(ff) Well that was unexpected (Her first lesbian experience) (Very long and detailed)

It had all started so innocent. I’d never really looked at her too much at first, other than simply admiring her from afar. Of course she was incredibly attractive; blonde hair, blue eyes, amazing body, all the usual things you usually notice about a girl. But I was 8 years her senior, she was at the tender age of 18 and to top it all off, I was her new boss. I’d entered in to the job at the bar as a senior manager and it took me a while to gain the trust of my new staff. I’m sure they all talked about me behind my back, all being young, ‘typically straight’ girls whose previous boss of the same description had been sacked and replaced by the older, stricter lesbian.

I was much different. I did my paperwork, insisted on proper training, didn’t stand for what had become the norm of standing around and gossiping about what they’d been up to last night or their latest interest in boys. I guess they saw me as a kill joy and quite strict. I didn’t care. They were young and not used to what I classed as ‘real work’. To put it bluntly, I made it clear that I wouldn’t stand for their bullshit and if they didn’t buck their ideas up, they wouldn’t have a job to come to any more.

I suppose Kate probably hated me at first. She had a lot of responsibility for someone so young, a bar supervisor who had been thrust into an adult’s world of having responsibility and working hard. I don’t think she liked the fact that I would criticise her for mistakes she made on the job. I had to remind her that I had a job to do as well. She liked to gossip with the other girls about boys and nights out and the latest music. Needless to say, where as they were all good friends outside of work, I didn’t really socialise with my staff.

It all changed at the work Summer party. I had been hesitant about going, having not been there too long and I didn’t consider any of my work colleagues ‘friends’. But there was a free bar and even though the party scene seemed to be passing me by as I entered my late twenties, I still wasn’t one to turn down a good time.

As I arrived at the party, she was the first one I bumped in to at the bar. It had been crowded as I stepped up to place my order and our arms had brushed against each other causing her to turn and see who had invaded her personal space. I saw her physically do a double take as she realised who it was beside her.

“Wow you look so different when you’re not working!”

I chuckled quietly under my breath, my thanks coming out as more of a question, not sure whether I should be offended or take it as a compliment. She seemed to sense my uncertainty and went on to elaborate.

“No I mean … you look fine at work but you look … different … nice … just not what I expected.”

I nodded my head in understanding, thanking her again before turning my attention back to the bar as I waited to place my order. I could feel her eyes on me as I kept my head facing forward, reluctant to look back at her for fear it would be awkward. What would I say to her? I knew absolutely nothing about her outside of work other than a few things I’d heard her mention to the other girls during a shift. I knew she was a dancer and competed in a lot of competitions throughout the year. I also knew she was on a hockey team and had recently just played in a tournament. But what was I going to do? Ask her how it went? Considering she hadn’t directly told me these facts about herself, it felt wrong to bring up these things I knew about her so instead I kept my attention on the bartender and my mouth remained closed.

After getting my drink from the bar, I spotted some colleagues at a table in the corner and went over to join them. As I settled in to my seat and exchanged pleasantries with everyone, my eyes darted to the dance floor where I spotted the group of girls that made up my staff base. I wasn’t surprised to find them dancing and drinking and generally enjoying the party, even this early in the night. One of them already looked fairly worse for wear. My eyes remained focused on the group a few moments longer as I saw Kate walk over and join them. She took a large swig of her drink and instantly started dancing with them. The sight made me smile.

Several hours passed by and more drinks were consumed. I’d remained seated at the table with my colleagues, laughing and talking as the drinks loosened us all up and made the conversation flow easier. I finished the last of my drink and excused myself for a cigarette and some fresh air, the heat in the room making me feel flushed.

As I stepped outside, I lifted the cigarette to my lips and lit it, taking a long drag before releasing it with a satisfied breath.

“You think I could pinch one of those?”

I turned on the spot and my eyes fell on her. The curls had fallen out of her hair a little since I’d last seen her. Probably due to the copious amount of dancing she’d done throughout the night. The alcohol had given her a slight flush to her cheeks and there was a twinkle in her eyes.

I quirked an eyebrow, “You don’t smoke.”

“Sure I do.”

I watched her carefully as she took a few steps towards me, reaching out and taking the cigarette from between my lips before taking a drag on it. As she exhaled the smoke, she slowly slipped the cigarette back into my mouth.


I rolled my eyes, taking the box out of my pocket and offering it out to her. Her lips turned up in to a smirk, reaching out and extracting one of the cigarettes from the box. After lighting it for her, she took a step to the side and rested back against the wall, maintaining eye contact with me. She kept her eyes locked with mine, a smirk still tugging at her lips. It unnerved me the way she was looking at me causing me to blow out a breath and look down at the ground.

“So …” she waited to continue until I looked up and my eyes locked with hers again, “I didn’t think you’d be here tonight.”

I frowned playfully, “Why not?”

“You’re very serious at work.” She stated simply.

“I have to be or you guys would run circles around me.” I smiled to let her know I wasn’t angry, “You’re not very serious at work.”

Kate shrugged, “Where would be the fun in that?”

I breathed out a laugh, “We’re just very different I guess.”

We continued to chat absent mindedly about nothing of great importance until she eventually dropped her cigarette to the ground and stubbed it out with her toe. She thanked me for the smoke and wished me a good night before stepping back inside.
It was another hour before our paths crossed again. I had been washing my hands at the sink in the toilets when I looked up in the mirror just in time to lock eyes with her as she stepped out of the cubicle behind me.

“Are you following me?”

I couldn’t help but laugh and shook my head, “It’s almost as if we both got invited to the same party isn’t it?”

She stepped beside me and began washing her own hands, our eyes remaining locked in the mirror as she stared back at me with the same look she’d had outside, almost as if she was daring me to look away first.

“You should dress like this all the time you know?”

I looked down at her attire, scanning over her extremely tight dress that cut off unreasonably high at the thigh. Her tanned, toned legs were shown off perfectly, the low cut neckline didn’t leave much to the imagination and her heels looked high enough to break her neck if she tripped.

My eyes darted back up to hers, “I’d say the same to you but that would be inappropriate.”

Her face broke out in to a grin, a mischievous glint in her eye and despite myself, the look she gave me turned me on a little. I had to remind myself that she was the epitome of a straight girl and completely off limits, never mind not even my type.

She cocked her head to one side as she studied me carefully, the way she was looking at me unnerving me again as she took a step closer towards me, the sound of her heel clicking against the ground echoing around the room and seeming strangely loud.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously, “What are you doing?”

She took another step forward, now stood close enough to me that I could almost feel the heat radiating from her body. I swallowed hard and I’m sure she must have been able to hear it as her lips turned up in to a smirk once again.

“Am I making you nervous?”

The question caught me off guard, having expected something else to tumble from her lips. Was she just toying with me for her own enjoyment? In the few months I’d known her we’d barely exchanged more than two words that weren’t work related and yet here she was, in my personal space with an almost taunting look on her face.

What happened next shocked me to my core as she didn’t wait for a response to her question and instead gripped the back of my neck and tugged me towards her as she connected our lips. I was so stunned I couldn’t move and so instead, allowed myself to be pulled into her as she kissed me. Her mouth tasted faintly of the cigarette I’d given her earlier, mixed with Sambuca and a sweet tasting lip gloss, and with her body so close to mine I could smell her shampoo and perfume, the combination nothing short of intoxicating.

The kiss didn’t last long before she pulled back slightly but kept her hand at the back of my neck. I watched her as she ran her tongue slowly along her lower lip, her eyes still closed. I felt a wave of arousal course through my veins at the sight and the sensation seemed to finally kick my body into gear. Forgetting that this was potentially the worst idea in the history of ideas, I let my body take over from my brain and gripped her hips before crashing my lips against hers once again. I felt her grip tighten on the back of my neck, her fingertips digging in and her thumb pressing against my cheek. She surprised me once again as I felt her tongue nudging at lips gently before slipping in to my mouth and rubbing against my own. As soon as her tongue collided against my own, the softest of moans escaped her and I could have sworn it was the most arousing noise I’d heard in my life. I felt like it had awoken something inside of me and hoping not to be pushing things too far, my body once again took over as I ran my hands down from her hips, over the small of her back before cupping her bum and pulling her body further in to me.

After a couple of minutes of heated making out, she eventually broke the kiss. Her breathing was ragged and her lips were tinged a slightly deeper pink. I flickered my eyes open and once my eyes settled on her, I felt a deep sense of regret in the pit of my stomach.

“We shouldn’t be doing this. It’s a terrible idea.” It took me by surprise how hoarse my voice was, the words coming out as more than a whisper.

My statement seemed to snap her out of her daze and she instantly lowered her hand from the back of my neck and took a step back. Whereas before she had been staring at me intently, her eyes were now glued to the ground and her arms were folded across her chest protectively.

“You’re right.”

Her flirty, confident attitude from earlier had vanished as she mumbled out her words. Not wanting to let the torturous encounter drag on any longer, I awkwardly cleared my throat before turning on the spot and hurrying out of the toilet. I didn’t say goodbye to anyone, I didn’t go back over to the table and finish my drink. I walked straight out the door to the bar and didn’t stop walking until I’d made it through my front door.
The next day at work was awkward to say the least. Eye contact was impossible and muddling our way through the shift was possibly the most difficult ordeal of my life. I’m sure the other girls at work picked up on it, they probably asked Kate what was going on when I wasn’t around. I’d gamble one million pounds on her not telling them the truth.

A few shifts later it was Saturday night. I had been dreading this shift since our encounter in the toilets. It was going to be a long night, the two of us in charge of a wedding party and having to close up at the end of the night. At the start of the shift, we were too busy to worry about any awkwardness between us. We were forced to communicate and the stress of the work load made it impossible for us to think about any potential atmosphere. We got on with it. We cooperated with one another. We were professional. But as the hours ticked by and the wedding party got on with speeches and the cutting of the cake, we were suddenly left twiddling our thumbs behind the bar with no one to serve. I stood by the till, arms folded across my chest as I tried to concentrate on the speeches and not the conversation that was taking place beside me. I knew, I just knew it had to be for my benefit.

“He was absolutely gorgeous.”

Kate’s voice rang in my ears as she began to relay her story of the previous night to the other girls. I shook my head gently and tried to ignore it but it was impossible. I could tell her voice was raised ever so slightly as she continued to talk about the guy she’d pulled the night before and that made me certain she wanted me to hear it. As she started to go into more detail with her story, something inside of me snapped. I was too old for this. I’d done this already when I was the eighteen-year-old. I wasn’t putting up with these petty mind games.

“Have you guys not got something better to do?” I blurted out, finally turning my attention to the girls beside me. My voice came out louder than expected and I saw Kate visibly flinch. “Collect some fucking glasses, clean the bar, do something for fuck sake.”

Mumbling under their breaths, I watched them scuttle off in opposite directions, obviously not wanting to provoke my temper any further. Kate was the last to disperse, her eyes remaining glued with mine just a second longer than you would expect before she bowed her head and made her way out into the back room.

We barely spoke again for the rest of the shift. I kept my distance and she kept hers. It wasn’t until the bar had closed, the guests had left and we were the only two left on the premises that we were forced to speak. The office seemed unusually small, forcing us to be in close proximity to one another as we sat opposite each other at the desk.

“Will you count this please.”

I looked up from my paperwork as Kate pushed the till over towards me with a cash sheet balanced on top. Picking up my pen, I placed the sheet in front of me and signed my name at the bottom.

“Don’t you want to count it first and make sure it’s right?”

I shook my head gently before pushing the money back towards her, my eyes remaining glued to my own papers, “I trust you.”

We barely said another word to one another as we finished the last of our paperwork before locking up and making our way out of the building. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time and settled myself down on to one of the benches outside, wanting to take the weight off my feet for a minute or two before the walk home, as Kate made her way over to her car. I watched out of the corner of my eye as she stopped walking, twiddling her car keys in her hands as she contemplated her next move.

I heard her loudly and deliberately clear her throat, obviously wanting my attention. I gave in to her demand and looked up from my phone to see her stood nervously in front of me.

“You want a lift?”

She had never offered me a lift home before and the fact she was doing so now after what had happened between us shocked me. I shook my head gently from side to side and offered a small smile, “I’m gonna walk, it’s a nice night.”

“Come on.” She tilted her head towards her car as a gesture for me to follow her, “It’s another long day tomorrow. Let me take you home.”

Her choice of words unsettled me slightly but the ache in my feet from a hectic night at work over ruled me and reluctantly, I nodded my head.

We were silent for several minutes in the car, the radio playing quietly through the speakers as she concentrated on driving us home. I watched her out of the corner of my eye and I could tell she was somewhat uneasy. Her hands were gripping the steering wheel tighter than necessary and her breathing was more laboured than usual.

The silence was broken as she cleared her throat again in a bid for my attention, clearly oblivious to the fact she already had it. I tilted my head so I could look at her better.

“I’m sorry Andi.”

She spoke quietly, something completely out of character for the girl I’d come to know at work. Her words were not what I expected to hear.

“I errm … I didn’t mean to make things awkward between us … and I … well I’m just sorry.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her half arsed apology. “It’s fine.”
“I just … well I’m not … you know.”

“Gay?” My words elicited a nod of agreement. “I know that Kate … and even if you were, it would still have been a terrible idea.”

She nodded her head again, her hands working against the steering wheel and gripping it tighter, “Can we just pretend like it never happened?”


As far as I was concerned, that was that. She dropped me at my door and I slept soundly that night, no longer worried about the next shift at work.

She arrived at the building shortly after me, locking eyes with me across the bar as she stepped behind it and her lips turning up into a warm smile which I returned. The night went surprisingly quickly and before I knew it, the shift was over and I was once again alone in the office with Kate, completing paperwork and counting cash.


I looked up as she pushed the cash sheet over towards me and handed me a pen.

I frowned playfully, “Shouldn’t I count it first and make sure it’s right?”

“Thought you trusted me?”

I laughed, “Yeah but now you’re not even giving me the chance to count it, that makes me suspicious.”

She rolled her eyes and pushed the till in my direction, “Fine count it.”

Considering my options for a second, I finally picked up the pen and signed my name at the bottom of the sheet causing her lips to turn up into a smirk. I went back to my paperwork as she continued with the money, collecting it into a bag before making her way over to the safe. I heard her muttering in annoyance under her breath, struggling for several minutes before I finally let out a sigh and rose to my feet to help.

“What are you even doing?”

“It won’t open.”

I laughed quietly, kneeling down beside her to see what the problem was. Punching in the code, I turned the dial on the safe and opened the door with ease.

Blowing out an exasperated breath, I heard Kate curse quietly.

Laughing again, I squeezed her shoulder gently, “Don’t feel bad, I’ve obviously got the magic touch.”

I felt her tense under my grip and I instantly felt uncomfortable. Clearing my throat awkwardly, I rose to my feet and attempted to put some distance between us.


Why was she apologising again? I chose to say nothing in response and this seemed to frustrate her, causing her to get up off the ground herself and stand in front of me.

“I just …”

“I know.” I cut her off before she had a chance to say anything else, not really wanting to enter into another conversation about what shouldn’t have happened at the work party.

My interruption appeared to annoy her further, a frown etching its way across her face and her eyes narrowing at me slightly. “Well there’s no need to be like that.”

“Like what?”

“Snappy with me.”

I shook my head gently, an argument being the last thing I wanted to get into at midnight after a gruelling shift. “I’m not being snappy.”

Kate scoffed, “Yeah … you are.”

“Well I’m sorry you feel that way.”

I went to turn my back on her and make my way back behind my desk but was stopped as I felt her grip my arm and hold me in place.

“I thought we were going to act normal? Pretend like nothing ever happened.”

I rolled my eyes, “That’s exactly what I’m trying to do. You’re the one that keeps bringing it up.”

“Because you’re acting like a dick.”

This time it was my turn to scoff in disbelief, “Look … I really don’t think this is the time or the place to get into this. We’re at work and if you’re going to accuse me of acting like a dick, that’s exactly how I’m going to behave. I’m your boss so do as you’re told and drop it.”

Her mouth dropped open slightly as if she couldn’t quite believe that I was using the fact I was her superior to get her to shut up, “God you’re a bitch.”

“Let it go Kate before you say something you regret.”

Her eyes narrowed further, “Fuck you.”

“Fuck me?” an amused smile broke out across my face, “That’s a warning on your record. You wanna keep pushing me?”

“You can’t do that.”

“Try me.”

She pursed her lips, her eyes scanning over my face as if she was trying to determine if I was serious. I could practically see the cogs turning in her brain and the fury that was clear in her eyes was obviously effecting her rational thinking.

“It’s my word against yours.”

I hadn’t been expecting that. Her eyes were still burning with untold anger and I knew I had managed to push her buttons. Yet here she was, cocky as ever thinking she was going to get the upper hand.

“That’s the kind of thing people say when they’re about to do something really bad.”

She shrugged, “I’m thinking about it.”

I almost couldn’t believe her shift in demeanour. Shaking my head in exasperation, I blew out a sharp breath, “You’ve been hard work since day one.”

“Says you.” She folded her arms across her chest, shifting her weight to one side and staring me down, “Everything was much easier before you got here.”

“Yeah I know it was. Because you didn’t do any fucking work, this place was a shambles.”

“Well it was better than this dictatorship you’ve turned it in to.” She snapped.

I was taken aback by her words and they reminded me just how young and immature she was.

“Welcome to the real world. Ordinarily, your boss would expect you to work not stand around gossiping about some guy you shagged.”

A smug expression formed on her face, “Jealous?”

She was goading me. The glint in her eyes and cocky behaviour told me she was seeing how far she could push me. Things were escalating and I could see that my attempt at putting her in her place had only served to aggravate a confrontation with her. The only question was, who was going to win?

“I hate to disappoint you but I’ll remind you that it was me that stopped things that night.”

“You didn’t want to though. I could see it in your eyes.” She took a step forward, my eyes involuntarily flitting down to her feet and watching the movement carefully, “I can see it now.”

I swallowed down the lump in my throat, unsure why I was letting her actions have any effect on me. She was irritating to say the least. Unprofessional. Lazy. Arrogant. Thought highly of herself. Not to mention straight. Wetting my lips, I allowed my eyes to dart back up to meet hers.

“Why are we even talking about this?” I thanked my lucky stars that my voice came out steady. I could feel my blood pulsing in my ears, this scenario being the last thing I’d expected when we’d stepped in to the office just a short while ago. “I mean what do you want my response to be? Do you want me to say I was jealous? Would that make you feel special? Polish your ego a little bit? Are you that insecure that you need someone to tell you you’re attractive?”

“Stop it.” Her words came out as barely a hiss, her eyes so narrow they were now like slits. I could see I was getting to her as her hands hung by her sides, balled tightly in to fists.

“I mean is that why you threw yourself at me that night? You wanted to see if I would kiss you back? Needed to know if it wasn’t just horny, drunk guys that will have you?”

I hadn’t meant for things to take a nasty turn, I really hadn’t. But her arrogant, smug behaviour had set off a red light inside of me and I’d be damned if I was going to let her win.

My words clearly hit home as she covered the gap between us in a second, her fists now angrily gripping the collar of my shirt as she held me in place and stared me down. Now she was so close, I could see her jaw working and hear her slightly ragged breathing. If I thought she was angry before, that was nothing to how she was now.

“You don’t know anything about me.”

She growled the words at me through gritted teeth, her grip tightening on my collar as she pushed me ever so slightly against the desk.

“In case you hadn’t noticed,” I pushed her hands away from me, her force of my movement causing her to stagger back a little and increase the distance between us just a fraction, “You’re a little girl who I could quite easily snap in half.”

“I hate you so much.”

“I’m not that fond of you either.”

“God you’re sad.” She spat her statement at me, prodding me in the chest as if trying to reinforce her point, “Funny how things were fine between us tonight until you found out I’d went home with someone last night.”

I didn’t allow her to continue as a harsh laugh left my lips before I could stop it. “Are you kidding? You know what I think? You want me to be jealous. I think you’re annoyed I put a stop to things the other night, that it’s put a dent in your precious ego that I wasn’t interested. You thought you could get anyone you wanted. But you’re forgetting you’re just a kid, and I could do so much better.”

“Oh please, I’ve seen you looking at me.”

What annoyed me the most was that she was right. I couldn’t deny it because as both of us stood there glaring at each other, we knew the truth. And the truth was I had looked at her. I mean I was only human. If it hadn’t been for the obvious reasons why she was completely the wrong girl for me, I’d probably be guilty of doing more than admiring her from afar. She had a body to die for, an enchanting smile and charming twinkle in her eyes. She was always dressed to perfection if not slightly inappropriately for work. Had she not pulled it off so well, I’d have suggested she not wear such short skirts on shift, skirts which I was fairly confident must be at least one dress size too small for her. She knew she was gorgeous, but I could hardly blame her for that. If I looked as good as her, I’d undoubtedly be the same.

As I stood in silence, no argument for her last comment, I watched as her lips turned up into a knowing smirk. She was more than aware she had me there, and I could see the satisfaction on her face at having called me out on it.

I rubbed the back of my neck uncomfortably, feeling ridiculous for letting someone like her make me look so stupid.

“This is exactly why I’m not interested in you.”

Clearly she was shocked by what I said, the smirk falling from her lips a fraction, obviously not expecting me to have any response.

“You’re incredibly immature. And quite frankly out of your depth with this job. You don’t have a professional bone in your body. You treat this place like a gossip circle and those girls like your best friends when you’re supposed to be their supervisor. And let’s not even mention the way you’re currently acting with me. I should fire you on the spot.”

Closing the gap between us once again, she stepped forward and set her face an inch in front of mine before speaking slowly and quietly. “So fire me.”

I said nothing. Staring defiantly back at her as I waited to see what she would do next. I didn’t have to wait long.

“Go on.” She pushed me in the chest causing me to grip the side of the desk behind me in order to keep my balance, “Fire me.”


She pushed me again, harder this time as she took another fraction of a step towards me so our bodies were almost pressed against one another, “I dare you.”

Once again I said nothing which only served to annoy her further. As she raised her hands to push me again, my reflexes were faster than hers and I gripped her wrists tightly forbidding her from touching me.

She was so close to me I could feel her slightly laboured breathing on my face. My eyes drifted down to her lips of their own accord before flitting back up to meet the blue in front of me. The smallest of grins at the corner of her mouth told me she’d seen my unconscious move and that seemed to spark something inside of her.

I barely got time to think about what was happening it occurred so quickly, and the shock of it caused me to release her wrists. Her lips crashed against mine hard and her newly freed arms moved up to wrap themselves around my neck. She tasted amazing and the feel of her incredible body pressed against my own in all the right places was making my head spin. Maybe that’s why all common sense went out the window and for some reason, I kissed her back.

This kiss was nothing like the last one. Last time it was almost like she was testing the waters, just curious as to what it would feel like. This was like she couldn’t get enough of me. Like kissing me was a drug she literally needed to survive. Her body pressed harder in to me and without even thinking my leg slipped in between her thighs, pressing hard against her pussy.
She broke the kiss and pushed out a heavy breath, resting her forehead against my own. I watched as she sank her teeth into her lower lip and let out a low, throaty moan at the contact.

“I’m sorry.”

I blurted the words out before I could stop myself. I had made a huge mistake and things were sure to be even worse between the pair of us now.

She shook her head hurriedly causing me to frown.

“We shouldn’t be … I shouldn’t hav-“

She pressed her index finger against my lips, promptly shutting me up as her eyes finally fluttered open and locked with mine. My breath caught in my throat as I took in the much darker shade of blue that was now staring back at me.

She lowered her fingertip from my mouth giving me permission to try and speak again. “Kate.”

“Please just fuck me.”

My eyes widened and my stomach flipped over involuntarily. I felt a shudder travel down my spine at her dry statement and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I swallowed down the lump in my throat in stunned silence as she grinned back at me mischievously.

I could do nothing but watch as she rolled her hips, grinding against my thigh that was still pressed between her legs before closing her eyes and letting out a louder, longer moan.

All reasonable thinking went out the window. I had to have her. I gripped her waist hard and span us around, pressing her firmly up against the desk as I crashed out lips back together.

I felt her smile into the kiss tightening her hold on the back of my neck and pulling me further in to her. She lowered one of her hands and I heard the sound of papers being pushed to the ground before she hopped up on to the edge of the desk. She widened her legs, tugging me between them before wrapping them tight around my waist, holding me in place.

My hands travelled down her body, cupping her bum and pulling her roughly in to me so my hip pressed between her legs, causing another satisfied moan to vibrate in my mouth.

She broke the kiss just long enough to breath out two words, “Again, harder.”

Her voice was so husky and her words were laced with nothing but pure lust and need. Who was I to deny her? I complied with her request, pulling her in to me harder as I allowed her to grind against my body, the moans leaving her increasing in volume and frequency.

I needed more. I wanted to feel more of her body. If I was going to make such a colossal mistake, I was going to make sure it was damn well worth it. Without warning I moved my hands to grip the bottom of her shirt, forcing us to detach our lips from one another as I pulled it quickly over her head before throwing it to one side. As soon as the item of clothing was gone, she cupped my face roughly in her hands and pulled my mouth back to join hers. I didn’t miss a beat as my hands moved to her back, unclipping her bra and thrusting it in the same direction as her shirt. My hands were drawn to her breasts like a magnet, unable to stop myself even if I’d wanted to.

Another loud guttural moan sounded throughout the room as my hands connected with her breasts, squeezing them firmly as I circled over her hardened nipples with my thumbs. Her hips were grinding against me with new fervour, obviously desperate for whatever friction they could get as her breathing grew more laboured and her grip on me tightened.

Wanting to give her exactly what she wanted, I moved my right hand down her body, skimming over her abs and unable to stop a low groan leaving my own lips as I felt the taut, smooth skin there. I didn’t stop on route to my destination, hiking up her skirt so it hung around her waist. I could feel the anticipation radiating from her as she realised what I was about to do.

I broke the kiss, keeping my forehead rested against hers, looking down and watching the movement of my hand as I brushed it slowly and deliberately over her underwear.

My eyes closed involuntarily and a wave of arousal washed over my body as I felt how soaked she was already. She pushed out a heavy breath as my hand moved higher and pressed against her now swollen clit.


This time it was my turn to smirk as the plea tumbled from her lips.

“Please what?”

She couldn’t stop herself as her hips pushed out towards my hand, desperate for more pressure where she needed it.

“Please just fuck me already.”

I slipped her underwear to one side, running my middle finger up the entire length of her pussy.

“You know not many girls get this wet for me before I’ve even started.”

Her body jerked and she bit down on her lower lip as my finger connected with her clit.

“Oh my god.” The words came out as a groan as I increased the pressure of my finger and circled over her clit. One of her hands travelled round to the front of my shirt, gripping my collar tight in her fist, her fingers clenching and unclenching as I moved my finger against her body and she released a series of moans and gasps.

Feeling how ready she was for me, I chose not to tease her too much. I was desperate to feel her come for me, hear her moan and tighten around my fingers as I pushed her over the edge.

Moving my hand down further, I reached my destination and eagerly pushed two fingers inside of her. All the hairs on my body stood on end as I felt her arch her back into me and she pushed out a long, loud moan of approval. She was tighter than I’d expected but my fingers were instantly drenched as I pushed into her again.

“Jesus Andi.”

God I could get used to her moaning my name like that, as her grip on my collar tightened and she began to move her hips in time with my fingers. I started slowly, pushing in to her a little harder with each thrust as more groans of expletives and my name fell from her mouth. Tilting my hand slightly, I pressed my palm firmly against her clit causing her to throw her head back in pleasure and let out a long, guttural moan.

If I’d thought she was attractive before, it was nothing to how she looked now. Her flushed chest rising and falling quickly as she drew in shallow breath after shallow breath. Her slightly agape mouth, sinking her teeth into her lower lip every now and again in a bid to suppress a moan. Her breasts were starting to bounce slightly in the most satisfying way as she began to move her hips with more ferocity as I picked up the rhythm of my hand. As I curled my fingers inside of her she couldn’t stop herself as she dug her fingernails hard into the base of my neck and she let out another loud moan of my name.

The feel of her grinding her clit against the palm of my hand was something I was sure I could never tire of, curling my fingers again as I felt her muscles begin to tighten around me.

Her breathing was growing more ragged with every passing second and her moans were getting louder and harder to subdue. I knew she was close, and I couldn’t help but feel smug at the fact I’d managed to get her to this point so quickly.

She moved her hand from the back of my neck, bringing it to rest on my shoulder as she dug her fingernails in and the collar of my shirt was gripped even tighter. She was beginning to lose control and I could see she was desperate for something to hold on to as I continued to pump my fingers harder and faster inside of her, pushing her closer and closer to the edge.

“Jesus fucking Christ.” Her fingernails pressed in to me harder and I could feel her body beginning to tense as her muscles got tighter around my fingers, “I’m … Fuck, I’m gonna come. I’m gonna come.”

She almost sounded surprised and I couldn’t stop a smirk from forming on my lips, curling my fingers inside of her again as her body went slightly rigid and began to shudder. I felt her clench around my fingers and a long, loud groan sounded throughout the room as she buried her head into my neck and came hard against my hand.

I slowed the movement of my fingers but didn’t stop entirely, allowing her to ride out her orgasm as her body twitched and shuddered against me a few more times and her moans turned to quitter whimpers and gasps.

She collapsed against me and pressed her forehead onto my shoulder as she attempted to regain her breath, desperately gulping in air as I slowed my hand completely and slowly withdrew my fingers from her pussy. Another soft moan left her lips at my movement and her body finally relaxed into mine. Her next words were the last I expected to hear.

“We need to clean up this office.”

I frowned, “What?”

She lifted her head from my shoulder, and I couldn’t believe how sexy she was as she looked back at me. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were even darker than before and her lips were pink and swollen, probably from biting down on it so hard.

“I need you to take me back to your place. Now.” She didn’t need to convince me she was telling the truth; the urgency was clear in her voice. “So let’s clean up. Quickly.”

I didn’t need telling twice.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/4jyhc7/ff_well_that_was_unexpected_her_first_lesbian

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