
He was sitting in class looking at the board In front of him that day, he reads out the equations on it and in his head begins to work them out at a quick pace, on his notebook he is writing quickly and furiously and within minutes he is finished, he gets bored as he has worked these so called hard equations before the lesson is even over with.

His mind begins to wander and as it does he finds himself staring her, the only woman that has ever caught his eye.

She is an older lady he remembers her saying one day that her birthday had just passed and she had turned thirtyone, he finds himself looking her out, her long brown hair drapping over her shoulders and her pretty blue eyes looking down at her work, he finds himself thinking that she is the only woman I know that would be worth my time and my effort, he notices that she is wearing a white shirt and a black skirt that day.

As he stares at her he loses track of his thoughts and finds himself in his own world a place where she does as he orders and is his property, he views her as his concubine he orders her to stand in front of him and then he begins to slowly strip her of her clothes, as he is lost in this world he is snapped out of it by a loud voice “Mr.Latham, do you mind telling me just what it is you are doing while you should be doing your work?”

He looks up at her surprised as he has just been pulled out of his fantasy world, he stutters “Sorry Miss I’ve finished the work and I got lost in my own mind for a bit” She looks at him for what feels like minutes but in reality is only a few seconds and says “See me after class Mr.Latham we need to talk, and it’s Mrs not Miss” He looks at her and blushes feeling foolish at his own mistake “Sorry Mrs.Jones” he replies.

As 4pm comes around the class ends the other students leave to go home leaving him in the classroom with Mrs.Jones, he looks at her as he stands in front of her desk and she looks up at him her head resting on her hands, she asks him “Just what was so much more interesting than my math class? Mr.Latham” He looks at her for a moment wondering if he should make up a lie and then deciding against it, it was time he had decided “That would be you Mrs” He says as he looks down at her his eyes narrowing a little, “I was just imagining you as my slave and doing all sorts of things to you as you do as your told”.

She looks up at him her face in disbelife at what she is hearing “You can not be serious” she says in a surprised voice a little higher pitched than useual and her face has gone a little blushed, “I am” he says looking at her keeping his eyes locked on hers “You are a very attractive woman Mrs.Jones and I am not afraid to say I am attracted to you, you are the first and only woman that I have seen that I feel is worth my time.”

She looks up at him she knows that she should tell this boy off, that she should reprimand him but all she can do is find herself looking at him and thinking to herself that this boy is quite good looking and mature for his age yet he is narcissistic, the end of the thought worries her a little but then she thinks that her husband has been less into sex than he has been before, the thought of being a slave to this boy crosses her mind and she shakes her head to dismiss it.

She takes a moment and goes outside and stands in the hallway, her hand on her chest she mutters under her breath “Pull yourself together woman, he is just eightteen and you are a grown woman don’t be foolish”, She walks back into the classroom and looks him straight in the eyes and says “While I am thankful for your attenion Mr.Latham, I will have to say that it is very inappropriate and I will not accept anymore of those kinds of thoughts in my classroom”.

He looks over at her his hands at his sides as his gaze becomes more intense she takes a step back, “If it was so inappropriate” he says, “Then why are you blushing so hard and having to take moments outside to calm yourself?” She looks at him her mouth open in shock as she knows he is right and that while it might be inappropriate she enjoyed it grately, “No…Now listen here” she says her voice breaking as she tries to regain her composure “This conversation ends now!” She ends up raising her voice a little with this last comment.

“You’re right” He says as he walks over to her “It does”. “You need to back up” she tells him as she tries to move back but hits a desk and notices that there is a wall behind her, as he cuts the distance to just a few inches, she looks at him and sees that his gaze has changed, no longer does the young innocent boy stand before her but right now is standing someone who is seeing her as his prey, his property, something he wants to devour, he reaches out and touches her hair sliding his hand up and down it, “You have to stop…” Before she can finish her sentence she feels his lips against hers as he kisses her, softly at first as his hand holds the back of her head, but as a few moments pass and she knows she should push away, as she tries he grips her hair hard and pulls her head back.

The motion causes her to pant as she can feel herself getting aroused, “We need to stop this” She says as she grips his shirt, “You say that and yet you are not pushing me away that hard, don’t deny it Mrs. Jones, we both know you want this” She looks up at him as he grips her hair and then glances away “But I am your teacher, this is wrong” He forces her to look at him and kisses her again, this time his kiss is more passionate and deep, her eyes begin to close and she can feel her restriction being swept away, she begins to return his kisses and unbuttons his shirt her hands running up and down chest as the shirt opens, she pulls his shirt back and as she does he lets go of her hair to allow her to remove it and toss it away.

She pushes him back as she looks at him shirtless in front of her, his body is hairless and his stomach is flat and toned, as she looks at him she gasps as she notices small burses and cuts, she steps back for a moment in shock and he moves forward, she regains her composure and then pushes him back again this time onto a table, he steadies himself on it and sits down as he looks at her, she walks over to him and puts her hand on his chin and lifts his head up to look at her “We do this and there is no going back, now tell me Mr. Latham are you sure this is what you want?” He looks up at her a small smirk coming over his face as he slaps her hand away and grabs her shoulders pulling her down and kissing her again, “I am not just sure Mrs. Jones I am positive, and my name is Ben” She feels her face blush as he talks to her in this manner, with such maturity for someone so young.

“Well Ben” She says smiling down at him, “When we are alone you can call me Jen, but only when we are alone” He looks up at her smiling “I will keep that in mind Jen, now how about we talk after we are through and continue, I have waited long enough for the day when I can get my hands on you” She looks at him “For such a young BOY you sure are mature and yet such a cocky, narcissistic little one” She smiles at him as she teases him by putting such an emphasis on the word boy, he looks up at her as his gaze again changes and he pushes her onto the desk she just got away from, “I am no BOY, and I think it is about time that you learn that” He returns the emphasis and at the same time as she looks into his eyes she feels a mixture of excitement and fear, how can someone have such a mixture of kindness, caring and politeness in his eyes and yet like a switch show almost no emotion except pure animalistic lust.

He reaches out with his hand and she flinches for a moment as his gaze looks at her, not as his teacher but as his prey, as a piece of meat that he owns and plans to devour, he grabs her throat and pushes her head back and kisses her his eyes still looking at hers as she is frozen like a deer in headlights, his tongue slowly slides into her mouth and dances with hers as she accepts it willingly.

His fingers begin to undo her shirt buttons as she kisses him and is frozen by his gaze, she feels her shirt open and her shirt sleeves removed one at a time as he keeps his grip on her throat tightly as their tongues continue their dance, he reaches behind her and unclips her bra with one smooth motion and lets it slide away her breasts give a little bounce as the fall from their prison.

He looks at her and stops his kissing “Now, how about you bend over this table” He says to her his fingers now gripping her nipples and pinching them, “And what if I don’t want to” She replies testing to see just how far he will go “That was not a suggestion” He replies twisting her nipples as he pinches them harder “It was an order” She winces and pants as he applies pressure to her nipples and stands up, he twists her nipples again so that she moves around to help ease the pain.

As she is facing the desk in front of her he pushes her forward causing her to have to catch herself, as she does she feels his hands sliding up her legs and snaking their way up her skirt, she gasps as she feels his finger tips pushing up against her thong, “Why today of all days did I have to wear this” She thinks to herself, he slides his hand up to the top of her thong and grips it in his hand and lifts it up causing the material to push and rub against her lips and asshole, she pants out and moans as the lace is pulled a little harder causing her to feel both pleasure and pain.

“Please” she pants out “Stop”, her words fall upon deaf ears as he instead increases his strength causing her to moan more “Maybe you still haven’t quite understood yet, you do not tell me what to do when we are alone Jen, you will now do as you are told, am I making myself clear?” She looks back at him and sees his gaze, she feels like she is looking at a lion who is about to move in for the kill, “Yes…I’m sorry Ben” she says, “Good girl” he replies.

As she hears these words she looks up at him as she hears this she looks up at him, her eyes trying to get a focus on his she sees his smile before his eyes, it isn’t the smile of a boy that is playing a prank, it is the smile of a man that is asserting his dominance over what he sees as his, she feels her skirt being flipped up and her thong pulled down, as it slides down to her ankles she steps out of it and gulps as he moves out of her view, and panics “Where is he, what is he going to do now” She thinks, she gets her answer as she feels the tip of a warm, wet tongue slide along her asscheeks, she bites her lips as she tries to stop herself from moaning out, unfortunately she loses this battle as she feels his tongue move inwards and slide up and around her asshole, “No!”, she moans out loudly her hands trying to reach to back to stop him, he simply grabs them both by the wrist and slaps them against her lower back holding her in place one handily.

He continues to work his tongue around her asshole, up and down and then in a slowly circle as she can no longer hold her moans and pants Jen lets them out loudly, behind her Ben smiles as he works his tongue lower down against her lips, parting them gently as he then slides lower down to her clit and flicks it gently and then sucks it into his mouth, he begins to nibble on it softly and the tip of his tongue swirls around it, she knows she needs to keep quiet but it feels too good, she moans out louder and her foot stomps the ground as she tries to keep herself from climaxing right this moment, between her thighs Ben can feel her clit throbbing in his mouth and he knows what is about to come.

Her pants become shorter and her moans louder, she can feel herself about to lose the battle as she pants out “Oh Ben don’t stop”, suddenly she feels him stop and stand up, she glances back at him and she feels a wave of fear hit her as she sees that gaze again, “Have you still not learnt” he says this time his voice has changed into more of a low growl, “You do not tell me what to do!” his voice raises as he lifts his right hand and lays a blow across her right asscheek, she cries out more of a cry of pain than pleasure, he throws her hands up towards her head and she notices that she can’t move them as the they have gone numb from being behind her back for so long.

He lays slap after slap onto her ass as he glares at her, his eyes have lost all emotion and she looks at him she pants out “I’m sorry Ben, please stop I won’t do it again I promise” he grabs her hair and pulls her head back “See it wasn’t that difficult now was it?” He kisses her his gaze has become more caring again, just as she lets her guard down and raises her hand to his cheek he notices it and slaps it away “Don’t touch me” his voice is flat and that gaze has returned, she lets her hand drop to her side as he moves back around behind her, she hears him unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants, she then feels him slap something hard and wet on her ass and lower back.

“No way is that his cock” she finds herself thinking but she soon gets her answer as she glances back, what she sees shocks her, “it is much bigger than my husbands” she thinks, before she can speak out against it she feels it being inserted into her as her lips begin to get stretched and she pants out and groans as he pushes in deeper, inch by inch she wonders just when it will end, suddenly he pulls back a bit and then rams forward his cock slamming into her wet hole.

She grips the side of the table and moans out loudly as she is being taken, she looks to the side and notices she can see his reflection in the window, he is smiling but the smile is almost malevolent as he continues to slam himself into her, she can feel herself again getting closer to climax and she knows this time she will not be able to fight it off, as he grabs her hair and pulls on it tightly her head is pulled back as he does this he slaps her sore and stinging ass, as she feels the mixture of pain, pleasure and excitement she can no longer hold back.

She moans out loudly and releases over his hard cock as he is still slamming away, he keeps his pace steady and firm as she continues to have aftershocks from her climax, her nails are now digging into the table as he doesn’t stop, she glances down at her watch and sees the time is now 5:30pm her husband will soon begin to wonder just where she is, Ben is not quite finished with her yet though, he grabs her hips and pulls out of her and then flips her over so she is facing him, he sits her on the table causing her ass to sting more, she winces as she feels the wave of pain but before it can set in she feels him slide back into her she almost screams out in pleasure, she slaps her hands onto his back and holds onto him.

He looks at her and says “dig your nails into my back” she does as she is told and digs her nails in deep and hard, as she does she hears him for the first time let out a moan softly at first but as she digs in deeper she feels his pace quicken, he moans out louder as she feels him throbbing inside of her and she wraps her legs around him her heels digging into his lower back, as she does this it pushes him over the edge and he grabs her throat hard and kisses her biting her lip as he begins to orgasm inside of her wet hole, he bites hard and she winces but doesn’t dare pull away as she is frozen by his gaze.

As he finishes his orgasm he leaves his cock deeply inside of her as he looks at her, his eyes close and when they reopen she notices the gaze of the Ben she has known for the past year, the caring and kind gaze has returned. “Thanks Jen” he says smiling at her “that was good, but don’t forget I own you now”.

She looks at him her mouth open as she can do nothing but nod her agreement, as he pulls out of her and turns around she sees that his back is bleeding from her nails and heels, she leans forward to stop him to tell him about it, before she can he looks at her and says “I know, I am bleeding, don’t worry I will always respect these marks you have left on me just as you will respect the one I have left on you, but make no mistake this does not make us equal”.

She looks at him puzzled, he smiles at her and says stand up as she does she sees a smudged small pool of blood on the table, as she feels his orgasm trickle down her thigh and leg she looks at him and asks what he did.

He shows her his thumb nail and it is longer and shaper than the rest,” I left you a little gift on your right asscheek” he says smiling “Enjoy it and embrace it”, he puts his shirt on and tie and lifts up his bag holding it in his hand, “I suggest getting dressed quickly and wiping that up, the cleaner will be coming soon” he walks to the door and pauses looking back “See you tomorrow Mrs. Jones” he says as he leaves, she looks back at her asscheek unable to see it, she pulls out her mirror and holds it behind her, cut into her cheek is a letter “B”, she thinks to herself “Just what am I going to tell my husband”.
