[M/F] Is she cheating if it’s only common law?

This was completely random. There’s a local radio show in town which has quite the following. For a time they had a chat room on their website for their fans to hang out in and to chat with. This was really just a private internet relay chat set up through their site.

But, it was a great little diversion during my day.

Chat rooms being what they are, everyone is a little flirty. But, through all of that there was a chemistry with one woman in particular.

Now, to give a little off my background, as my username hints at, I’ve got a wandering eye, among other things. So, I was looking to be a “good boy.” This meant eschewing any attempts at anonymity so I’d not be as tempted to stray as well as not getting to flirty with any single women.

As such, meeting up with folks from the chat room was just a fun social experience… Four of us met for sushi one night. Another night a group met for karaoke and drinks. Lunches. Bars.

And so when I had chemistry with one woman in particular it was because we had a lot in common. Both of us were married so it was a “safe” friendship. We hadn’t exchanged pictures since it was all about just a group of friends. What someone looked like was not important since we’re not looking to hook up.

So this new friend of mine and I realize we’re not too far away from each other while at work and we could easily meet for lunch. Just something to break up the monotony of the Monday through Friday corporate grind lunch in the cafeteria or nearby restaurant.

So, I’m pleasantly surprised when my lunch partner is a rather attractive brunette wearing tight white pants, cute strappy heels, and a light brown blouse.

For the life of me I cannot recall what we talked about. Conversation just came easily. And I loved her cute little country girl drawl… That was completely unexpected but quite endearing. Eventually lunch had to finish and we headed back to our respective jobs.

And the group had been waiting with bated breath to see if lunch was a disaster or not.

With positive reviews we both survived with any possible creeper stigmas squished.

The next group outing was lunch at a little Italian place. About a dozen of us show up and seated next to me is my friend. At this point others are noticing the chemistry. But… We were intentionally oblivious to it. “We’re just friends” was repeated often during the lunch and chats over the next few days.

A few weeks pass and we decide to catch lunch again in a few days.

By this point the constant questions are really making us take a second look at our friendship. And it comes up during lunch.

Okay, fine. I’m attracted to you. But, we’re both married and neither of us wants to mess up a good friendship over sex. Right? Right. Great! I’m glad we agree.

Well, the lunch hour is almost up, we should both be getting back. Let me walk you to your car. Oh, you’ve got that CD we talked about with you?

So back at her monstrously huge fire engine red SUV (country girl, remember?) she opens her passenger door to let me in so I can hear the song. It will only be a minute so she passes me the keys, I sit in the passenger seat, and she stands inside the door blocking me in.

So when the song ends I move to get out of the seat but she’s firmly in my way. And now we’re playing a game of chicken. We’ve been mindful of “personal space” and being too touchy. But now? Now I can’t leave without coming into physical contact with her.

She’s really close to me… uncomfortably so. Not least of all because of the fact that I can feel her breath and this proximity to her is starting to get me aroused. This beautiful forbidden creature is a hair’s breadth away daring me to invade her personal space… In essence wanting to be the “good girl” and not wanting to be the aggressor. So it’s not her fault.

Our voices drop to a whisper as we discuss the mundane fact that she’s in my way. And what am I going to do about it?

So, I slowly stand up and her resolve falters. She steps back just enough so I can stand. Then she stands her ground refusing to budge.

More mundane whispering about how we really need to get back to work. Our lips nearly touch we’re so close.

Finally, I wrap my arms around her, lift her off the ground, pivot us 180 degrees, and deposit her in the passenger seat.

However, in doing so our bodies pressed together and she felt that unmistakable sign of my arousal.

A moan escaped her lips and she became a woman possessed. She stands… Almost touching me again and quietly points out that she could feel my erection… Obviously I am attracted to her. Obviously I want to kiss her. Why don’t I? She can’t kiss me. She’s married.

Seconds stretch as we’re locked into another game of chicken. Almost touching. Almost kissing.

Then I move towards her. I’m going to kiss her. She senses this… Senses her pending triumph of wills… We’re finally going to cross that line… have our first kiss… start down a path which will see us become lovers…

And I stop.

I lean back.

In that split second she flips from victor to vanquished.

She. kisses. me.

Tentatively, at first. Then we’re lost in the kiss. Our first kiss.

We’ve crossed that line.

A tension we hadn’t acknowledged was there is now gone. We’re now giddy. Spent. Breathless.

And now… Things are resolved.

We don’t say it then, but we both know… We’re going to be lovers.

What we do say is that we both need to get back to work before our respective bosses start to wonder.

So, we embrace… Yes, and kiss. It’s not tentative anymore. We’re already becoming familiar with each others’ touch.

When we get back to work or friends remark on the long lunch. We assure them they are wrong. Nothing happened.

But, privately we message about how they’d all freak if they only knew the truth.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4g29np/mf_is_she_cheating_if_its_only_common_law


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