Good Mornin

Intoxicated on alcohol and bad decisions that threatened to overflow the precipice they tottered on so carelessly, it was all happening so fast. Strong arms and a quick goodbye turned into lips meeting instead as those arms started to draw away. Lips that met with instant chemistry, the taste of something genuinely wonderful, the start or as was more likely the case, the end of something amazing. It was hard to be anything more than that kiss and the soft texture of those lips when the alcohol rode her awareness and dampened it. So for several breathless moments the only thing that existed was the touch of those lips, not even able to control the gentle moans that escaped her each time the kiss deepened and took on a frenzied tempo anew. Hands hovered and threatened, cupping the air just above the curve of her breasts, but remained tightly withheld. Just their lips meeting over and over as if they would quench this inexplicable thirst with just that kiss.

“I have to go.” Did she only imagine the reluctance in his voice? Was her desperate sub conscious only teasing her with the impossible possibility.

“I know.” Ever the understanding. The martyr. The good girl. She knew better. She knew what it was. Every dear Abby, sitcom, movie and woeful ice cream confessions with girlfriends told her the rules and outcomes of this particular scenario. But still her chin dipped downwards to hide the heart break and loss of hope that painted her features in the dim light of the hotel room.

Remorseful goodbyes seemed to be spoken in quiet succession as he walked out the door. But her addled focus was left behind on that kiss. Trying to memorize all the details of the taste and touch and sound.

As soon as the door closed behind him, she sank to the floor as though she was a doll, a puppet whose strings were cut mid show. Body melting downwards as she crumpled, face to her cupped hands as her new dress pooled around her folded legs. Her chest felt too tight. Her head swam. Her heart sank.

Clumsy fingers sought her phone, as tears flooded her eyes, threatening, but not quite falling. Mind screaming ‘no’ in dichotomy to that sinking feeling in her chest that begged her to do something. Anything.

Before she had a chance to talk herself out of it, the text fired off to the mutual friend in charge of driving him home. “Bring him back.”

Almost immediately she wished she hadn’t. She knew the circumstances. She knew the rules. The impossibility hung heavy in the air and the echoing sound of the door that had closed long minutes ago. So she sat, shoulders as heavy as her heart and conscious.

But a knock at the door sounded.

Breath held as though she imagined it. Expression stricken as she waited for the silence to deafen her short lived and imagined hope. But the knock sounded again.

Crawling to the door, using he handle to pull herself up while swinging it open. Barely steady from her haste to stand and open the door, there he stood. A sharp inhale punctured the silence as she took in his presence with parted lips and silence. Eyes wide with surprise and uncertainty on how to proceed.

But he decided for her. That body moving forward through the gap of door and door frame, his advancement forcing her to make way and abandon holding the door open. The sound of the mechanized locks clicking into place behind him as it heavily closed.

His lips were on hers again. The suddenness and the satisfaction of it caused another heartfelt moan to break free as she practically melted. The kiss and his ever advancing body pushing her against the nearby wall. His large hand found her throat just resting thumb and fingers around the pale column, a pressure, a possessiveness thrumming through the still gentle hold on her neck. His other hand moved to her waist, sliding fingers and palm down over the back of her hip, finally tugging her body forward to crush the distance they had formerly so carefully held.

Another soft moan of approval and perhaps still heart break shied from her lips and into his. Even as her thigh parted from its partner and lifted to wrap against his hip, knee flexing inward to draw him in all the tighter, calf wrapping around the back of his thigh to do the same.

His hand left her hip after a cursory brush down that round ass, moving instead to fill itself with her breast. Finally that carefully withheld touch was found, the distance dismantled as he almost brutally grasped her breast. The kiss breaking as she sucked in a breath of gratitude, her head tipping back to bare her throat all the more to his hand as her nipple hardened and pressed against the material of her bra and his palm over top. All her thoughts chiselled to simplicity by desire and alcohol, she knew only that there was too much that stood between her breast and his hand.

Clumsily she drew off the shrug she wore and the straps of her dress, practically tearing it free from her breasts and letting it pool about her waist. But not able to stop there, her arm twisted behind her body to unhook the bra and rashly drag it from her arms and pitch it to some unknown destination. A soft and desperate mewling cry at the momentary loss of his hand on her tit through the process. But when the warmth of his skin met with the soft flesh of her breast, her lips parted to suck in more much needed air in a sharp inhale.

“Please.” she begged. As his other hand joined its friend to knead both breasts with those warm palms.

His hands maneuvered to cup just under the curve of her breasts, thumbs fitting over her rigid nipples, pushing back against their insistence. While his hips and pelvis maneuvered all the tighter into the apex of her thighs. Feeling the hard outline of his cock pressing against her through the thin material of her dress and the lace of her panties. Her own hands moved to drag the material of her dress higher and higher still trying to remove the barriers that stood between them.

When her dress was belted around her waist and caught between her body and the wall, her lace covered sex could finally grind wantonly against that still denied cock. Painting the denim of his pants with her wetness, her desire and racing heart doing much to her state of arousal already. Need driving her further and faster, her hands sent nimble but still clumsy from disbelief and alcohol, fingers to the fastenings and zipper of his pants, undoing them while occasionally groaning in frustrated half defeat as those fingers didn’t seem to work while need overrode her motor functions. His face dipped down, his body folding in half to give her more room to work and to bring his lips to her breast. Her knees weakened and it was only her knee hooked on his hip and her back pressed to the wall that kept her upright as he wrapped lips around her nipple and sucked so tantalizingly.

Finally fasten free, her fingers hooked into the waist band of his jeans as she gave a sharp tug, it wasn’t enough to send the garment to the floor, but it was enough to offer up his now naked pelvis, the garment beneath having been caught up in the hasty tug. His cock bobbed from the force of it. Her eyes glued to it as it did. The hunger. The need. The desperation clear in the wide whites of her eyes as she stared at what she had only half imagined, and wholly didn’t allow herself to imagine in the first place.

“Please.” she begged again. Flinching as though she waited to wake up at any moment, or waited for senses to prevail and the awkward following of shamefully re-covering their bodies and another hasty departure.

But his folded body straightened as it came forward, his face hovered next to hers, cheek brushing along her own as his body wrapped against her. Her naked breasts pressing into the soft material of his t-shirt. His hand moved to grip the base of his cock, as he positioned it, all in one fluid movement. All of the unbelievable unfolding events happening in a few seconds, minutes at most since that door opened. Her fingers moving to hook into the lace of her panties, drawing them aside.

The head brushed her clit, and bumped against her swollen lips, dragging down them until it found the entrance. Parting those lips with the head of his cock brought another begging, needy moan from her lips as her body jerked. Her hips bucking forward to beg as well, with a mind of their own. It was then that with the leverage of having the head of his cock past her pussy lips, her thigh still precariously poised on his hip, he slammed the length of himself inside of her, cracking her back into the wall only moderately cushioned by the plump curve of her ass. His hand moved to cup behind her head, cushioning it as well as he withdrew, only to slam himself into her again. Sheathing his cock in her wet little pussy as it rippled to draw him in deeper, the lips sealing around the base of his cock. Painting his shaft and pelvis with her wetness.

His body rocked and slammed his cock into her over and over, soon his thighs were splattered with her obvious arousal, the bottom half of his shirt soaked with it as the hem kept hanging between their bodies and in the way of that cock claiming her. The silent air filled with the rapid succession of moans and cries and begging and bodies thudding into one another. Knees too weak, she abandoned the weight of her body and the conscious control of it to the wall and his form, the crescendoing orgasm stripping her of the last of her awareness and control.

Just as that barely withheld pleasure was becoming this side of painful, signalling that her orgasm would soon rack her body, and there were tell tale twitches from that cock buried inside of her, his lips met with hers once more. Entwined so tightly, breasts pressed against his chest, pussy gripping around his cock, and those soft lips pressed to her own.

A ringing broke through the air. The familiar chime of her phone’s ringtone fought the chorus of their frenzied fucking and her desperate sounds of approval. Recognition caused her eyes to open to a white ceiling. Pink sheets could be seen in the peripheral of her vision. And a puppy huruffed insistently next to her bed.
