The Talk PT 3 (NSFW, Incest, M/s)

started to stand but pause midway, remembering the tent in his trousers. “Um, mom, I don’t think I can stand up….see I’ve got…there is…”
Helen saw how he was squirming and glancing at his lap and understood. “You have an erection sweetie?”
He nodded quickly. Helen gave him a reassuring smile. “That’s alright, it happens a lot with young men your age. You have every reason to be excited. Don’t be embarrassed. Come on.” She started walking, this time he followed, very aware of the throbbing tent in his pants. He was feeling lightheaded; the way one feels when they stand up too fast after sitting in the hot sun too long. He was vaguely aware of walking up the stairs and down the hall to the master bedroom. The only things that seemed real were the feel of her hand in his and the pulse of his blood in his veins.
They reached the bedroom; Helen flicked the light-switch and led him inside. She released his hand and he stood awkwardly on the rug in front of the bed. “So, what should I do?” he asked, shuffling his feet.
:”Why don’t you take your shoes off and sit down on the bed.”
He scrambled to get his sneakers off and set them aside. As he slid his bottom onto the mattress, the fabric of his Jeans tugged irritatingly at his hardon, bending it unnaturally. Christopher wriggled and squirmed to find a better position to sit in. Seeing his trouble Helen said “You know dear, what with your, er, situation down there, if you want to you can take your jeans off,”
He looked up at her. It took a moment to register what she was saying. “Really?”
“Yes, only if you’d be more comfortable. You don’t have to.”
His hands went to his belt buckle. “It is pretty tight.” He admitted.
Helen nodded “Go ahead then.” Christopher began to unclasp his pants. He hesitated a moment before shoving them down around his ankles, revealing his pale, skinny legs. There was an immediate relief of pressure in his groin. His full erect cock jutted out from between his legs freely, covered only by a thin layer of boxer shorts, decorated with classic cars. He scooted up on the bed and sat cross-legged, the tent pointing straight up and against his T-Shirt. He gripped his toes through his socks and watched his mother anxiously.
“Okay. I’m going to take my clothes off now. Then I’m going to lie down on the bed so that you can get a good look at everything. And if you have any questions or want to know anything just let me know. Okay dear?”
“Got it.” Christopher said, nodding. He was shaking with anticipation. Helen kicked off her sandals as she pulled her blouse up. Her midriff and her chest came into view in what felt like slow motion. Dropping it to the floor, without pausing she reached one hand around her back and began to unclasp her brassiere. Christopher had to hold his breath to keep from gasping. She let one shoulder slide out of its strap and then the other. It fell away revealing a voluptuous pair of breasts. Her rose colored nipples seemed to stare out at him like eyes.
Before he could take in what he was seeing, Helen was pulling off her Capri pants, and then very rapidly the powder blue, silk panties underneath. They slipped easily over her thighs and with a flick of her big toe she stood totally nude before her son.
She was not a petite woman but she wasn’t fat either. She was 5 foot, 11”, curvaceous, fair skinned, round and soft in all the right places and tight and toned in the others. Her dark brown hair fell over her shoulders just above the curve of her full breasts, and framing her round, cheerful face. He could make out a very neatly trimmed batch of hair forming a tight triangle between her legs. He realized his mouth was open and forced it closed. She smiled a little more broadly now, obviously enjoying the attention of an eager young man.
As she walked over to the bed, Christopher found himself admiring minute details of her form and the way it moved. The sway of her hips, the tiny bounce in her breasts, the swish of her hair. As she sat down next to him three thoughts vied for control of his brain. That’s a naked woman!!! cried one. That’s you’re MOTHER you freak! cried another just a little less loudly. The loudest of all cried my dick is gonna EXPLODE any minute!
Helen landed softly on the bed, sitting for a moment with her back to him. In that instant, Christopher was terrified that the sheer volume of adrenaline thundering through his body would make him puke. He was trembling with fear and excitement. She lay down with her head on the pillow, bending her knees slightly so that her legs were splayed. He shifted so that he was kneeling over her and as he did he got the fruity scent of her shampoo radiating from her hair and the subtle, powdery aroma of her perfume. His eye fluttered. He was so overwhelmed he thought he was going to faint.
She looked up at him from the pillow she comforted him. “Relax Christopher. No reason to be nervous. It’s just me, you’re mom. We’re just here to learn, nothing to be worried about. We’ll go nice and slow and you can ask whatever you like and if you aren’t comfortable with anything just let me know and we’ll stop.” It sounded to Christopher as though she was talking as much to herself as to him, but her words seemed to calm him. He took a few deep breaths as he drank her in. As he took her in he saw the mother he’d run to when he’d scrapped his knees. Who’d shuttled him to soccer practices. Who’d read to him as he fell asleep. But he also saw a remarkably attractive naked woman.
“Ok, so to start off” Helen began, “as I’m sure you know, these are my breasts” she said, as she cupped her bosom. “Mine are what’s called a D Cup sized. That’s the size of bra that I wear. Women have lots of different sized breasts, they start to grow when a girl is about you’re age and they can keep getting bigger or smaller throughout her life, depending on lots of things. When a woman has a baby her breasts start to make milk, for the baby to drink. It comes out through the nipples,” her finger pointed to one of her small, pink nipples. “Babies suck on them to get their food.”
A thought struck Christopher and muttered a little “huh” Helen stopped and looked at him inquisitively. “What is it dear?”
“Oh, nothing I was just thinking that I…when I was a baby I mean…I sucked on those?”
Helen smiled and nodded “Yep, you sure did. It’s how you ate. When I had you my boobs got so big with milk, it was like carrying a suitcase on my chest!” She grinned. Christopher laughed a little. A fleeting thought passed through his head of what it would be like to just lean down and take one of those hard little pieces of skin into his mouth again. “Besides just giving milk for babies” Helen continued, “nipples are sensitive, especially the areola, the little circle around them, and during sex lots of women liked to have them touched or licked or even bitten. They get hard and stiff when a woman is aroused.” She paused, regarded herself. Christopher saw what she did but said nothing. The tips of her nipples jutted out like twin mountaintops stiffly.
“So those are the breasts, now down here” Helen went on quickly, “is what I’m sure you’re most curious about. Scoot down a bit dear so you can get a better look.” She parted her legs further as she spoke. Christopher scuttled along the bed in until he was at her knees. “Lean in sweetie and take a look” Helen urged. Christopher leaned forward cautiously. As he did he got a smell. Not strong but definitely there, faint beneath the other scents. It was sweet, and musky light the underwear had been but more so. A friend of his had once told him that he’d heard that girls smell like fish down there but clearly they didn’t know what they were talking about. Helen placed a hand on herself deftly. “This is my vulva. That’s what the whole outer part of a woman’s sexual organ is called. A lot of boys and men call the whole thing a vagina but that’s actually just one part. There’s much more to it then is with a boys parts, and lots of people never bother to figure it all out but it’s not that complicated really. This,” Her hand brushed over a tight triangle of dark brown hair that covered the top half of the mound between her legs, “Is my pubic hair. It grows on my vulva just like a boy’s grows around his penis. Some women shave it all off, others just let it grow naturally. I keep mine trimmed. These,” She took two fingers and laid them onto two flaps of skin, that seemed to form a slit between her legs, “are my labia. Their sometimes called ‘lips’ and all they really are just pieces of skin that protect the rest of vulva.”
Christopher said, in an awkward little voice, mostly just to have something to say. Helen tittered a little. “Thank you dear. I like to keep it nice and neat. Is this making sense so far?”
Christopher nodded emphatically. His eyes staying fixed on the cleft of skin between her legs. Helen’s finger’s pulled back, revealing pink flesh that seemed to shine with moisture. “Beneath the labia” she said, “things get more interesting.” Christopher leaned in closer, until there was about a foot between his face and Helen’s body. It really was fascinating. So many folds and ridges. At this distance her could more clearly see the glistening of lubrication on her lips.
“Coooool…..” He murmured quietly. Above him he could here Helen titter with amusement. “Interesting huh? So,” her index finger pointed as she used her other hand to keep her labia spread, “this is my clitoris.” She was pointing to a small pump of pink flesh, no bigger than a pea. It gleamed like a pearl.
“That’s the ‘button’ Denny’s brother talked about?”
“Mmmhmmm. It’s also called the ‘clit’ for short. It’s attached to a lot of nerves and what happens is that when a woman gets aroused, her clitoris swells up and sticks out more, sort of like the tip of a boy’s penis. It’s very sensitive all of the time but especially when it’s like that. That’s why women enjoy having it touched or licked by their sexual partners. Since it’s so sensitive though, you have to be careful not to be too rough with it. It’s a good idea to follow the woman’s lead and pay attention to how she reacts.” As she spoke her digit passed over the bump for a fleeting moment and as it did a soft sigh escaped her lips.
“Now this” she said, pointing to a pink envelope of skin just below her clitoris, “is my vagina dear. It’s the part of me that the penis goes into and babies come out of. Inside is sort of tunnel that goes in and up into my uterus.”
As he looked Christopher was astounded by a thought. He looked up at her face with impressed, wide eyes. “So, that’s where…?” he started to say, but didn’t finish, afraid of sounding silly. Looking at him, Helen understood. Smiling, she nodded “yes Honey, that’s where you came from.”
He looked back at it amazed. “It looks so small!” He said with awe.
“Well it can stretch out to make room for the baby, that’s what it’s deigned for. Though, it was no picnic getting you out of it.” She ruffled his hair playfully. He blushed a little, for some reason embarrassed by this, but he smiled and laughed as well. When he glanced down at himself, he noticed that not only was his dick making a rigid structure out of his boxers, there was now a small patch of darkness where the tip had leaked. Looking back up he felt a shiver run down his spine. The pressure was becoming intense. He’s never been so hard.
“Inside of my vagina” Helen continued, “are lots of nerves. When they’re touched by a finger, or penis it feels good. There’s one part that has a lot of nerves in particular called the ‘g-spot’. It’s a little tricky to find but it’s in there. Are you following Sweetie?”
Christopher had been staring transfixed between his mother’s legs and quickly shot his eyes back up. “Huh? Oh, yes mom, it is. It’s very interesting.” Helen’s eyes flicked down to the bulge in his boxers then back up his face. She looked at him with deep consideration. Christopher got that feeling again as though they were once more playing an unspoken game of chicken. How far was too far? Which of them would say stop? Finally Helen said “well…that’s pretty much the basics…. would you…like to try touching me?”



  1. I’ve changed the formatting, hopefully this out to make it more readable :-)

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