[M/F] Got a little carried away with a casual friend after getting stranded at a one-night festival…

Last year I attended a one night festival/concert fundraiser in memory of someone who had passed away the year before. At the time I was working as a photographer for live music events, weddings etc. so I was invited to attend. It was a pretty small affair, and everyone there knew each other (or so it seemed) and I knew hardly anyone, except for one band (called Nostar) who was attending, who I had photographed before, and a make-up artist who would be sorting out all the bands that night, Sasha. Sasha and I had worked together before, and we were pretty close friends, so I wasn’t too worried about being alone surrounded by guys! (in case it’s not obvious, I am a human female with a vagina and everything).


As the venue was pretty remote it was only accessible by car, and at the time I didn’t drive, so Sasha gave me a lift. Upon arriving at the venue, she parked up while I took in the venue and how it all worked. It was pretty much a hilly field, set by a lake. Across from the lake was the car park, which was just a field. The grounds itself was not overly large, but had a big tent set up with the stage in in the center, next to the toilets. A couple of food vans were set back close to the car park, and there was another couple of open tents with sofas in, surrounding small fires in the middle. There was a larger campfire too, with seating all around it. Place was pretty alive, although I noticed that Nostar hadn’t arrived yet, which was a bummer, cos I love those guys!


Sasha finally joined me from the car, although she doesn’t stick around for long, as she has stuff to do, understandably. So I mope around for a bit, buy a burger from a van and photograph people. I meet a lot of cool people, all who are more than willing to share their alcohol with me (which probably contributed to how awful the photographs turned out!). Normally, I wouldn’t have accepted as I was working, but I had recently gone through an awful awful breakup which had left me feeling a little bit delicate. There was also another photographer working that night. Still irresponsible and stupid of me, but whatever. I also managed to break my camera in the process. Stupid, right?



Anyway Nostar arrive and I eventually make my way over to them. Three of the four go off to set up their stuff or whatever, leaving just me and Dean, the singer. He’s a great deal taller than me, dark hair, light eyes, and a beard. I have honestly never felt so attracted to someone in my life before. I guess he feels the same, because the flirting is like wildfire. Nostar are the last band to play that evening at about half ten, and obviously I want to hang around to see them.



Anyway, trying not to ramble too much here but provide background at the same time, I’ll skip ahead. The bands are all great, Nostar are great. It’s about eleven o clock when I realise that Sasha has gone home without me! My phone is dead at this point, and I can’t remember her number, so I’m pretty screwed. I had planned to go home too originally, so I hadn’t brought anything. I felt like a major idiot. Most of Nostar have already left – except for Dean. Fortunately. It turns out he is planning on staying the night, so can’t take me home either. He reassures me that I can stay with him. He was planning on sleeping on one of the provided sofas, so I could have the car. Cool. For the record – while we got on very well, I really didn’t intend for anything to happen! All my life I’ve been a kinda reserved person, having (at this point) slept with only one person, my ex.



We spent the night drinking and hanging out with some of Dean’s friends. At the closing ceremony or whatever its called, there is a marriage proposal which is pretty sweet. Dean, standing behind me at that point, hugs me from behind, drawing me close, hot breath on my ear. He did not, however, say anything of value, instead making a vomit noise to express how sickeningly sweet this display was. I laugh, ‘unintentionally’ pressing my ass upwards and into his crotch. Dean obligingly stays still, and I swear I feel his cock twitch against me. My ass is a very good ass. I work out regularly and eat healthily.
“Naughty,” he admonishes gently and quietly but I laugh and pull away, out of his grasp. Anyone could’ve seen, after all, and I was feeling a little nervy at that point!
After the ceremony, we carry on drinking. Finally we decide its about time to hit the hay.



Dear reader, I TRY to sleep in the car. I really do. But it is fucking freezing cold, and I can’t help but think of Dean chilled out in the warm on a sofa. I’m also feeling a little emboldened by the drink, so I lock up his car and head back into one of the tents. Dean is sat, looking very uncomfortable, between two other guys, who are fast asleep. Three people sharing a two seater. I plop myself down on his lap, he makes a noise of surprise but in general seems quite pleased about the turn of events.
“Car’s cold, I don’t really want hypothermia tonight. So we’ll just have to sleep here.” I pause, and look at the people on either side of him, who I had unintentionally woken up. VERY unintentional. Drunk me is an idiot. “IT’S OKAY THOUGH,” I say in a stage whisper to them. “WE WON’T HAVE SEX.”
Dean laughs, and I curl up on him, my head beneath his chin. He holds me, and I can’t help but feel my wetness grow at the feel of his breathing on my neck, again. I am reminded of earlier, and the feel of his cock on my ass and the proximity now; my blood is pounding in my ears. He strokes my hair and and shoulders which doesn’t help either. I shift around a bit, trying to get comfortable, and knock against his erection. A definite, definite tent going on there. His stroking has increased too, he is now stroking down to the small of my back and now even further, towards my legs. I’m wearing shorts and the feel of his skin on mine is electric. I can’t help it. I moan a little.
He quietly guides my hand to his cock, and I nervously glance towards the people on either side of him. They’ve fallen asleep again, so I gently rub him through the fabric of his jeans. He stretches his legs a little to allow better access, but it kinda doesn’t go to plan and I end up sliding onto the floor. He laughs again and pulls me to standing.
“Shall we sleep in the car, then?” he says. I nod, feeling a little awkward, uncomfortably wet panties against my skin.



We do not even make it to the car.
I pounce on him. We are by the lake and hidden by reeds and the like, so not in direct view (not that anyone would’ve seen us anyay, they’d all be too busy sleeping, and it’s dark and so on). He falls over, laughing and I grin, push myself on top of his chest. It’s very dark, so by sense of touch only, I find his hand and guide it towards my underwear. He stops to undo my shorts buttons, fiddles his way underneath the panties and discovers how wet I am with a small, satisfied sigh. It’s all the encouragement he needs and he pulls off my shorts, and then his own. I feel his cock, hard and smooth and moist with precum. Delicious. I can’t help it, and by the time his jeans are off I am sucking him, swirling my tongue around the head and massaging his balls very gently. He groans and knots his fingers into the back of my hair. He doesn’t push though, just leaves his hand there.
I could’ve done that all day but alas, my pussy is burning with need (not even want at this point). I mount him, feel the head of his cock pushing at the lips of my pussy and…
“Fuck! Condom!” i exclaim and he pulls himself back and away, startled.
“Aaarg, in the car.”
I humpf with frustration and settle instead with rubbing the entirety of his cock against me, between my lower lips. It slips quite easily what with all the lubrication between us, and he grunts and thrusts his hips, and I draw back and forth unrelentlessly. I realise that doing this is just frustrating so I hop off him, turning around so that his cock is positioned in my mouth and my pussy in his. I can feel his tongue burning its way around my clit and I can’t help it, the feelings are gathering, the intensity is growing, and,
“Aaah,” I exhale smoothly against his cock-head as I orgasm, my pussy pulsating and constricting. I am distracted from sucking as I grind my hips into his face. I pause for a moment to catch my breath but Dean does not like this, grabs my hips to push me back down into his face. He doesn’t go for my pussy this time, but my asshole, tonguing the tight pink hole.
I gasp at this unusual feeling but it’s not entirely unpleasant, so I don’t stop him. Instead I suck at him even more eagerly.
“Fuck,” he says, and pushes me off. “If you don’t stop, I am going to cum.” And I don’t want our fun to be over just yet. I crawl back up to his face, breathing heavily. I land a kiss on his lips somehow, and I can taste myself, and the liquid is slick on both of our faces.
“Car.” he says. “Now.”
We don’t even bother to get dressed. As I’m climbing over the fence that separates the lake-ground from the car park, I feel him absent mindedly slip a finger inside me. I pause, enjoy the feeling, grinding back against his hand.
He groans again and I can feel his hard cock nudging against my backside, and I’m powerless to resist as he slips himself inside of me. The feeling of being suddenly full is, well, indescribable. He reaches around and squeezes my still-clothed breasts, pulling at my nipples through my bra. This pulls me over the edge again and I push against him as he pounds into me, breathing rough and gravelly.
“Oh, oh fuck…” he says as he pulls out and shoots ropes of cum across my asscheeks and back. He groans and holds onto my hip tightly with his spare hand as he empties himself. It’s hot against my back. He sighs and collapses against my back, holding me close while he regains his composure. It’s then I realise what an exposed position we are in, between the car park and the lake. Completely and utterly exposed. If there had been anyone walking back to their car…


“We should get to the car, I’m freezing.” he says, and we both quick-walk/run to his car.



Part two coming! I hope I formatted this okay!
ETA: I’m an idiot. Trying to reformat this.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/4d6avd/mf_got_a_little_carried_away_with_a_casual_friend


  1. Nice! I always really enjoy the female perspective stories and this one was very hot!

  2. Very hot, well written too. Captures the immediacy of lust. Can’t wait for more!

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