The Talk PT 6 (NSFW, Incest, M/s)

He pushed the door open and was hit by a wave of steam. Peering through he could make out Helen’s silhouette through the curtain; she was humming lowly to herself. He moved quickly to the toilet. Despite all that had happened being in the bathroom while his mother showered made him feel like a peeping tom. Glancing over his shoulder he let his stream out, feeling instant relief as he did. He felt very exposed in that moment, and he oddly hopped Helen wasn’t watching. He held himself in a way so as to cover the shaft of his cock, which was still tender in his fingers.
As if she had been reading his mind, as Christopher was shaking the last few drops from his body he heard Helen’s voice behind him.
“Christopher, Honey?”
He turned his head towards he voice. She had pulled the curtain back, and Christopher could see her in her full glory. Skin dripping, hair pushed back, suds visible on her breasts. His eye widened a bit but he tried to not seem taken aback.
“Yeah Mom?”
“Do you wanna hop in with me and clean up?”
His eyes must have widened even further she smiled a little broader. He took two nervous steps towards her. “Oh, um, sure I guess.”
She waved him in, “come on in then”. She stepped aside to make room and a moment later he was gliding under the hot stream of water. He turned his face up to the faucet. “Hmmmmmm” He sighed. He shook his head and felt some of his faculties returning more. When he looked back at Helen he was transfixed by her wet, soapy body. She was running a pink loofah over herself, cleaning her neck and chest. “Been a little while since you and I took a bath together eh mister?” She said, scrubbing herself.
Christopher gave a nervous laugh. For a moment or so he just watched her as she cleaned. Moving the puff down her belly, and thighs, inside the cleft of her pubic region, and then around and between her cheeks. At last he bent over and picked up his own “Old Spice” hair and body wash. As he pushed the lid open Helen held out her hand to his.
“Why don’t you let me Sweetie?” She said, sipping the bottle from her finger and squeezing a gob of the blue gel into her palm.
“That’s ok mom, you don’t have too.” Christopher protested feebly.
“No, no, I don’t mind Honey.” She said getting closer to him now. She rubbed her palms together and set them on his chest. “I use to do this all the time remember.” She set her hands on his chest and let them slither over him. Her fingers moved deftly over her skinny body, lubricating him with soap. “You don’t have to be so shy you know.” She said, lather her arms and shoulders. “I’m your mother dear, you don’t have to be so embarrassed being naked with me. We’re just learning about the birds and the bees, that’s all. There isn’t anything bad about it.” She reached around him and began to wash his back. She her wet, slippery nude body was about an inch away from his. Christopher felt the tingle returning to his groin. He wanted badly to wrap his arms around her, feel her pressed against him, but he stood motionless.
“I know that mom. All this, it’s been really amazing. I understand so much more now.” He said, feeling his face getting hot as she slide her soapy hands over his bottom. “It’s just, I dunno. It’s hard to describe.” Helen squeezed more of the gel into her palms and began to slide them up his thighs.
“Try to Christopher. You can tell me anything remember?” Her fingers squirmed over her penis and testicles, fondling them as she as she washed them. Christopher shook a little, as the blood began to rapidly return to that area.
“Well… it’s weird…it’s like, doing this, being here, naked with you, touching you…you touching me, it seems kinda bad. Like we’re doing something dangerous or wrong but…it’s a good feeling? Like the wrongness makes it right…maybe I’m just weird, I dunno.”
“Oh Christopher no, you aren’t weird.” Helen said, wrapping her arms around him. Christopher instinctively put his around her as well, resting them on the small of her back. “I know exactly what you mean. It’s a very normal thing to feel when you explore sexuality. It’s an exciting feeling. Like you’re being naughty right?”
Christopher nodded. His hands started to slip down her back and held her ass. She didn’t seem to notice. “I remember, when I was about you’re age… there was a neighbor. He was older than me…he was very handsome and athletic. I use to watch him mowing his parent’s lawn with his shirt off, swimming in his pool…. I’d get very excited and I would touch myself. And when I did that it felt very bad, like I was being nasty or dirty, but that just made it feel even more exciting. It’s confusing baby I know, but if you enjoy it don’t worry about it ok?”
She looked down into his eyes, pressed against him, stroking his back as the water fell on their heads. He could have stayed in that moment forever, clinging to her. Finally He said. “I think I understand, I love you mom.”
“I love you to Christopher. Very, very much.” She lightly kissed his forehead. She then looked down between their bodies, a mischievous smile creeping up the corners of her lips. “Oh hello.”
Christopher looked at her for one confused instant then figured it out. Glancing down he saw his half erect cock pushing against her leg. “Oh! Hehe!” He took a quick step back.
“Looks like someone is recovered.” She leaned over and around him and turned the water off. “I forgot how quickly boys your age can recuperate…you feel up to talking some more sweetie?”
“Yes please mom.”
“Alright, let’s head back to the room.” She said, stepping out of the tub and grabbing a towel. As he stepped out after her she ruffled his hair with the towel playfully. Laughing, he took it from her and patted himself off. She dried her own hair then led him back into the bed. As he walked he felt himself getting harder by the second.
When they reached the bedroom Christopher stood by the door and watched his mother sit down at the foot of he bed. “So, we had started with oral sex, we could keep going with that if you like.”
“You mean, another Blowjob mom?” Christopher asked, his voice optimistic.
Helen shook her head. “Uh-uh, I was thinking you should learn about cunnilingus sweetie. That’s when you’d use your mouth to pleasure me. A lot of boys and men don’t ever really bother with it or at least learn how to do it right, but if you do most women love it.” She patted the bed beside her. Christopher sat down next to her and casually place his hand n her leg. She put hers over it. “So, you kneel down at the foot of bed between my legs and I’ll show you what to do ok?”
Christopher scooted off the edge of the bed as Helen spread her legs further. He crept between them. “Now get in close.” She encouraged. He leaned in slightly. Helen chuckled “it doesn’t has teeth dear, come in and get a look.” Her hand laced into his hair and nudged him inwards until his face was about two inches from her slit. He could smell the juices flowing from her, mingled with the fresh scent of the shower. He eyed it eagerly.
“To start off with baby, I want you to kiss around it. Kiss my thighs and my mound, tease me a bit.” She said, releasing his head just a little to let him move. He began the task, opening his mouth and leaving delicate kisses on her smooth legs and her lips. His tongue would quickly spring out and lick at her occasionally. She steered his head, “very good, now take out your tongue, and run it all the way up my slit to the very top. Get a nice taste of me.”
Christopher did as he was told, extending her tongue and putting it inside of her and moving it upwards. The taste was salty and sweet at once. His mouth and nostrils filled with it and he took hold of her thighs as he relished it. She ruffled his hair, “Not too fast, remember we have all the time we need…mmmm, how do I taste hone?”
He looked up at her and whispered “amazing”. He ran his tongue up her again for good measure. She held his head more firmly again. “Ok, now take your lips, and put them over my clit, then just suck on it, move your mouth back and forth.”
As instructed he found the pink little pearl and laid his mouth over it. He began to suckle, his lips undulating back and forth as he did, gripping her thighs more tightly for support. He heard a soft, muffled coo from above and Helen held his head harder. “Aw. mmmh, yes, just like that. Now. Take your tongue sweetheart… and push it down nice and hard.”
His tongue slithered out of his mouth and settled against her. Helen squirmed a little and made a squeaking sound. She pushed him deeper into her body and when she spoke he could hardly hear her through her legs in his ears. “oooh, that’s right, now just pushing it down, and move it in a nice little circle darling. Be sure to hold my legs still, I’m going to try to move, but it’s better if I stay as still as possible”
Christopher pressed his fingers down into her legs as hard as he dared as he began to wiggle his tongue in a circle. The effect on her was immediate and drastic. He could feel her body twitching and trembling, could hear her breathing becoming heavy. Her grip on his head was locking him in place. After a moment she began to moan.
“Awww, ooooh, aw! Oh god! Oh that’s it baby keep going, oh keep going…you’re doing so good Christopher.” He paused for a moment to glance up at her face and instantly Helen was tugging on his hair. “Don’t stop!” She urged breathily, “Oh stop Honey, you do that so well…you’re father never eats my pussy this good, oooooh, could you finger me a little?”
It took a second to guess what she meant, but one he did Christopher shifted his position, careful to keep his lips sealed to her as he lifted one hand from her leg and slowly let his index finger creep inside her vagina.
“Mhn! Shit!” Helen squeaked. “mmhmm, and your middle finger baby, just…slide them both in and move them in and out…fast…oh keep licking me Honey.”
His palm turned up, he pushed both fingers into her as she told him to. He started to pump them in and out, getting faster as he did, his lips and tongue still dancing on her clit. She seemed t get wetter by the second, his fingers slipping in and out of her with ease. Christopher was breathing hard through his nose, his chin soak with her secretions. His arm and neck were straining with effort as he carried on, building in tempo as he did with manic attention.
“Oh Christopher! That’s it! Keep going, please…mommy’s almost there!” Her body was like shuddering, he voice soft and high. In that instant he felt a sudden change. She seemed at one second to go limp and in the next buck he hips violently and she let go of his haed. In response, fueled by instinct and lust, he shoved his fingers as hard and far into her as he could. Helen Howled.
Before he knew what was what Christopher’s mouth and face was drenched with a warm, clear, gush of liquid. It flooded his chin, splashed down over his chest, filling his vision. For a spit second he thought madly She’s peeing on me! What the hell?!
He fell backwards, resting on his palms and gazing up in something between fear and amazement. Helen was lying back on the mattress now, panting. He hands balled into fists in the sheets. There was a dark wet patch on the bedspread between her legs and drops on the rug below. Christopher stayed there in silence, breathing, watching, thrilled but also afraid he’d hurt her. After a moment Helen raised he head and looked at him. Her expression was one of love and awe. “Oh my god!” She said softly. “Jesus Christopher, do you know what you just did?… you made me ejaculate.”
He stared at her in confusion. He managed to heft her self up into a sitting position tiredly. Christopher could see we was still shacking a little. “Your father has never done that….” She smiled at him in profound disbelief. “Sorry I didn’t warn you…I wasn’t expecting it…” She looked down at the wet mess around her and laughed embarrassedly.
“What, what is it?” He finally asked, when he was convinced she wasn’t hurt or upset. He was beginning to feel proud of himself. Dad’s never done it?!
“Well…it’s a little hard to explain, I don’t know a lot about it myself, but when a woman is very, very aroused and being stimulated in both her clitori and her vagina and she relaxes enough, she releases a rush of liquid from her urethra…not all women can do it…. I’ve only ever done it twice before and that was by myself…. You did real good Honey.” She said and giggled again, as she look at the light puddle around her bottom. Christopher blushed and shrugged, grinning childishly.
She beckoned him with her finger “Comere.”



  1. I’ve changed the formatting, hopefully this out to make it more readable :-)

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