My virginal experience with a woman from work Part 1 [M/F]

I write software. Ok, so that could qualify me for lots of things, but she wrote it too. This is not a story of a geek getting lucky, it is a story of a fine woman who was smart, strong and seductive getting her itch scratched as my clueless ass was left wondering what the fuck happened.

This story is old, 20 years old back at the dawn of the web and when a tech smart kid fresh out of college could hack some PERL script and HTML and make some magic. Katie was there too. I went to a state college and she was from MIT. Hell yeah she could code me under the table but I did what I could and we got along.

One day she asked me if I wanted to get a drink after work. Of course I said “yes” – what else what you say when a smart woman, who had a pretty face, narrow waist and big ass titties asked you out?

She intimidated me, but what the hell, you only live once. So I took her up on the offer. Katie was cool and we had a great time talking. At the end of the night she leaned in and I couldn’t help it, I gave her a little peck of a kiss. She looked at me and said, “no”. Then she leaned in and with an open mouth slipped her tongue into my virgin mouth and I nearly died.

As her hand slipped up my thigh, i panicked. You see I was a virgin nerd who had never every french kissed a girl let alone fucked a woman.

She sensed something and stopped for a moment. As she looked at me she said, “I loved tonight and want you so badly, so think about me tonight because I will be thinking about you”.

She left me and went home. I’m embarrassed to say that I still doubted she wanted me. But I looked forward to the next day, because at work, she had to be there …
