The Talk PT 5

Christopher gaped at her. He’s heard the term thrown around by boys at school always in a raunchy joke or in a hushed tone. He never thought it would someday leave his mother’s lips in front of him. He understood the concept vaguely.
“Sure, isn’t it when a girl puts a boy’s dick –sorry, er- penis, in her mouth?” he suggested.
“That’s the basic idea, but a lot can go into it. Would you like to give it a try?”
“You’d do that mom?!” he looked at her aghast. “I never thought of that being the sort of thing mom’s did. I mean it just seems kinda…I dunno,”
“Dirty?” Helen suggested.
“Well…yeah. Just…not something you’d do.”
Helen grinned. “Sweetie, remember hat I keep saying, there is nothing dirty about sex. Oral sex isn’t a bad thing that only bad people do. It’s something lots and lots of people enjoy. Me included. As you get older you’re going to want to try things, and you ought to have an idea of what you like. Also….” She trailed off, running her had down his cheek.
“What is it mom?”
“Well…. you’re very excited dear and boys your age, who haven’t done much of this kind of thing before, typically don’t take very long to have an orgasm. I just think that if we can relieve a little of that pressure now we might make you last a bit longer later if you want me to show you…. some other stuff.” She tapped his nose playfully. Christopher giggled. “So whatcha say baby? Want me to give you a blowjob?” She was rubbing his chest softly through his shirt. He had the lightheaded feeling again.
“Yes mom, please.”
Her smile broadened in a devilish way. “Well, then you better take your shorts and shirt off dear.”
She shifted into a sitting position, as Christopher shifted up as well, pulling his dark T-shirt off. He hooked his thumbs around the elastic of his shorts and went to tug them down but when he glanced up at Helen he paused. He wasn’t to getting naked front of people let alone his mother. Part of him, the part still not entirely sure all of this was even real, had expected her to look away. Instead he was watching him carefully. He tittered a little, blushing.
“Come on Christopher don’t be shy. I’ve seen all of you before remember?”
Shrugging a little, Christopher tugged down his boxers over his pulsing erection and dropped them on the rug by his other clothes. His adolescent member all six inches, uncut tip dripping with pre-cum, jutted up from a nest of downy pubic hair. His balls hung low and swollen by his buttocks. He looked from it to Helen. She regarded it with an almost hungry stare.
“How’s it look?” He asked. “Is it normal? Like, big enough?”
“Sweetie,” Helen said, creeping over his legs and kneeling in front of him. Her fingers slid around it calmly and smoothly, almost teasing it with her touch, “It’s perfect. Just right for a boy your age. Now you just lay back and relax, if you like something or want more of something just tell me.”
“Okay,” He muttered in an exasperated whisper. Helen leaned down slowly, keeping eye contact with him as she did. When she was face to face with his cock she opened her mouth and began to kiss it leisurely up the shaft. Each time her wet mouth landed it made Christopher shake. When she reached the tip, she pulled his foreskin down bit-by-bit, exposing his engorged head, swollen and slick. Keeping her eyes on his she kissed it lightly, then let her tongue out and ran it around the rim before lowering her soft lips around it.
“Oh!” Christopher murmured. He could hear a faint sucking sound as Helen’s lips took him in. Her tongue seemed to dance around it. Her hand gripped his steadfastly and began to move up and down. “Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh god!” Christopher cried. His face contorted and his head rolled back, his eyes shut. It was unlike any sensation he’d ever known. Her mouth was warm and wet and titillating. He heard a soft, muffled chuckle rom between his legs.
“Is that nice dear?” Helen asked. Her hand slipped up and down his shaft.
“Uh-huh.” Christopher mumbled, his hands searching for something to hold. Laughing to herself, Helen lowered her mouth once more, bobbing her head up and down. Her hand wrapped around his testicles and began to massage them. She came up briefly and regarded it. “Let’s see if I can still do this…” she whispered to herself, before lowering her entire mouth onto him. He watched with awe as she went lower and lower, taking the whole of him into her mouth, until her lips touched the base of his scrotum and the tip of his cock was enveloped in the back of her throat. She held this for a moment before coming back up, slurping as she did. She smiled proudly, raising her eyebrows at him.
“Whoa! That was amazing mom!” Christopher said, momentarily distracted from her hand still pumping at his organ. “I haven’t done that in years. It’s called deep-throating. Takes a little practice.” She winked and leaned down lower, now wrapping her lips around his testicle.
“AW…ssshit!” Christopher cried. He clapped his hand over his mouth in embarrassment. “S-sorry mom…” He stammered.
“That’s ok baby, it’s alright to swear a little under the circumstances.“ She said before sucking on his ball again. Her tongue pushed and played with his sac, as if she her making out with it. With her free hand she reached up and took his, placing it on her breast. “Play with my tits a little while I do this honey.”
Taking her advice, he cupped her boob, rolling his thumb around his nipple. He felt something building. A pent up, unexploded bomb waiting to detonate in his balls that he recognized. “Mmmh! Mom…I think…I’m gonna…” He stammered. She pulled herself off of him quickly.
“Hang on a sec baby.” She said, hoping off of the bed. Christopher was bewildered as she steered his legs around s that he was laying sideways, his feet touching the floor. “Huh?!” was all he could manage to say. His face was flushed. He was right at the edge.
“Just relax.” She said, falling to her knees at the side of the bed. Instead of taking him into her mouth when she leaned over with, she wrapped both breasts around his shaft and squeezed them tightly together. She started to move them up and down vigorously. “Go ahead sweetie, cum for mommy….mmmm do you like mommy’s nice big titties on your hard cock baby?” She whispered.
His response was a deep, deep groan. He felt a rush similar to those he’d felt before but far beyond. It started down in his thighs, surging upwards. He felt his buttocks clench shut, his heart racing wildly, his eyes wrenching closed. “Uuuuuuh!” He could feel the warm rush over take his cock as he shot a long white rocket of cum from his tip. It seemed to go on shooting for whole minutes as he lay on the bed, he face a red sweaty mess with hair plastered to it, panting.
When he opened his eyes and looked at her Helen was beaming her eyes sparkled and he could see shining patches of his spunk glistening across her skin. It decorated her neck and chin, dribbled over and between, her breasts, and little splotch had landed directly on her cheek. He was astonished by how much of it there was. She rested her hands on his thighs.
Somebody sure was wound up.” She said. “Did you like that darling?”
He exhaled slowly. “Mom…that was…. like heaven…. you do that to Dad?” He asked, lifting his head weakly up from the mattress to look at her.
Helen shrugged, “sometimes sweetie. Though I don’t often titty-fuck him and I’ve never deep throated him.”
Even as he lay there having just been on the receiving end of one of her blowjobs, the mental image of his mother sucking on his father’s penis seemed totally incredulous to Christopher. He knew of course that in theory his parents must have had sex to have had him. But up until today he never could’ve imagined it.
“He’s so freakin’ lucky!” he muttered.
Helen chuckled, “well thank you. That means a lot. Tell you what, why don’t you rest up a little; I’m going to hop in he shower and get cleaned up. You just relax, okay dear?”
“Ok mom.” Christopher murmured tiredly as he went about the colossal task of shifting his feet back into the bed. His flaccid penis hung tenderly and limly between his thighs over the sheets, dripping with the last remnants of cum and his mother’s saliva. Helen walked out into the hall, not bothering with her robe. As she went through the door she paused, turning to offering him an affectionate wink and t blow him a kiss. Smiling Christopher winked back and raised his hand weakly in a catching motion. He then watched her bare ass disappear around the corner.
As he lay alone in the bedroom he sighed contentedly. Looking down, he regarded he regarded the wet, drained limb between his legs and shook his head in disbelief. In his mind’s eye he could still see Helen’s mouth wrapped around it. Faintly he heard the water in the bathroom go on. He rolled over and pressed is head against her pillow, breathing in the beloved scent of her hair.
Lying therefore a moment or two, he was suddenly struck by an urge, a familiar pressure in his lower stomach. He managed to shift out of the bed, groaning as he did and shuffle in a almost drunken stagger to the door. When he poked his head into the hall way, he gave his nakedness a fleeting glance before shrugging and walking lightly towards the bathroom.
Helen had left the door ajar a crack. He stood in awkward consideration of whether or not to knock, feeling the pressure build. Finally he wrapped his knuckles on the door.
“Christopher? Sweetie what is it?” Helen’s voice called from within.
“I have to pee mom.” He said shuffling his feet.
“Oh, ok come in.”



  1. I’ve changed the formatting, hopefully this out to make it more readable :-)

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