A very unexpected drunken time with a housemate (F/M)

I’ve actually been really unsure as to whether to recount this story from last weekend – on reflection I feel really, REALLY guilty about it. But, at the same time, it was a surprising and weird but erotic encounter, so I don’t want to shy away from it. So, here goes!

I share a house with three other students, one other girl and a male gay couple who have been my friends for about eight years now. Although the two of them are inseparable, this past weekend was an exception – a holiday weekend where one of them was going home to visit parents while the other’s family were on holiday elsewhere, leaving him to stay in the house. Likewise, while my other housemate was also back home for the weekend I’d also decided to stick around – partly to avoid seeing my parents, partly just to keep my best friend company.

We hadn’t actually hung out as just the two of us for a long time, so we found ourselves planning a suitably fun nerdy weekend – long hours sat in front of video games while chatting and being silly for the most part. Come Sunday evening, and having exhausted anything much else to do, we’d decided to amass a variety of alcohol for a late night of drinking in front of whatever rubbish we wanted to watch or play.

Before we started I chose to grab a shower, and feeling lazy with only one other person in the house I opted to just pull on my nightwear afterwards – a long t-shirt and simple white knickers. I plonked myself down on the couch without a care in the world – the joy of having gay housemates is that I’ve never cared about changing or being half-dressed or even naked around them, so I didn’t feel self-conscious about it at all as I sat drinking next to my friend with very little on.

The boozing escalated quickly – we were both downing and mixing drinks fast as we talked and goofed around, and our drunkenness was making the conversation increasingly frank. Inevitably talk turned to my love life at some point, as he probed me about my lack of a boyfriend and seeming lack of interest in one (he doesn’t know about my escapades), which turned to me drunkenly bemoaning the lack of action I’d seen recently.

I feigned mock annoyance when he told me he knew how that felt: “What?! You live with your boyfriend; you get it every night!” I half-shouted with a drunken grin. “Not since Friday though” was his retort, which only made me mock him more about how insufferable it must be to go two whole days without sex. We continued to tease one another back and forth on the topic, until I threw out the thought that if only he was interested in girls too neither of us would have a problem.

Amidst the drunken laughter, his response surprised me… “Well it’s not like I’ve never been curious”. “Wait, curious about what?” I probed. “Y’know…” he said, a little more awkwardly now, “what the whole thing is like with a girl”. “What thing?” “Sex, you idiot!” he shouted, laughing again.

“Does that mean you’ve ever… uhh… thought about me like that?” I asked, genuinely curious. “No…” he started, before stumbling over his train of though. “I mean… so, I know that you’re good looking and have a great body, I don’t need to be a straight guy to get that. But… argh this is all sounding weird now! I’ve definitely… wondered what you look like. You know.. having sex. And what you like a guy to do.. and what you do to them. ”

I was wide-eyed by this point. “Have you fantasised about that? About me?” I hurriedly added to that “Seriously, I don’t mind if you have… it’s actually kinda exciting. I’m just really curious!” He looked unconvinced by my assertions. “I wouldn’t call it fantasising. I mean, I’ve never actually jerked off to you or anything like that. I just.. I’ve only ever been with Mike (our housemate and his boyfriend), so once or twice I’ve wondered what doing stuff with a girl is like, y’know? And you’re a girl, so… god this is so embarrassing”

We both laughed at this realisation that what we were talking about was shameful and stupid, which broke the ice and returned a sheen of normality to the permeating weirdness. I couldn’t resist probing some more though. “Does it get you hard? Thinking about that? About a girl?” “I don’t really remember to be honest” was his reply, “Like I said, I haven’t masturbated to it or even talked about it before right now, just thought about it”.

“How do you feel talking about it? Does it have any effect on you?” I asked, not subtly glancing at his crotch, and aware of my own stirring arousal. He laughed again, “Are you really asking me if I’ve got a boner? I mean, I’m not *not* hard. Does that make any sense?” “So you have a semi?” I confirmed, my smirk breaking into a giggle. “Yeah. Sorry” he replied a little bashfully.

I waved away his embarrassment in a drunkenly exaggerated fashion. “Don’t apologise! Jesus! If it makes you feel better, I’m turned on now too” “You are?” he replied, looking almost puzzled, before making light of the situation by quipping that we’ll both be heading to our rooms soon if that’s the case.

“I guess so” I responded, before pausing, my mouth suddenly dry. “Unless… you wanted to try it out?” “Try what out?” was his cautious response. “Whether I have any effect on you” was my slightly obscure answer. “Would you really want to do that though?” he asked quizzically. The truth was that I did – I’d always fancied him when we first met and was disappointed when he confided his feelings to me about his now boyfriend before they started to go out. I’d sneakily watched him and his boyfriend together, and that had fuelled fantasies where I’d been involved, but also fantasies of just me and him.

“I want to see what happens if I suck you off” I said quietly, my mind now in something of a haze. Even as he tried to stall in his response I was off the couch and moving over to him, and kneeling down to unzip his jeans he suddenly went quiet and said nothing. Reaching into his pants I found his cock – semi-hard but not fully erect as he’d confessed – and I quickly popped it out into the open and let my lips sink around it.

For a while there was no change as I sucked and licked at his cock, but then I began to feel it grow and continued my efforts until he was fully erect in my mouth. Moving my head away, I looked up to ask how it felt. “Nice… yeah, good. Really different though”. Nodding, I redoubled my efforts, bobbing my head, sucking and swirling. This went on for some time – occasionally he’d sigh or I’d see his hands grip, but otherwise I sucked him in near silence aside from the sound of my mouth working on him.

The silence was broken by a question from him. “Are you enjoying this? Does doing this turn you on?” The answer was yes; it was a massive turn-on. Hesitantly, he asked “Is there anything I should do to make this feel good for you too?” My response was blunter than I’d intended: “Will you fuck me?” Again, he stammered in uncertainty, before telling me that he’d try if I really wanted. That’s all I needed to hear, so I told him to wait a second as I raced to my room, grabbed a condom from my drawer and came back to the living room.

Upon returning, I beckoned for him to stand up and knelt down before him to suck him some more, unbuttoning and pulling down his jeans and then stopping to ensure his boxers followed. As he stepped out of those clothes, I quickly peeled down my knickers and sat on the floor, beckoning him over as I laid back and opened my legs.

“Are you ready?” he asked as I handed him the condom which he quickly rolled on, before telling me to let him know if he was doing anything wrong as he clumsily positioned himself between my legs. After some fumbling, I reached down to help guide him into place, and then moments later he was inside me for the first time as I sighed from the sensation. He soon started to move against me… slowly, softly and gently. After a while, he whispered into my ear that this felt really good, and I urged him to move faster. He did as I asked, and I began to breathe heavily and moan slightly as the speed of his thrusts increased. Getting into the moment, I pleased for him to fuck me harder, and again he complied, shifting his body this way and that until he found a position where he could more easily do what I asked.

As his cock began to thrust more deeply and frantically in me I found myself moaning properly and pushing back against him as best I could. He breathlessly asked if I was close to cumming, to which I shook my head before he informed me that he was close himself. It’s okay, just go ahead and cum inside me I whispered, wrapping my legs around him and pulling him deeper into me. I soon felt him moving inside me faster still as he focused on his impending orgasm, which came via grunts and gasps as he buried his face in my shoulder and his twitching cock inside me.

Spent, he eventually pulled out and went to dispense with the condom, before returning with a surprising number of apologies – he seemed frustrated that I hadn’t cum and making me feel good seemed to be his main goal. Reassuring him that it did feel good, I cheekily asked whether he wanted to go again, and without really waiting for a response took his hand and let him to my room. Pulling off my t-shirt, I then did the same with his, and once we were both naked I sat on the edge of the bed with him before me and went back to sucking his penis for the second time that night. Once he was hard again (which took longer at the second time of asking) I produced another condom for him to put on, and we went again – my legs spread, him on top of me, thrusting inside me as he watched my face intently while moving.

After a spell of this, I pushed away from him to flip onto all fours, beckoning him to move behind me and reaching between my legs to guide him back into my wetness. Encouraging him to fuck me harder, I buried my face in the pillow as I reached back to rub my clit as he fucked me, concentrating on my fingers working between my legs with his cock inside me until I yelled out that I was cumming before moaning loudly into the pillow as I pushed back against him, then away as I collapsed on the bed.

Glancing back to see my friend kneeling there, fully erect, I asked if he was close to. He nodded, and with that I opened my legs and told him to fuck me until he came. That’s exactly what he did, sinking easily into me and getting straight to fast and hard fucking that lasted for a couple of minutes until he collapses against me, cumming inside me for a second time.

Once he’d pulled out and thrown away the condom, we spent some time engaging in semi-drunken post-sex laid on my bed – I confessed my initial attraction to him, how I’d spied on him and his boyfriend once, and also talked about some of the previous adventures I’ve written on here, while he talked about how he felt about what had just happened, and admitted that he’d heard me masturbating once or twice and had suspected some of my convention encounters. The air seemed clear as I fell asleep, but the last week has been infinitely more awkward once our other housemates (and his boyfriend, of course) returned – hopefully they’ll get back to normal, but I’m more than a little worried that one drunken night has screwed up our friendship.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4i5gmu/a_very_unexpected_drunken_time_with_a_housemate_fm


  1. A great story as always, well written. Although it IS a hot fantasy (sleeping with roommate) and all I hope things do not go south for you. Best of luck to you.

  2. Thank god you’re back, hot as always. I was starting to worry you’d given up writing these!

    That said, I hope everything works out in your house

  3. There is a touch of cute innocence with you being his first woman, fingers crossed everything will be back to normal then( if not a little better now that he knows you enjoy their fun too, vocal or not)

    Plus this is kind of closure for you getting him after wanting him, hope a happy follow up will happen :)

    Guess I should read up on the other stories too, it was pleasantly written for the most part IMO, I enjoyed it

    Edit: ducking autocorrect :P

  4. I hope this works out. Fucking inexperienced, attached friends can have unintended negative consequences to the friendship. Hopefully he won’t feel compelled to distance himself from you. Please do a follow up and let us know how things work out.

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