her, smiling.

Her eyes were closed – she was focussing intently on every touch, every sound, and I didn’t want to keep her waiting any longer.

I eased her down onto the sofa, and gently parted her legs. I’ll never forget seeing her cunt for the first time.

Her cum was already seeping out from between two plump, full lips. As I parted her legs further, the sweet pinkness of her pussy opened up for me, and I couldn’t resist plunging my tongue deep into that welcoming hole.

She gasped, and grabbed the back of my head as I pulled out.

“Oh god,” she moaned. “I thought I was being fucked for a second then.”

I do have a particularly long tongue, with other girls have remarked upon before, and I intended to put this length to good use on Katie.

Again I pushed my tongue into her slit and again she gasped, only this time I had no intention of stopping.

I fucked her with my tongue, each time pushing deeper and deeper inside her. My lips were pushing up against hers with every thrust, and her breathing turned to purring, and then to full on moaning.

“Fuck,” she managed. “Fuck. Fuck. That’s so good.”

I changed rhythm, and started moving my tongue up and down, massaging her labia, and then up to her swollen clit. My mouth was full of her juices and it tasted amazing – I swallowed a mouthful of the stuff more than once.

When my tongue first flicked against her clit, I felt her hand tighten on the back of my head. So that’s what she wants, I thought. I started licking away at it as she writhed in pleasure. Slowly at first, and then building up speed, Katie started gyrating her whole crotch against my mouth, every inch of her pussy wanting a turn at my tongue. Looking up from between her legs, I could see her beautiful tits bouncing in time to her grinding.

Desperate not to leave any of her unsatisfied, I stopped caressing her thighs and moved a hand under my chin. Katie, eyes closed, didn’t realise how I’d positioned myself until her grinding motion took her directly on to my two outstretched fingers, which pushed deep inside her cunt with the force of her thrusts.

I thought she was going to cum right there and then. She started to scream, and had to cover her mouth with the hand that wasn’t behind my head. Her thrusts slowed to savour the feeling of my fingers entering her, but I didn’t want to bring her down. I was desperate to see her cum.

I pushed my fingers in, much deeper than I had gone with my tongue, and felt her tighten around me. My tongue was still dancing on her erect clitoris, and I turned my fingers slightly upwards as they slid in and out of her, knowing I’d be hitting her g-spot.

It was pure bliss, and it seemed to go on forever. I slowed down and sped up to keep Katie on the cusp of her orgasm for as long as I could, revelling in all the noise she was making. Suddenly, she went quiet, and I knew she was close to the boil. With my other hand I applied pressure to her pubic mound, forcing her g-spot down against my fingers, and braced myself.

Katie froze at the height of a thrust, and then exploded. She moaned and writhed as her pussy spasmed again and again, coming all over me. I slowed my tongue to a slow, rhythmic beat, and slowly pulled my sticky fingers out of her. Her orgasm spent, Katie lay there in blissful silence for a few moments. Her cum was all over my chin, but I didn’t want to wipe it away until she’d seen it. I wanted her to look down at me and see what a dirty little slut I was.

She opened her eyes and relaxed her clenched fist, aware for the first time of just how hard she was holding me. She ran her fingers through my hair, and whispered.

“Your turn.”

Just those words sent a pulse arcing through me. I licked my lips and chin clean, savouring the salty, spicy taste of her juices and stood up in front of her. I peeled my thong down, as by now it was soaked through. Katie’s eyes fell on my pussy and the small tuft of dark hair above it.

To my surprise, Katie lay down flat on the sofa. She beckoned me to climb on top of her. I stretched myself out along the length of her, matching up our tits and our pussies so that my pubic mound pressed down against hers, and our nipples brushed each other as we wriggled to get comfortable.

Katie kissed me. Soft, warm kisses all around my mouth, savouring the taste of the last few traces of her cum. Then, without warning, I felt a finger start to trace the outline of my pussy, running down the length of lip, and then back up the other, with a playful flick at the hood of my clit each time it completed a circuit.

Her other hand was gently rubbing my arse. I used to be a yoga instructor and, though it has been a while, I still have a great butt, as Katie was discovering.

Her adventurous finger started to pick up pace, and the circle it was drawing was growing smaller and smaller, until it wasn’t my labia but my moist, pink pussy that she was rubbing. Between my legs was slick with juice by now, and my clit was buzzing for attention. I pulled away from the kisses and looked Katie in her sexy, devilish eyes.

“Please.” That one simple word was all it took. Katie moved her hands to my bum and pushed me up as she wriggled down, so that she was face to face with my pussy.

I arched my back so I could watch her, but as she started lapping up the copious juices from all around my pussy, I had to close my eyes. It felt so good.

And so dirty! Here I was, butt naked with my pussy in the face of a married woman I’d just met. The surreal nature of it occurred to me, and I thought for the first time about what would happen if Mark walked in now. To my surprise, the thought only turned me on more. A part of me wanted him to arrive home to discover his darling wife acting the complete slut, her face covered in my cum.

I could feel an orgasm brewing deep down inside me, and started playing with my tits to encourage it along. Katie’s tongue was penetrating deep inside me, and she’d managed to find space to get a hand between our bodies so that her two fingers could strum rhythmically on my clitoris.

I felt everything start to align. The rhythm of her tonguing and rubbing, my breathing, probably even my own heartbeat. Beat by beat, it got faster, and faster, and faster, and I’ll could think about was the pleasure.

Without warning, the harmony of her fucking me was thrown out of kilter, like a crash of drums and cymbals in the middle of what might have been the sexual counterpart to soft jazz. Katie’s tongue had changed trajectory, and got straight up my ass instead of my pussy.

I’d gasped before I even knew what had happened, but Katie didn’t stop. Her tongue wriggled against my asshole and her fingers rubbed even quicker against my clit. I had to stop playing with my tits and get a firm grip on the arm of the sofa for fear of collapsing in ecstasy.

“Fuck yes.” The voice was mine, but it seemed to be disembodied. I was completely lost in the waves of pleasure. “Fuck me. Fuck my ass.”

I’ve always been pretty experimental when it comes to sex, but butt stuff has never really come up, though I’ve always been privately curious. I’ve never done anal, and certainly never been rimmed before.

It was amazing. What was going to be a very good, but very predictable orgasm, was turning into something else. Katie knew exactly what she was doing – she quickly took control of the rhythm again.

I couldn’t focus on anything. Parts of my body were becoming involved in this orgasm that I didn’t even know about. My hands and feet were buzzing with pleasure, a warm, sensual feeling flooded my upper senses, and hot, sexual energy coursed along the length of my spine.

Within a few seconds, I came. I came harder that I have ever done before, and it lasted longer than I ever imagined it could.

As it started, I tried to cry out, but the words caught in my dry throat. All I managed was, “I… I’m… Cumming. I’m. Cumming. Hard.” And everything after that was silence. Perfect, white-hot silence.

My pussy and ass exploded with pleasure, in complete synthesis with one another. It was just, So. Fucking. Good. I swear I saw stars as the sensation pulsed through my body, slowly reducing in intensity, and leaving behind a warm, fuzzy satisfaction that seemed to coat every inch in me. It was bliss.

Katie wriggled back up the sofa so that we were face to face. Her lips, chin, cheeks, and even the tip of her nose, were all shiny with my juices. I love the taste of my own pussy, and normally I would have sucked up every drop I could find on her face, but I was paralysed by pleasure. I was a complete deadweight on top of her, and we lay for what felt like hours, entwined, covered in each other’s sweat and juices.

The rest is just flickering memories. I was intoxicated by Katie and the orgasm she’d given me. It was like I was on morphine. Eventually, I must have got up from the sofa, got cleaned up, and got dressed. My memory only really kicks back in to focus when I said goodbye to Katie. Gorgeous, sexy, filthy Katie. We swapped numbers, had one last kiss, and she gave my ass a little squeeze as I stepped through the door.

She’d called me a cab, and during the short ride home, all I could think about was what she was doing with my ass. I looked at Katie’s number on my phone several times, already looking forward to our next session. A plan was already forming in my mind.

I got home, stripped naked within seconds of closing the front door, went straight to bed and masturbated furiously to thoughts of Katie and her tits and her tongue. I made myself cum twice before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

So, that was my first encounter with Katie. As I said, it has been just over a week now since those celebratory drinks, and we have plans to go to dinner and the cinema next weekend. Mark is away at a conference with our sexy Professor, and I’m intent on making sure Katie doesn’t get lonely while he’s away…

Katie really has set the benchmark for what an amazing orgasm should look like, but I want to top it (there’s my competitive side again…). Here’s the interactive, fun part. Though I’ve got a few ideas already, I know that my own depravity fades to insignificance when compared to the pool of perversion that is the Reddit hivemind. So, I’d like to take suggestions on what I should do to Katie next weekend. I’ll choose my favourite things from the suggestions. I’ll then post a follow-up all about Round 2 of our sexual adventures, whatever they may hold…

Oh, and if you send me a nude, I’ll be even more likely to consider your ideas…

Sera x



  1. Im going to go with fuck both her and mark at the same time. If thats not possible go one further than she did and finger your asshole with her finger .

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