That Time I Tied Rey Up. [m23/f20]

I was having drinks with some friends the other day when the topic of ropes came up, and they couldn’t quite understand how it was worth the time that it took to tie someone up. In the process of explaining it, I started recalling this particular instance. It wasn’t the only time that I tied Rey up, but it was her first time.

As I’ve mentioned before, when Rey and I met, she was desperate to explore her kinky side. In and among all of the other things she wanted was to have all control taken from her. To be blind, deaf, gagged, and unable to move. To have no say in what’s happening to her and no ability to even move to change it.

I was only too happy to oblige.

When I came over that day, she had no idea what was going to happen. She’d only just closed the door behind me when I grabbed her by the shoulders and slammed her back against the nearby wall, pressing my body to hers and whispering in her ear.

“Go upstairs,” I could feel her heart pounding against my chest, “Take off all of your cloths and kneel on the bed.”

I gently kissed behind her ear before I let her go and backed up half a step. Hey eyes were wide in shock, but so was her smile. I nodded my head towards the stairs and she scampered off like a kid on Christmas morning.

I took my coat and shoes off and poured myself a cup of coffee, giving her a minute to prepare herself. I remember grinning while I sipped it. Finally, I strapped on my belt of tools and headed up.

When I walked into her room, she was stripped completely naked, kneeling on the bed, shivering from excitement. I looked her up and down for a second, enjoying how vulnerable she was.

“Good girl,” I whispered, setting the cup of coffee down.

I walked around the bed and knelt right behind her. Ipulled a length of purple silk ribbon from my belt, draping it over her eyes from behind. As I crossed the ribbon behind her head, I watched her wriggle ever so slightly, feeling my presence just a few inches from her back. Little goose bumps ran down her spine and she shook lightly.

I brought the ribbon back to her front and wrapped it over her lips (not entirely a gag, but…), before tying it gently behind her head. As I pulled the knot tight, I placed a small kiss on the back of her neck.

“You’re going to be gagged and bound,” I said with authority. “You won’t be able to do anything If you don’t like something that I’m doing, you’ll just have to take it.” I pulled my iPod from my belt. “There is no out here. You can’t give me any kind of safe word to make it stop.” I set the iPod to play Portishead. “Nod if you understand.”

Rey nodded enthusiastically.

“This is your last chance. Do you want me to stop?”

She shook her head just as enthusiastically.

“Good girl,” I whispered just before I put the headphones in her ears.

Now blind and deaf to her surroundings, she sat completely at my mercy. I reveled in it.

I pulled a length of rope from my belt and slowly moved forward, slipping my arms beneath hers, giving her a hug from behind, kissing down her shoulder. She jumped. As I drew back, I ran the rope beneath her breasts, giving her the contrast of my fingers gently tracing her skin just before the firm hold of the rope held her tight. I met the two sides at her back and ran them to her front again, twisting them between her breasts and drawing each end like a ‘V’ up over her shoulders. Finally, I tied the remaining rope firmly between her shoulder blades, creating a basic harness on her chest.

I gave her some space, letting her body adjust to being bound for the first time. I wondered if it felt to her like it does to me; like a tight hug.

After a minute, I moved forward again, slowly tracing the rope, letting her feel the pressure of my touch through her binds. I took another length from my belt and set it aside, then I ran my palms down each arm from the shoulder, kissing every inch that I passed. When I reached her hands, I gave them a reassuring squeeze before pulling them behind her back, bent ninety degrees at the elbow so that he forearms were in line with her harness. While I tied them together, something that I could do without looking, I kissed behind one ear, then the next, and finally bit the nape of her neck. Once her hands were tied together with a secure knot, I tied the end of the rope to her harness with a quick release knot, ensuring she couldn’t even wriggle a little bit.

I got off the bed and walked around it, admiring the sight of my beautiful, intelligent, wonderful Rey kneeling naked on her bed, half bound and completely ignorant of what was going to happen to her while I stood fully clothed and confident beside. I felt a swell of both love and appreciation for the trust that she must have had in me.

“I love you.” I whispered, knowing that she wouldn’t hear me over the headphones.

Without warning, I put my palm right between her breasts and pushed her back, provoking a muffled squeak from her as she hit the sheets. I grinned.

Working quickly, I bound each of her legs, ankle to thigh, then used another rope to pull them back to the headboard’s posts, effectively pulling her knees to her shoulders. She was starting to breathe hard now. She was totally bound, completely helpless and at my mercy. I took a minute to let her adjust, but also to watch her, make sure that circulation wasn’t being cut off, that she wasn’t bent or pulling a certain way, lovingly checking every aspect of her comfort.

Satisfied, I traced the fingertips of each hand down her thighs, from the sides of her knees slowly down the her ass, leaving a trail of goose bumps in my wake. Then I reached for my cup of coffee, still bordering hot, and trailed the porcelain of the mug down her shoulder, all the way down between her breasts and over her stomach. She was clearly trying to move, trying to wriggle or react to the warmth running over her. I drew it away, watching her skin tense into goose bumps in its absence. I put the mug back, this time tracing it down her left breast while my tongue mirrored its journey on her right. My tongue and the mug landed on her nipples at the same time, earning me a muffled groan, and the creaking strain of her headboard as she tried to move her legs. I trailed my tongue around her nipple for just a second before backing away, taking my coffee with me. I took a sip while I watched her nipples stiffen.

Finally, I trailed the mug down her abs, starting at her bellybutton and slowly making my way further and further south. I took it away just before I reached her mound, making her struggle to follow it. Her hips moved in little circles, the best she could do, searching for the warmth and contact. I placed a palm on her mound, holding her down, and with the other hand, placed the warm mug gently against her lower lips.

She gasped. With the ropes binding her and my hand holding her, she couldn’t move much at all, but damn did she try. I smiled, watching her wet lips slip and shift ever so subtly over the side of the mug.

I let her have it for a few seconds, more for my enjoyment than hers, before taking it away, immediately blowing gently over her lips, replacing the warm porcelain with cold air. Her whole body shuddered and struggled against her bonds.

I smiled and found the trail of her juices on the side of the mug, licking it up and taking a sip while I watched her desperately fight for any stimulation. I remember thinking that her spiced-taste went really well with coffee.

I set the mug aside and gently ran my fingers from her shoulders, down over her breasts, just teasingly grazing her nipples on the way down. Finally, I lowered my head between her legs. She felt my presence, straining to move her hips to contact me. I kept my face only just above her skin, letting her feel me, my breath, my energy, but not my touch. She whimpered. I saw a drop of her juice form and run down her lips.

Well with an invitation like that.

I bent low, just barely touching the tip of my tongue to her lips and gently running it up to her clit, giving the hood the slightest contact while I collected her wetness. She gasped. I kissed her mound lovingly, making her shudder. I kissed the insides of her thighs and down to where they met her lips, planting slow, gentle kisses every inch around her beautiful cunt. All the while she might have been crying in frustration.

Finally, I slipped my tongue between her lips, running it all the way up to her clit and circling it steadily. Around and around, I drank in the taste of her, the feel of her lips against mine, the scent, her body clenching and straining desperately to do anything at all. I felt her tense hard and shake, seizing under me.

I didn’t let up. She’d been a good girl, and she deserved everything that I could give her.

I’m not sure where one orgasm ended and the next began, but for a solid five minutes I circled her clit, changing pace, direction, pressure, all the while feeling her seize over, and over, and over.

I reached a hand up her side and held her bound hand tight while she rode it out, letting out a litany of gasps, cries, and shrieks.

At last, I let up. If I’m honest, it was for her safety. With as hard as she was straining against her ropes, I was afraid she might hurt herself or cut off circulation. Always keep that in mind. Time to change positions.

While she shuddered and basked in the afterglow, I quickly released her legs, retying them to the lower bed posts, and slipped the quick release on her hands, pulling them directly above her and retying them to the headboard, making her into an ‘A’ shape. When I was finished tying her hands, she seemed to be coming off of her orgasms, only shivering lightly.

I kissed her forehead.

Then, I pulled a bullet vibrator from my belt and turned it on the lowest setting. I ran it slowly up one thigh, over her mound, and down the other, letting her know what was coming. I moved more inward and increased the setting, moving it up her inner thigh, then hopping over her lips to her other thigh. She struggled. I smiled.

Finally, I put it to a 75% setting, and placed it directly on her pelvic bone, balancing it against the controller, and then held her thighs down to the bed.

For a full five minutes, I held her firm while she felt teasingly, tortuously close vibrations run all throughout her. All throughout her except for exactly where she needed them. She struggled in vain with all of her strength to move her hips, fighting me the whole time.

What began as gasps and sighs turned into moans, then groans, and then pants. Then screams. Muffled as they were, she was screaming obscenities at the top of her lungs. God, I loved her.

In one swift motion, I bent down and took her nipple gently between my teeth and pulled. At the same time, I picked up the bullet and placed it directly against her soaking wet clit. The shock sent her into overload, and her body went into a frenzy, writhing in full body spasms. I could tell she was silently screaming.

I wasn’t surprised to find that she’d made a sizable puddle in the comforter. As she came down, I helped myself to a taste. When the most intense spasms were over, I slowly, gently, undid her binds. First, her legs, caressing the marks that the ropes left, gently massaging her tired muscles. Then her hands, kissing each one as I freed it, and laying them beside her head. Then her chest, kissing between her breasts and laying my head against her while I worked. Finally, I took off her blind fold, gag, and headphones to find her passed out.

I pulled a new comforter over us and cradled her naked body to my fully clothed one, running my fingers gently through her hair.

“Good girl.”



  1. If anyone is getting into rope and you don’t happen to have a night stand to store everything in, I highly recommend making a belt so you dont forget anything.

    Mine is:

    -A regular belt.

    -5 belt pouches roughly the size of a phone.

    –2 spools of 2in. Thick ribbon, one 10 ft, one 50. (Ribbon isn’t as “squishy” as rope, so it can cut off circulation easier. Use with caution)

    –2, yes 2 pairs of emt sheers. Really the main reason I made this belt.

    –an old iPod with kinky music. Lets be real, mostly trip hop.

    -5 carabiners.

    –5 lengths of 3/4in bondage rope. Three 50ft, two 30ft.

    Kink safely.

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