The period girl

4 days on from shockingly yet unsurprisingly coming home empty handed from a date that explicitly said she was dtf it’s time for my next tinder adventure. Last time I had a bad feeling even though it seemed so certain. This time I had a really good feeling- it seemed so certain but this girl had been more subtle about it saying she likes to be cheeky etc. I was fully expecting this date to be about getting with a girl that’s much older than me, something I’ve always wanted to do (what guy hasn’t had that fantasy). I’ve been with girls a few years older than me, but at 38 she has a full decade on me. Now a few years ago I had the chance to get with a 40 year old but truth is whilst I want to get with an older woman to tick it off as another thing off the list, I still want to keep standards so they still have to be attractive and not wrinkled up and on the shelf.

Thankfully one of the great things about dating black girls is that ‘black don’t crack’. If you haven’t heard of that saying, basically black people don’t wrinkly nearly as fast as white people. It’s certainly something to be very jealous of. And lo and behold my 38 year old tinder date had much smoother skin than me, she could’ve easily passed as looking younger than me (which arguably takes away the point a bit but hey ho).

I was running late so told her to meet me at the bar so she doesn’t wait in the cold. When I got there I realised that was a bit of a mistake- I have my favourite spots where we sit on a L shaped sofa so it’s easy to initiate getting touchy feely but she was sitting at a table with separate chairs. When she stood up I was also surprised at how short she was- probably about 5ft 1, most girls I’ve been with have only been a bit shorter with me but I’ve always wanted to be with a short girl so here was the chance for two birds in one stone.

The good feeling I had before leaving continued. When I was walking to the bar I was feeling high on confidence like this is routine and I know it’s going to happen. There was the hiccup at sitting at the wrong table in the first bar but no big deal- onto the second bar it is where I can select the right table. We get up to leave and it then becomes immediately obvious that she can’t actually walk properly, she can’t bend the knee in one of her legs. I suddenly start feeling guilty, am I taking advantage of a disabled person? Is it rude to ask what her disability is? I decide it is, so we walk (slowly) to the next bar.

We sit down and cuddle up. I do what I always do and repeat my story in vivid detail about how my own immune system attacked me last summer and left me unable to walk for over two months. She then says about her leg- she had meningitis as a baby and so it deformed her leg. It made me realise that I wasn’t taking advantage at all and felt bad for even thinking that way- she’s just a normal person who just happens to be unlucky enough to have had something bad happen to her leg that’s entirely beyond her control. I really should have known better, although I guess stll when I first saw it and how short she is she just looked kinda vulnerable which was what made me feel bad. But now without any conscience holding me back and her shoving her tongue down my throat edging me forward, we head back to mine. My place is only five minutes away but I get an uber anyway.

She warned me that she was on her period. However I was horny and she was horny and we were only doing more things to enhance that mood so at that moment in time neither of us gave a shit. That’s the thing about periods- for most girls that’s actually when they are horniest yet paradoxically it’s the worst time to have sex, it’s cruel really. Why would any god allow such a situation?

So we get down to it. I know part of the fantasy of being with an older girl is that she can show you some tricks but at 28 I don’t have that so much anymore as I should really know enough tricks already by now. So I just completely dominated her as I would with any other girl and it was all the more fun considering how short she was. The 20 year old I’m seeing actually seemed more experienced than her- certainly a far better kisser. In some ways that’s not surprising- it’s easier to hook up than ever these days and society is more open minded than ever before so the 20 yearo ld quite easily could be more experienced.

When the deed was done, I roll over feeling satisfied with myself. I check the bedsheets, not too much blood. But then she rolls over and oh dear, quite a mess has been made. Not to worry, this is what washing machines are for. So the next day after work I strip my bed sheets and…. oh no. We have a problem. Stripping the bed sheets revealed that the blood had got much further than the sheets themselves- they had gone through and stained the bed mattress. Badly. This is not good- if I can’t wash this off then that is my room deposit lost for a new bed mattress. Nobody is going to take the room after me when they see the bed covered in blood stains. This could turn out to be the most expensive sex I’ve ever had.

I know what needs to be done- I’ve been here before. At new years eve my ex did the same thing round at my sisters. Cool as you like, she went and got some bleach from the bathroom and scrubbed it out like she did it every, er well, like every month. I brave it outside to sainsburys to get bleach and rubber gloves. I text the girl for advice and she says you only need a bit. Naturally I pour an excessive amount on each stain and then get scrubbing like a bitch. Not much progress so I repeat. Still not much more off, this is actually quite exhausting. I try a third time and whilst it’s dampened the stains a bit they are very much still there. Oh well fuck it, I can just hire a professional cleaner before I move out for an hour.

The period girl
