Jane and Guy 2


Jane snapped awake, but was a little confused.  She definitely recognized the room, she’d been in it several times, but never like this or at this time of day.  It was Guy’s room, at the ungodly hour of 7, and she was naked.  She wasn’t overly surprised; she did remember the events of the night before, and she thought it honestly might have happened sooner.  She decided to lean into it, and was very satisfied with the result.  So much so that just thinking about what happened between her and Guy made her wet.  Very pleasant thoughts of riding him and being thrusted into roughly filled her head as her hand snaked downward.

“Oh, come on…”

Jane heard Guy’s voice again, just like before.  Curiosity got the better of her and she decided to investigate.  She got up, pulled on the crop top and sweatpants that were strewn about the room, and sought out where Guy was.  When she found him, she couldn’t help but smile.  But that requires backing up a tad.

Now that Guy worked mostly days, he was an early riser.  Today was no exception.  What was different though, was who was in his bed with him.  When Guy’s eyes opened, the first thing he was was Jane.  She was nestled in beside him, his arms wrapped around her.  No matter how strange the notion might have seemed prior, it just felt…right.  Like there was nothing in the world that could pry him from this bed.  Then his stomach growled.   Guy had a nasty habit of not eating at work, nor when he got home, and now it was catching up to him.  And, knowing Jane like he did, he figured she might be in the same boat.  Just then an idea sprung to Guy’s mind, though it would require careful maneuvering as to not wake Jane.  Luckily for Guy, Jane sleeps like a rock.  Guy got up slowly, pulled on his shorts and a t-shirt, and went into the kitchen.

Jane and Guy had a lot in common, but one thing that they especially connected on was food.  Guy liked to mess around in the kitchen, and thankfully most everything turned out well.  Almost every day Guy would receive a text from her that read “Make me food,” to which he would respond with whatever dish sounded good to him in the moment.  This would inevitably be met with a response of “Fuck you,” which might seem harsh but Guy knew it meant that it sounded good.  Jane had a dirty mouth, but it was quite alright.  

Guy had a vision of what he wanted to make; pancakes with a homemade strawberry syrup, but it was going to come together quickly.  He got started with his syrup; cutting up strawberries into fine pieces, putting it into a pot with sugar, lemon juice, and a little vanilla, which he brought up to a simmer to start to reduce.  When he turned to start to his pancake batter, he knocked one of his eggs off the counter.

“Fuck!” Guy swore, a little louder than necessary.  He didn’t want to wake up Jane, but he wanted this to be perfect and to preferably not make a mess.  He cleaned up and grabbed another egg, and whisked his batter together.  His syrup was coming together nicely as he started to make his first pancake.  Once they started to bubble he got underneath it with a spatula to turn it, but decided to get fancy.  He picked up the pan, moved the cake around a bit, then flicked his wrist for the flip; which sent the pancake right onto the floor.  

“Oh, come on…” Guy poured another pool of batter on the pan as he cleaned up the tragedy from the floor.  This one turned out better, and he started rolling.  Pour a cake, check on the syrup, flip a cake, plate, and repeat.  He got a respectable stack going when he started to hum a tune to himself to keep himself on track.  Now this is as close to singing as Guy ever got, and this is also when Jane walked up on him.

She saw him cooking up a storm, and couldn’t help but smile.  When she got closer she heard him humming, which took her by surprise.  She had never really known him to be musical, so it was definitely a sight to see. When she figured out the song he was humming she started to sing it, soft at first but clear as day.  When her voice hit Guy’s ears, it sent chills down his spine, goosebumps rippling down his skin.  He always loved hearing her sing, now being no different.

“You weren’t supposed to see this yet.” Guy said without turning around.  

“And miss this production?  Not on your life.”  Jane said with a smile. Guy turned to look at her for the first time today, and immediately got infected with her smile.  

“Well, now that you’re finally up, will you finish the pancakes while I strain out the syrup?”  He asked, handing her the spatula.

“That I can do,” she said, taking it.  While she finished off the last of the batter, he poured the hot, thick syrup through a sieve to strain out the strawberry pulp. He put it in the fridge to cool it slightly as he cleaned up a bit more.  Once the now almost unreasonable stack of pancakes and the crimson pitcher of syrup had hit the table, he poured some milk for him and got a cup of coffee for Jane and sat at the table with her.

“Uh, Guy….?”  Jane said, the grin still not having left her face.

“Yes, Jane?”  Guy replied with a raised eyebrow.

“Knife and Fork?”

“Well, sonofa….” He got up quickly and grabbed some while Jane laughed.  “There ya go.”

They started to dig in, and after the first bite Jane looked at Guy.

“Yeah, yeah, fuck you.” Guy said with a smirk.  “It’s not too bad if I do say so myself.”

“Not too bad? It’s fucking delicious.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“And I do.”

They sat in relative silence, both enjoying their breakfast.  Guy was the one to break it.

“So, last night….”


“It did.”

There was another pause, which Guy broke again.

“I liked it.”

“I did too.”


“Is it a problem that you liked it?”

“Why would it be?”

“This kind of stuff has a tendency to get in people’s heads. And I know…”

“That I’m in my head a lot. Especially when it comes to this stuff.”

“Yeah, sorry….”

“No no no, don’t be that.  I am really in my head about this stuff, worrying about every little thing.  But last night I was the farthest from worrying I’ve ever been.  It happened, it was great, and I certainly wouldn’t mind if it happened again.”

Jane’s smile permeated from her every pore.  “Well good, glad I could help.”

Guy couldn’t help but mirror her smile.  “I’m gonna hop in the shower before taking care of the dishes.  Unless of course you want to take care of these while I’m in there?” Guy said with a smirk.

A deep laugh emanated from Jane, “You are hysterical, sir.”  

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.  Just toss your dishes in the sink when you’re finished.”  Guy said as he walked into the bathroom, the door closing.  Jane heard the water start to run as she cast a sideways glance at the bathroom door.

“Well, he said he didn’t mind….”  She tossed her dishes into the sink and slipped quietly into the bathroom.

Guy liked to take hot showers, so there was a good amount of steam coming from behind the shower curtain.  Jane saw his clothes on a heap on the floor, removing her own and tossing them to match his.  She opened the curtain and stepped in, standing behind him.  She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her body into him. As soon as he felt her soft body on his, he started to melt.  Well, most of him started to melt.  

“Well hi there.”  He said, his arms reaching down to graze hers.  “What can I do for you?”

“I wanted to save some water.”  She said, her hands snaking downward, her hand wrapping around his now rapidly hardening cock.  She started to stroke slowly, getting extremely favorable responses in return.

“If this continues, we’ll end up using the same amount of water if not more.”  He said, his hands reaching back to feel the soft curve of her hypnotising ass.  

“Yeah, I’m okay with that.”  She purred in his ear.

“I am too.”  Guy responded, abruptly turning around.  In one fell swoop he picked her up, pressed her against the side wall of the shower, his lips voraciously seeking out hers.  Just like the previous night, he kissed her hungrily, their tongues dancing nimbly around each other.  As their kisses deepened, the steam from the shower made it even easier for Jane to guide Guy’s now throbbing cock to the lips of her dripping pussy.  She couldn’t help but tease herself by rubbing the tip along her.  

“Fuck, Guy, I need it.”  She moaned into his ear.  He responded by loosening his grip just enough to lower her so that she slid downward, his cock slowly filling her up.  Her moans intensified as his thickness stretched against her walls again.

“Fuckkk…..” She said breathlessly as she started to move her hip, sliding up and down his throbbing length. Try as he might, Guy couldn’t form words.  He could only grunt as he matched her gyrations with thrusts, going deeper as she came down.  Each thrust was punctuated with a sharp moan from Jane, almost bordering on a scream.  Guy didn’t care about pacing, wasn’t trying to draw anything out.  He just wanted her; her tightness, her screams, and most of all, he wanted her to come.  As they moved in perfect harmony, the steam from the shower was nothing from the steam from the two of them.  As she bounced up and down perfectly on him, her tits bounced up against him, her hard nipples dragging against his chest, making him even more ravenous.  He couldn’t help himself and brought his left hand up and then down, spanking her gorgeously shaped ass, sending a shock up her entire body.  Her already impossibly tight pussy tightened even more, making that next thrust feel almost euphoric.

“A-again…”  Jane managed to say in between moans.  Guy happily obliged, his hand gripping his her ass afterward.  Since Guy’s hands were so big and heavy, the cheek started to turn pink.  Guy’s finger happened to go upward, his index finger pressing against her asshole.  This, coupled with his increasingly harder thrusts, sent Jane over the edge.

“Fuck…fuck…fuck…now….” She moaned as she started to release all over his aching cock.  He felt his end come soon, and slipped out of her, his streams starting to shoot up.  

“No no no….” Jane said, almost disappointed that he did not heed her previous command.  She sunk to her knees and took him in her mouth, taking every last stream into her mouth, hungrily swallowing every bit he had to give. They both sat down in the shower, overlapped, letting the water run over them.  After a time, though not nearly enough for either of them, they rose and cleaned each other up.  Once out of the shower, they toweled each other off until they were both warm, refreshed, and dry.  There they stood, arms wrapped around each other, no real desire to move.  Guy tried to shift toward the door, dragging Jane with him.

“No no no no….”  Jane cooed at him.

“What about the dishes?” Guy said with a half smirk.

Jane looked up at him, before reaching for another long, passionate kiss.  “You know…fuck the dishes.”  She said before dragging him to her room, shutting the door.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/4jmnxc/jane_and_guy_2