The day I (M) got a JOI from a doctor (F)

This happened around ten years ago. I was up past bedtime for some reason and while flipping the channels, I landed on this movie. It had this awkward guy in a high school and everything. Looked fun. 10 mins into the film, comes in [Elisha Cuthbert](

Now, keep in mind that at this point, I knew nothing about jerking off. I did know Elisha from 24 though and thought she was pretty. Then there was the stretching and stripping . Heart started beating so damn fast and I panicked as a got a boner as I didn’t know what was happening. I continued watching the rest of the movie which has Elisha doing incredibly sexy stuff. The entire time, my heart rate was through the roof, had a feeling of butterflies in my stomach and my boner felt like it was going to explode.
By the time the movie was over, I was feeling really lightheaded and dizzy, and had severe blue balls which hurt like hell. The pain had spread to my entire lower abdomen and my rapid heart rate made my chest hurt (my panic at what was happening certainly didn’t help). Boner didn’t go down and it felt like it was going to explode.
I thought I was going to die, started crying, and woke my parents. Told them about chest pains and lightheadedness and they panicked too. Now, the movie had started at 11pm and it was now well past midnight. A doctor lived right next to our house (she was 29 or so and had just started out) and my parents took me there. But her door was locked, meaning she was on a night shift.

So at around 1:30 am, my parents drove me to the hospital where she worked (it was the closest one to our home and just 10 mins away). They ran various tests but found nothing. She said I suffered from minor heart palpitations. I still complained about the abdomen and she did an ultrasound (my parents were outside). Finding nothing while doing it, she asked me to describe the symptoms and once I was done, I saw her holding back from laughing. She asked me what I was doing staying up and I said a movie. When asked which movie, I lied and said Star Wars, but she saw through that. She told me to be honest and I said The Girl Next Door. Told me not to worry and briefly told me, “it’s a completely normal reaction when you see a girl you like.” At this point, I still had severe blue balls and other aches, and when I asked how to make them go away, she (holding back her laughter), told me to “just play with it. you’ll figure it out.”

I had no idea what she meant but I didn’t persist. Went back home and tried to sleep. Too much pain. Still had no idea about ‘playing with it’ (yes, I was stupid.)
All the symptoms started again and I started crying. Her phone number was in the family phone book and I called her up from the landline in my room. Was crying and sniffling and was begging to make the pain go away.

She took a moment to think and then walked me through how to jerk off over the phone. Including how to hold it, how to stroke, and when to stop. I was made to edge over and over for around 30 minutes before I was told to lay down on my back. I was told not to stop this time and to my surprise, I exploded as it shot out and hit my face. (I’m not sure if I can go into detail about the JOI and whether that’s allowed.)

We met again and reminisced about old times. She was the one who told me about reddit and said I should post the story. Obviously nothing ever ‘happened’ because of the whole age thing but I’d be lying if I said I never jerked off to her. She used to babysit me quite often and the short skirts and low cut tops used to drive me crazy. I told her when we recently met that I used to have a crush on her and that’s when she said, “I know”. She said she used to fuck with my head on purpose. (Many such incidents, but I guess I should save them for another post. I’m sorry, it’s my first time posting here and not sure of the etiquette.)

I have a few pics of her (from my stash 10 years ago) and she said it’s fine if I post them. But I’m more comfortable sending them by PM.



  1. Definitely would love a PM of some hot-doctor lady pics. . . Please!

  2. Elisha, if you are reading this story. We would love to hear your input. What was going through your head on the other end of the phone line?

  3. Guys, just send me a PM directly instead of commenting here. It’s easier to hit reply if you don’t mind.

  4. Nice story. I don’t think there’s a problem with sharing details of the JOI here. This is gonewildstories, and people get very detailed and graphic in their stories here all the time.

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